Tuesday, December 28, 2010


It's hard to believe that we are closing out another year. 2010 is soon to be a memory while 2011 is knocking on the door. In light of that, I'd like to take a moment to reflect upon a few of the happenin's of this past year plus look ahead to what I pray is going to be the best year ever. So here goes:
  • Absolutely blessed with a wonderful wife, children, and grandchildren. Rejoiced with the birth of Aubryn Ella in April to Todd and Melissa in Salina. Had the privilege of dedicating Addy (Eric and Andrea's girl) to the Lord at church in May. The little boys, Brayden and Owen are so much fun. Kyle (#3 son) is doing well at Southwestern and has himself a great girlfriend, Molly. Me? I have a great girlfriend as well - my wife and best friend Mary Lou. So blessed, so very blessed!

  • Also blessed to be serving at Mulvane UMC. I'm not going to lie, the transition has not been the smoothest. Change is never easy, for both the church and for the pastor. However, God has been doing His thing, working in and through the body. I've had the privilege to baptize many many person, receive dozens into the membership of the church, officiate multiple weddings and funerals, (both are opportunities for ministry), laugh with many, cry with many.

  • Many have lost loved ones. Marriages have struggled, some have fallen apart. Cancer has impacted multiple families. Sickness, old age, surgeries, and other health issues have caused much heartache in the lives of people. Over and over again I am reminded of the hope that is found as a result of faith in Jesus Christ in those who face times of difficulty.

  • Still trying to sort out all the dynamics that led to the death of our dear friend in western Kansas. Just a reminder that we can't answer the "why" questions.

  • Am reminded of the reality that friends are friends forever, even when we are separated by miles and miles.

  • Overjoyed that God gave us a vision at the church - "Inviting ALL to experience the life-transforming love of Jesus Christ". Now, will we live it out or just have a nice statement to hang on the walls and print in the bulletin?

  • Some nice time away to catch my breath and refocus - ML and I in Dallas with the Rankins, Colorado with my hunting buddies, a day here, a day there with my wife. Good way to avoid burnout.

  • God blessed me with some opportunities to preach and teach and lead worship in other places - (Walk to Emmaus, preaching revivals, Old Settler's Day, Baccalaureatte, etc)

  • Wishing I'd have said something when I should have or not said something when I shouldn't have. Also, pushing the "send" button is not recommended unless you are clear that what is "sent" will be fully understood.

  • Praying for wisdom, not just knowledge. Wisdom is the application of knowledge. Always learning that, aren't we?

  • Lots and lots of meetings. Productivity? That's the evaluative part.

  • Too many sleepless nights. Can't shut off the mind. That must change and it will.

It's been a great year but I'm glad it's behind me. Now for what lies ahead. I love the verse in Isaiah that says, "God is doing a new thing. Do you not perceive it?" I'm excited for what God has in store for me and my family and for the church that I serve. There are some people who are stepping out on faith regarding their future. You will hear about that in the months to come. There are others who are afraid to take the step of faith needed to help them understand what God seeks to do in their lives. If that is you, don't wait to find out "God's will for your life". That often is an excuse to hold back and not act upon what God is doing right now. Seek to discern what he desires for you TODAY. Then act upon it. Fasten your seatbelts. The ride into the new year is about to begin!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


On a night some 2,000 plus years ago the lives of some shepherds on a barren, rocky hillside outside of a little town called Bethlehem were forever changed. For those who always found themselves looking up to see the bottom, something happened - something heavenly (literally). What was just another boring night watching over some sheep that probably didn't even belong to them turned into an encounter with angelic messengers from God and ultimately God Himself. Good news was offered and received. Great joy was seen on the faces of the sheep watchers. A newfound giddy was found in their giddyup! Leaving the sheep behind, the shepherds hightailed it to town and met God in the flesh, the Savior who was Christ the Lord! All of a sudden these lowlifes became evangelists telling everyone what they had seen and heard. And what was a ho-hum night on the ouskirts of town for no-names on a hillside was replaced by transformed lifes who glorified and praised God for a night where he came to them as a baby, just as the angels told them. I pray that you all experience the same transformation, the same joy and the same amazement this Christmas. God has come in the flesh in the person of His Son Jesus. Join with the shepherds in glorifying and praising God.

Monday, December 13, 2010


I would sure like to be where this guy is (see above picture). Beautiful sunset, out by himself, away from all the hustle and bustle, just taking in God's creation. Ah yes, a little time of reflection. But since I'm here and not there, I'll just have to take a moment or two to reflect upon a few thoughts that are bouncing arounnd my head on this day. Feel free to respond with your own thoughts if you so desire.
  • Yes, I realize you are tired of hearing about deer hunting or seeing deer pictures but what I wouldn't give to just take a week and go walk the woods, sit in the evergreens along the pasture, or lean up against a hedge tree and watch the deer, coyotes, bobcats, quail, or whatever else comes along. Good stuff!! Just me and God and His creation. Yep, good stuff!

  • For you Mulvanites, I hope you were able sense God's presence in worship yesterday in the various services. Each was unique and the variety of songs and styles of music gave us a wonderful opportunity to experience the "Good news of Great Joy" that the shepherds felt that holy night so long ago!

  • Reading The Forgotten God by Frances Chan - Reversing our tragic neglect of the Holy Spirit. Why are we so scared of the Holy Spirit? Why do want to talk about God and Jesus yet avoid talking about the Holy Spirit? I tell you what, I NEED the Holy Spirit just to make it through each week. Why would I settle for the $100 when the million is there for the taking (actually receiving)? Come Holy Spirit, come!!

  • Just wondering - would we rather leave Jesus in a manger as a baby then have him grow up, die on a cross, be buried, rise on the 3rd day, ascend to heaven, and then have the audacity to ask us to follow him - to take up our cross and follow him? Isn't Jesus more manageable when he's lying in a manger trough?

  • Someone said there ought to be a degree offered for those who want to Major on the Minors. Hmmm..........

  • Kudos to ML and Amy Nelson who kept it together long enough to play and sing for Jenny Schaar's funeral this morning. Awesome job! More importantly, your gifts brought great comfort to the family.

  • So how are you doing this Advent?? Preparing? (How?) Anticipating? (What are you anticipating?) Expecting? (Again, what are you expecting?) It's hard to stay focused isn't it? Keep at it. Emmanuel is soon to arrive.

  • Grandkids are so much fun. ML went to Topeka this past week to see Brayden (our 3 year old) in his first Christmas program. (I saw the video). He goes to a pre-school at a church in Topeka. He was all excited, all dressed up, and ready to sing the songs with the others. The problem? He didn't sing a word. He clapped, he rang bells, he looked awesome - just didn't sing. After the program Mimi (ML) told him that he did a great job but asked why he didn't sing. His answer - "I was being quiet". (Just like the teacher had told the kids prior to the program.) Don't you just love it??

  • Another thought (or question) - Could it still be Christmas without a tree, candy, the opening of presents, a meal at the relatives, or a candlelight service? Just wondering.

  • Getting ready to go outside and clean a few more windows. Our open house is this Saturday from 2-5 pm and you are all invited! Yes, ALL are invited...... So, with that in mind, I bid you farewell. I'm sure I'll have more time to ponder as I spray on the windex. Hope to see you all Saturday!!

Monday, December 06, 2010


I mentioned in the last blog that I was going hunting and as you can see, it was a good day. An 11 point whitetail less than a half-mile from the house where my wife and I first lived over 33 years ago. My son was about 10 yards from me videoing the whole thing ( I didn't know it at the time). My reaction after the shot was pretty funny. My nephew was about 1/8 of a mile to the west. It was great to be with those guys and they were very helpful with regards to processing the meat which happens to be in my freezer. ML is not too sure about the meat. Stay tuned.
It was good to get away for the day - beautiful weather, great comraderie, and success. Yep, a good day. I've told people that even if I would not have brought home a deer, just being out in God's creation is worth it. There's something about getting out in the cold brisk air, walking through the woods and the pastures, setting back against the trees, seeing deer, coyotes, birds, etc. - ah yes, refreshing!
And now, of course, it's all about the story. It gets better every time I tell it. And believe me, I told it a few times. I really wanted to put the picture up on the big screen at church but it didn't quite fit into the Advent theme. But it was considered a "joy" during our prayer time when we lifted up joys and concerns. The most fun came on Sunday evening when we had an early Christmas gathering with a bunch of the uncles, aunts, and cousins on my mom's side of the family. I just happened to have pictures. And stories. And then my 16 year old niece joined in by telling me to go look in her car. Yep, the antlers of a 9 pointer. Another good story. And then my cousin and uncle came late. Why?? Because they'd been deer hunting.
Lots and lots of stories. Lots and lots of fun. And as I mentioned to a few folks earlier, much jocularity. It was a great weekend, rather deer to my heart. Get it?
Have a wonderful week. God is good!!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010


Sorry folks. I've been buried this week so no words of wisdom or much of anything else. However, going hunting with my son on Friday so maybe I'll get inspired for the next blog. Beware, Bambi's daddy!!

Monday, November 22, 2010


JUST a note to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!! As blessed as we all are, my prayer is that we would offer our thanks to God not so much for what He has done for us and given us, but for who He is - the God who has seen fit to love us so much that He would give us His one and only Son, that whoever will believe in Him, will not perish, but have everlasting life. Now that's a reason to be thankful!

Bless you all. Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I love this picture of Jesus laughing. I have a print of it hanging in my office at church. After all, Jesus said he came to offer us life, abundant life. And how can there be life without a little laughter? I mean really, there are so many pictures of Jesus with such a stoic look on his face, as if he never had any fun, as if he never laughed. He had to laugh. Just look at the disciples he chose to follow Him. And look at us? Pretty funny. Think about it:
  • "Hey Peter, I'm supposed to build my church upon you, the rock. Seriously??"
  • James and John - sons of thunder? More like sons of blunder.
  • So, Saul tells the folks in Damsacus that he saw the light. Their reply, "So did Hank Williams, not too good an ending to his life, huh?"
  • Elijah, you're a real piece of work. Fire from heaven, defeat of the prophets, and you tuck your tail and run from a woman. Cinch it up mister!
  • Baseball in the Bible - Genesis 1:1 speaks of the big inning.
  • God's name? Harold - Our Father who art in heaven, Harold be thy name.
  • Or is it Andy? Andy walks with me Andy talks with me.....
  • Joshua on the day the sun stood still - "I thought this day would never end."
  • Rick, why did you leave your mic on when you left the sanctuary?
  • PR, fyi - the cows are getting out!
  • By the way, make sure the correct song is cued up for church. For some reason, beans and a campfire didn't seem to be theme for the day.
  • Oh yeah, since Christmas is coming, make sure the tree is securely fastened in the stand. It kind of takes away from the mood when it falls during communion.
  • And when a kid says his neighbor is old and has white hair like you, just go with it!

Don't take yourself too seriously this week. Laugh a little, It's good for the soul!!

Monday, November 08, 2010


I mentioned that I was reading this book by Francis Chan entitled Crazy Love. This is not a book for the faint of heart - Chan smacks you right in the face with an urgency for the church in America to step up and be the biblical church, not some American construct of what we want the church to be. I want to reference chapter four - People of the Lukewarm. Chan seeks to awaken the church from it's slumber lest it become lukewarm and is spit out of Christ's mouth (Rev. 3: 16). Take note of Chan's thoughts and questions:
  • Has your relationship with God actually changed the way you live?
  • Do you see evidence of God's kingdom in your live?
  • Would you describe yourself as totally in love with Jesus Christ? Or do the words half-hearted, lukewarm, and partially committed fit better?

Lukewarm people:

  • Attend church fairly regularly. It is what is expected of them, what they believe "good Christians" should do.
  • Give money to charity and the church - as long as it doesn't impinge on their standard of living.
  • Don't really want to be saved from their sin; they want only to be saved from the penalty of their sin.
  • Call "radical" what Jesus expected of all His followers.
  • Rarely share their faith with their neighbors, coworkers, or friends. They do not want to be rejected, nor do they want to make people uncomfortable by talking about private issues like religion. (Hmm, how does this statement relate to our vision statement?)
  • Guage their morality or "goodness'"by comparing themselves to the secular world.
  • Do not live by faith; their lives are structured so they never have to.
  • Probably drink and swear less than average; but besides that, they really aren't very different than your typical unbeliever.

I think you get the point. Thoughts? Comments? And to think, this is only from one chapter. Read it if you dare.....then let's talk!

Thursday, November 04, 2010


JUST a few thoughts on this Thursday:
  • The devil still likes to mess with us doesn't he? Yesterday I had several things on the schedule - a meeting with a person to talk about the faith at noon, time with the children in the afternoon to talk about communion and Christ's invitation to all of us to respond to his love, and then a membership class in the evening. And of course, I get the flu during the night on Tuesday. Isn't that just like the devil to step in to attempt to keep us from doing ministry? Bottom line - I stayed home all day yesterday until the membership class and God gave me the strength to facilitate that group (17 of them). God is good.
  • Wow! I forgot how much work it is to take care of little kids. ML and I were in Salina on Sunday evening and Monday to help take care of the grandkids - Owen and Aubryn. Full time job. But lots of fun, lots of fun.
  • Last Sunday God really blessed us with His presence. I finished the sermon series that focused on the vision that God has given us - "Inviting all to experience the life-transforming love of Jesus Christ". I spoke on the truth that "It's all about Jesus". Think about it! If we leave Jesus out of the mix we are just merely being religious and we know that Jesus didn't come to introduce a new religion. He came to offer a new relationship - a huge difference. And based on the response Sunday, there is a real desire for that relationship.
  • I would ask that you pray for marriages in our community. The devil is working hard to destroy families. Pray for forgiveness and reconciliation in the lives of those who are struggling. Pray they will look to Jesus for healing and restoration. Nothing is too difficult for God so let's covenant to pray for the marriages that are under attack.
  • Are any of you out there tired? I don't know, maybe it's just because I have been sick, but I'm tired. Some of it is the fact that there are so many folks going through such difficult times - heartache, pain, sickness, etc. It might be good just to lay down and take a nap. What say you?
  • I had a "first" happen to me last week. I officiated a wedding on Thursday evening because the couple was going deer hunting over the weekend. Priorities, you know!
  • I'm going to the KSU/Texas game this weekend. The bad thing? It starts at 7:00 pm so it will be very late getting home. I'm very grateful we are turning the clocks back an hour on Saturday night.
  • So, how serious will we be about living out the vision God has placed before us? Will we be intentional about inviting others to experience a transformed life that comes by placing faith in Jesus? Or will it just be a nice 6 week sermon series that we will forget about and move on to something else? The truth be told, God will hold us accountable. Let us respond in obedience.
  • Need prayer? Let me know. Have a great week!

Monday, October 25, 2010


Saturday we had a little family get-together here in Mulvane. Todd, Eric, and I celebrate birthdays in October so we had a little birthday party. Right after lunch we went to a local park and had our pictures taken by a woman from our church. She did a great job, especially working with 4 grandbabies and the Kansas wind. Thanks Chele.

Here's the four grandkids. ML is holding Addy. I am holding Aubryn. Brayden is in the middle and Owen is on the right. They are a blast to have around. And to think - 2 boys and 2 girls! Pretty amazing!

Yep, here we are - Just us! All together at one time - a miracle. Todd and Melissa are on the left with Owen and Aubryn. Eric and Andrea are on the right with Brayden and Addy. Kyle is in the middle between ML and Andrea.
ML and I are so blessed with our kids, their wives, and the grandkids. We love them dearly and are very proud of each one. But the greatest blessing is knowing that each one of the boys and their wives have made Jesus their Lord and Savior of their lives. They are all involved in their local churches and are serving in various ways. To know that we are not only family on this earth, but that we will always be together in eternity because of our faith in Christ is truly a reason to rejoice! So, praise the Lord for family! And "double" praise the Lord for helping us come to grips with what Joshua proclaimed in Scripture, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!"

Monday, October 18, 2010


A milestone was reached this past weekend as 41 women completed the 100th "walk" of the Bread of Life Community Walk to Emmaus in Wichita. What an incredible story to think that over 3,000 men and women have taken part in the 72 hour spiritual journey with Christ from all over the state of Kansas (and other states as well). For those of you who are unaware of the Walk to Emmaus, (in a nutshell) it is a Thursday evening to Sunday afternoon gathering of men (one weekend) and women (the next weekend) who come together to be challenged, restored, renewed, and encouraged in their faith in Jesus Christ with the intention of not only strengthening individuals, but strengthening the local church.

As one who has been involved in countless walks and am now the community spiritual director, I have seen lives and churches transformed as a result of what God has done through the Walk to Emmaus. And as is always the case, this happened again these past 2 weekends. Men and women experienced God's grace in ways never before experienced. They experienced God's love through times of fellowship, times around the table, various talks given by both laity and clergy, times of worship, and times of invitation to the Lord's table. And to hear the testimonies of those who participated - well, once again God did His thing. What a blessing!

I am so thankful for those who were sensitive to the Holy Spirit back in 1987 to charter the wallk in the Wichita area. I am grateful for their persistence, their energy, their patience, their endurance, and their love for the Lord to see that this movement would carry through and carry on. And yes, here we are - 100 walks later. Incredible!

As I mentioned last week, I am seeking to discern those areas that I need to set aside because of my busy schedule. And to be honest, I was considering stepping down from my role in Emmaus. But God affirmed to me through various circumstances and through the voices of many people this past weekend that I am to continue to lead the Bread of Life Community. I have experienced God's working in my life through Emmaus. I have seen lives - men and women - transformed because of Emmaus. I have seen and experienced what Emmaus can do to transform the life of the local church as well. So, with that being said, I commit myself to serving the Lord in this capacity until the Lord tells me differently.

To you who have gone through the walk - De Colores!! To you who will be participating on the future, let me know your desire and I'll be sure and get you a sponsor for the next walk or one down the road. The next walk? 2011 in Garden City, Kansas. Men's walk - March 3-6. Women's walk - March 10-13. Looking to experience God? Take a walk - a walk to Emmaus.

Friday, October 08, 2010


Hi folks. It's been a little while since I've been able to do this here blog thing. Busy as all get out! Since I returned from the high country I've hit the ground running. A couple of funerals, several meetings, preached a 3 day revival, was sick, my mother-in-law's 80th, my 52nd, did this, did that. But, God has been faithful. Very thankful. Here's a few thoughts. I encourage your comments.

  • I began a series preaching on the vision that God has given our church - "Inviting ALL to experience the life-transforming love of Jesus Christ". Last week I preached on being very intentional about us inviting others to church to experience God and what He has in store for them. This week I will speak on the invitation offered to ALL!. Stay tuned.

  • Enjoyed getting together with ML's family in Marion on the 2nd for her mom's 80th birthday celebration. A good time was had by all. Lots of fun- games, food, laughter, food (did I already say that)? We too often take family for granted. It's God's blessing!

  • Just bought another couple of books by Francis Chan. Crazy Love and Forgotten God. Pick up a copy of each. But beware - you will be challenged and convicted. Good stuff.

  • Watched K-State get hammered by Nebraska last night. Wow! Big time F on the fotball grade card. Still shaking my head (thus the neck ache).

  • Preached a 3 day revival in Peabody. Aulne joined forces. God was in the house. Great participation and wonderful response to the "invitation" to come and leave the junk of life at the foot of the cross. Had the opportunity to pray with many folks - many issues. The time was sweet. Unfortunately, the third night is really when you get a feel for what is going on in the lives of the people. Need to take a few more nights. I plan to do a follow up after the first of the year. Thanks to ML and some of the Mulvanites who showed up Monday evening. (It was a nice b-day present). Also stayed at my folks 8 miles up the road during that time. That was special.

  • Praying for some friends who are going through cancer. It really stinks. However, God is faithful. Will we be faithful to support and pray for those who are struggling? Will we be the church or just "go to church"?

  • ML and I went with a sunday School class from church today to the Carriage Crossing in Yoder for lunch. Wow, I am still stuffed - fried chicken, mashed potatos, corn, home made bread, coconut cream pie. Oh yeah! Not to mention some great fellowship. Thanks to the Crusader/Phoenix class.

  • A couple of dear saints from the church passed away and I officiated their funerals these past 2 weeks. We have all been blessed and impacted by the lives of Mary Croft and Dolly Pittman. Thank you Lord for their lives.

  • I could use your prayers. Trying to sort out those things that are merely "good" in contrast to those that are "best". I can't keep this pace and remain effective for the kingdom.

  • I'd appreciate your thoughts on any of the above or anything else because I am trying to determine if this blog is something that needs to continue or go into hibernation. Let me know.

  • Have a great week!!! Blessed art thou!

Monday, September 20, 2010


Just returned from the annual (give or take) elk trip to the high country. As always, God outdid Himself regarding the beauty of the area. The weather was great. The scenery was awesome. And the time away was priceless.
It was a little tough on me as I arrived in the mountains with a head cold. And for the first time, I succumbed to the altitude and got sick for the first day or two. However, that did not keep me from getting around to climbing the ridges to pursue the elusive big game animal known as "the elk". It took me a few days to get my feet under me but it was worth it.
The elk were definitely active. If you've never heard a bull elk bugle, you're missing out. They were getting after it, trying to impress the ladies. Here's the kicker. The rest of the guys got to see the show ( the elk running here and there, etc.). Me? I was always at the wrong place at the right time - in other words, I didn't get an elk, nor did I ever see one. But my brother has it all on video so the proof is in the puddin'. Hopefully I can get some of that to show on a future blog.
As I have mentioned before, if I get an elk, great!. But even if I don't, it's till great!! The joy is being up in God's creation away from the hectic pace of the everyday activity of life. And this year I especially enjoyed the time away with my brothers, Randy and Rod, and my buddies, Craig and Bill. The fellowship with them on the drive to and from the mountains, riding horses here and there, walking the ridges, sitting around the fire, scouting the mountains and the meadows, eating the good grub, and laughing and carrying on was fantastic. You can't put a price on that.
God blessed our time. He kept us safe. He watched over our families and friends while we were gone. He met us in the midst of His creation. Until next year...................................

Tuesday, September 07, 2010


Just a few thoughts before I make my way west for the annual elk hunt:

  • Casting Crowns concert last Friday evening. Not just a concert but an incredible worship experience. Their music is deep. Check it out!!

  • Football season has begun. I love it. But, I wonder how much time I'll waste watching a game when I should be doing something productive. I know, I know...priorities.

  • Reading Christian Atheists by Craig Groeschel. Ouch!! (But good stuff)

  • Think about this statement - "God is not fair". Do we really want God to be fair? If so, what are the implications?

  • David Crowder band - "Afflictions eclipsed by glory" from the song O, How He Loves Me.
    Meditate on that awhile. Wow!

  • Jesus was more concerned about people than rules. Crazy, huh?

  • In the midst of working on the budget for the upcoming church year. How will we balance faith and actual resources on hand? What do we believe God is asking of us? What steps of faith will be needed to join God in what HE is doing?

  • If we are the body...........................

  • Getting ready to experience God in His great outdoors. Elk hunting with my brothers and buddy Craig in the high country of Colorado. You all have a great week and I'll catch ya later....................................................................maybe.


Monday, August 30, 2010

JUST wondering!

Hmmmm......... I find myself reflecting on some conversations and some experiences that occurred just yesterday and ask myself, "God, what are you up to?" As I have mentioned before, it is important to pay attention to what is happening around you, me, us, for as we are sensitive to those "happenins" we just might see God at work. We just might hear God speaking to us. We just might be the recipients of God's desire to do something in our midst. Let me share some things I observed yesterday (just one day, mind you).

  • A young man has moved to town and attended worship yesterday. He has no vehicle. He walked more than a mile to get to church. He seems to have a desire to worship with us, to pursue this thing called "Christianity", to join the church, to join a Bible study. There are a few dynamics involved. My question. How will we respond? How welcoming will we be? Is anyone willing to provide him with a ride to and from church? Hmmm...
  • A family showed up during the greeting time of one of our services. They mentioned to one of our greeters that they had no clue what to do, what was going on, where to go, etc. But yet, here they were, looking to worship with us. Yes, a few dynamics involved in this situation as well. (Where aren't there dynamics?) Again, for some reason God drew them to come and worship with us. And again, our response? What it going to be?
  • A new family in church came to me and mentioned their desire for their children to be baptized and for them as parents to join the church. Asked about how we could go about that. I'm all over that. Exciting? I should say so! SO!!
  • I received a FB message from a person who is hungry for more of God, for more of his word, for a deeper faith. Wanted to know if I could offer some assistance in some material, maybe a deeper Bible study. Some things had happened "coincidently" in the past couple of days and as a result, there is a deep desire to grow in the faith. Again, very exciting!!
  • I received another FB message also requesting for their children to be baptized. AND they asked about sharing a testimony about God's work in the midst of their family's situation. How awesome is that? Let the redeemed of the Lord say so! SO!!
  • And then (yes, all these examples are just from yesterday), a person pulled me aside who does not go to church but began to ask me the questions that most people want to ask but are afraid to do so. You know, the "God" questions. As a result, I will be meeting with this person later this week to continue that conversation. I may not have all the answers but I am willing to listen.
I say all of this because God is up to something, He is doing his thing and as Lorna said yesterday, "do you not perceive it?" Now I find myself "JUST wondering" what it is that He is inviting me, inviting you, to be a part of. I don't know about you, but I believe God is checking us out to see if we are really going to be the church, not just go to church. I've gone to church all my life. I'm more interested in being the church. Anybody with me???

Monday, August 23, 2010


Hi all,

I planned to have a blog up and runnning today that highlighted my grandson's 3rd birthday as well as some of the Old Settler's Day events, including the worship servcie in the park. But alas, some conflicts today. So I hope to have something for you by Wednesday night. Out of town tomorrow for some meetings. Until then, check out amynelsonmom.blogspot.com. She'll bless you.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Lord, on this day I am reminded that it is so easy to lose focus of what you really desire for me and for the church. The busyness of each day, the expectations of others, my own expectations. I find myself often asking, is this what you really want - to push paper around, to research and implement new programs, to be the designated referee, to merely put out the latest fire, to be so consumed by what our culture calls "church" that at the end of the day I ask "what just happened?" I know the answer but Lord, I find myself asking, 'Who is going to visit so and so in the hospital, who is going to lead this meeting or that meeting, what about that marriage falling apart, what about these kids who know very little if anything about Jesus, what about a realistic understanding of the church? Lord, the church is your idea and is your way to reach a lost and dying world with good news, with hope, with purpose, with joy, with life, life to the fullest. I think I get it, but I often feel trapped because of what we've made church become - a building on the corner where we gather with our friends and family to "go to" church. But Lord, is it something we "go to?" Isn't it something we are supposed to be - a body made up of men and women, boys and girls who claim Jesus as Lord and Savior and then are commissioned to invite others into that same relationship? Are we just getting in the way of that with all the stuff? Am I getting in the way with all the stuff? Lord, there are some great things that are happening, I don't deny that. But, I so much desire to experience YOU more and for others to do the same - to truly experience how your love can transform lives. Isn't that what it's all about? Last night I was reminded of the statement that says"Lord, break my heart with the things that break your heart." I don't want my heart to break over the things that don't matter. Make my heart break over the things that do. That's my prayer. Thankfully you can make sense of it, even if I can't.


Monday, August 09, 2010


Just returned from our mission trip to McCurdy school in Espanola, New Mexico. McCurdy is a private school that is related to the United Methodist Church and provides education to children from pre-school through high school. It is located in northern New Mexico and is in a county that has over 18% unemployment and has a median income of roughly $29,000, far below the national average of 41,000. The community is affected by drugs, gangs, and violence yet McCurdy is a light on a hill that shines in the darkness. The public schools have a drop out rate of 53% while McCurdy proudly boasts of a 0% drop out rate. Very remarkable. The graduates go on to college and many become very successful in their careers and vocations.

God really blessed us while we were there. As I have mentioned lately, a change of pace and a change of place changes one's perspective. As a result of our trip, we once again were reminded of how blessed we really are. We have so much and take so much for granted. Sadly, it often takes a trip like this for us to keep things in perspective. 10 adults and 7 youth gave of their time and worked hard this past week - painting, mopping, waxing floors, pulling and digging weeds, fixing doors, fixing a roof, moving furniture, cleaning, cooking, etc, etc.. We worked hard but it was worth it. I was reminded of the verse in Luke where Jesus said he came not to be served, but to serve. And that was what we did. We served, knowing that we would probably never ever see the students that we were helping. But it was very satisfying, that in some small way we became the hands and feet of Christ, reaching out to others in need. It was good, very good. Thanks to all for your prayers. God definitely honored them!

Sorry about the dark pic but I wanted you all to see the staff of McCurdy gathered in prayer in preparation for the new school year which was to begin today.

Each night we had a time of singing and devotions - a blessed time.

Is Carl really having that much fun??

Here we are, all 17 of us. Quite a group, huh?

Help!! I'm being attacked by the desk monster!

Monday, July 26, 2010


This has been a great week to experience God at work - those "God moments" where you know that you know that you have experienced God in a special way. Let me give you a few examples if you don't mind:

I mentioned the Kansas Christian Ashram last week. The "Big Two" led us - Dennis Wallace as the evangelist and Steve Rankin as the Bible teacher. God really used them - incredible! Dennis spoke to us from the book of Nehemiah with regards to Passion - the drive that burns within us to do what we do as Christians. He spoke of our need to be passionate, the source of passion, the power of passion, and the slayers of passion. Bottom line - no passion, no ministry.
Steve challenged us to grow in our faith as Christians due to the fact that we find ourselves stuck in the Peter Pan syndrome - never wanting to grow up. Spiritual maturity is not just about following the rules, knowledge of the Bible, knowing theology, or merely practicing spiritual disciplines. It's about becoming fully what and who God designed us to be. It's about embodying the attitude and actions of Jesus. It's about moving beyond religiosity and living in a way that allows others to see that loving God and loving others is our priority. To settle for remaining in a childlike faith is not an option. (I've got the notes and the Scriptural passages to go with them if you'd like).
Of course the Cross Focus praise team did a marvelous job in leading us in worship. What a blessing. It was not just about performance, but about entering the throne room of God. Thanks!
Sunday was another blessed day as I was able to baptize a beautiful little girl named Rachel. her dad had just returned from serving in the military and he and his wife wanted Rachel baptized before returning to Virginia Beach. What a joy to be a part of what God is already doing in the life of that little one. And then 3 person made their vows to become members of the church. Just another joy to covenant together to pray for each other and hold each other accountable as we continue on the journey of faith.
So, as you can see, God is definitely doing his thing. His Holy Spirit is alive and well and if will just get out of the way and submit ourselves to his will, we will experience the things of God that will increase our passion, mature us in the faith, draw us into the throne room, and draw us closer to each other as the family of God. Praise the Lord! Can I get an Amen?? Let the redeemed of the Lord SAY SO!
Comments anyone???????
(Next week I will be in New Mexico on a mission trip. If able, I will send some reports. Keep me in your prayers).

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Today Lorna, (our lay ministry coordinator, ML, and I head to Sterling for a few days to participate in the 2010 Kansas Christian Ashram. The Ashram is a family camp and disciplined time for Christian fellowship and learning. It began under the influence of E. Stanley Jones, a missionary to India. Ashram is a Hindi word meaning "away from hard work" thus it encourages us to get away from the grunt and groan of everyday life to get away with God and His people for a time of spiritual learning and refreshment. And in the midst of our time together, the central theme of the Ashram will be "Jesus is Lord!"

This year our Bible teacher will be Steve Rankin, the current campus minister and chaplain at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. The evangelist will be Dennis Wallace, senior pastor at Asbury UMC in Wichita. Yes, a couple of heavy hitters!! Top notch, I can't wait.

The picture above was of me preaching at the 2004 Ashram. What a privilege it was. This year I am excited to be one of those who will glean from the teaching and preaching by Steve and Dennis. Maybe you all can join us next year. You can be sure you will be blessed!

Jesus is Lord!!!

PS - Jo - see you there???

Monday, July 12, 2010


Our vision team has been reading and studying a book by Craig Groeschel entitled It- How Churches and Leaders Can Get It and Keep It! It's a great read and has helped guide us in some of our decisions regarding the focus and direction for our church. I was given another book by Groeschel from Todd and Melissa for Father's day entitled The Christian Atheist - Believing in God but Living as if He Doesn't Exist.

Now I havn't read the book as of yet but am very intrigued by the title because it's something I've been thinking about for some time. Do we really believe all that we proclaim when it comes to our faith? Do we really believe in miracles? Do we really believe that God can heal? When we set a budget at church, is it based upon what we believe God desires and wants to do or is it based upon our human limitations? Do we believe in the transformation of lives? Do we believe in the power of the Holy Spirit? Do we believe that God will supply our every need (not wants)? Do we believe that God will empower us to do his work? Do we believe that God answers prayer?

Our lives tell the story. What do our lives say about what we proclaim? Honestly, I've been a Christian atheist before. Probably still am in certain areas in my life. And if you are honest, you can relate. I do know one thing. I want to live a life that reflects what I proclaim to believe. How about you?

I'll read the book and give you my thoughts later. Until then, I choose to believe!

Tuesday, July 06, 2010


I'm not sure about this tweeting thing that has swept across the country (or world). I barely can deal with the Facebook thing. But since it's Tuesday and I couldn't think of a "t" word to go with Tuesday, I just came up with tweeting. So there, sue me if you must. But here's a few "tweety" thoughts for you to ponder:
  • I read this past week that instead of being frustrated with closed doors, it might behoove you to approach them as divine detours. Think about that!

  • I think I am really going to like this grandpa thing. Oh yeah!

  • I'm so glad I can talk to my kids about the things of God, the church, spiritual growth, etc. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be?

  • Surprised by some friends from out west who came to visit us at church last Sunday and then went to lunch. Bound by the cords of God's love - great to see you Jack and Lois!

  • Did I mention elk hunting is only 2 months and 3 days away? But who's counting?

  • Guy's advice - don't ever answer your cell phone if you happen to be shopping with your wife and you see it's your buddy calling. Just let it go to the the voice mail!

  • Picked up another book entitled theChristianatheist by Craig Groeschel that lifts up the concern of believing in God but living as if He doesn't exist. Hmmmm..........................

  • This Sunday - a baptism, 5 persons joining the church, and some testimonies by the youth. Can I get a witness? I should say so!

  • God's doing some wonderful things. As I was reminded this past weekend, "Step up, step in, or step back." I say let's step up and step in and get after it! Ya with me?

  • So, what's happening in your world? What's God up to in your arena? Let me know. See ya!

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Sunday during worship I mentioned a book entitled Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson. Actually ML gave me the CD version and we spent some time listening to it while driving last week while on vacation. It's a great book that speaks of the Wild Goose as a metaphor for the Holy Spirit and that there is a great adventure in "chasing" the wild goose. Batterson speaks of 6 cages that get in the way of our experiencing all that God so much desires for our lives as Christians. The cage of responsibiliy (or irresponsibility), routine, assumption, guilt, fear, and failure. These are areas in our lives that act like cages, little prisons, that can make us innefective believers.

The "cage of routine" jumped out at me. Often we don't realize it, but pretty soon we find ourselves doing the same ole, same ole. We get in a rut of doing the same thing on Monday, then on Tuesday, then on Wednesday, etc. etc. Next we end up just going through the motions without even realizing it and therefore we miss out on what God is doing or what He wants to do in and through us. Thus the need to mix it up a little.

Batterson mentioned the need to change the pace and change the place so that you can change the perspective of what's going on around you - specifically what God is doing around you. For instance, you can go to church week after week, experience the same order of service each and every week, sit in the same pew or chair, sing the same songs in the same order and pray the same prayers. Order and routine are good, but not at the expense of missing out on experiencing God.

So...... why not go on a mission trip, go on a spiritual retreat, attend a Christian conference, go to church camp. Bottom line? Change the pace, change the place, and gain a new perspective of God's desire to work in your life. Experience God in a way that is fresh and exciting because you stepped out of the box a little. Get out of the routine and experience the adventure God has for you.

What say you? Are you willing to mix it up a little? The same ole same ole is..............well, the same ole same ole. Get out of the cage of routine and chase that wild goose. You won't be sorry!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We've been in Dallas a few days spending time with our friends the Rankins. Also, have been able to spend a little time with Kyle and Molly so it's worked out real well. On Tuesday we went into Dallas and toured the 6th Floor Museum from where Lee Harvey Oswald shot President JFK. It was rather surreal to be standing on the same floor and see the window from where the gun was fired to kill the President. It was a self guided tour using a headset to guide a person through the ordeal. The above picture was taken from my phone and is the location where Kennedy was shot as you look back toward the building. The end window on the right on the second floor from the top is where Oswald shot the gun. A rather tumultuous time in our history. People looking for peace then, people searching for peace now. Only one offers that peace - Jesus!

This is a picture of Kyle and a girl named Rachel working with a group of kids at the Casa Linde UMC in Dallas. His group numbered around 20 and they were in the midst of "Deal or no deal". Kyle's theme for the week was game shows and he used that theme to teach kids about God's love. He is loving it, as is his girlfriend Molly. A great experience for both of them. It is a joy to see our kids in ministry. Makes a dad proud. Planning on seeing Kyle and Molly again this evening if it works out on the campus of SMU. We'll see how it goes.
Dallas - a great place to visit but wouldn't want to live there. See ya!

Monday, June 14, 2010


  • Great worship yesterday! Invited people to "bring the sacrifice of praise" into the house of the Lord! Hand waving, hand clapping, standing up and praising the Lord expressive kind of worship. Ah yes - good stuff!

  • Also, "be still and know that I am God" kind of worship. Sweet!

  • World Cup Soccer - Scores like 0-0, 1-0, 1-1???? Really???

  • ML keeps telling me to quit griping about the humidity. UGH!!!

  • 3 months til elk hunting - but who's counting?? Unfortunately I didn't draw a bull tag, only a cow tag. Pass the anti-depressant. Sad, so sad. Thought I was a shoe-in this year.

  • If the Big 12 loses 2 teams , does it become the Big 10? And if the Big 10 gains 2 teams, does it become the Big 12? College sports - ruined by greed!!

  • Went fishing with my dad and brother last week. Ask me about the one that got away! Should have thrown the net on the other side of the boat. A good time none-the-less.

  • Wheat harvest has begun in the area. (rain has stopped it for now). Reminds me that the fields are ripe for harvest but the laborers are few.

  • How many cats roam the streets in Mulvane? Too many!

  • Did I mention that I like cherry pie?? And thanks to you who have given me advice where to buy a good hamburger.

  • So, what are you reading lately?? Me? Extravagant Worship by Darlene Zschech.

  • Busy week this week - getting ready to go on vacation, but first, a wedding (James and Susan) on Saturday.

  • Jesus is Lord!! Amen??? Amen!!!

Tuesday, June 08, 2010


Proverbs 27:17 says this, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man (person) sharpens another." Last week there was a request to blog on this verse so here we go. In America we find ourselves in a very individualistic culture where "it's all about me", "leave me alone", "it's none of your business". Well, I beg to differ. As Christians, my business is your business and vice versa which then gives us license to hold each other accountable. Now as you all know, that can get a little dicey from time to time because accountability can be perceived as judgmental which then leads to arguments, fighting, even a break in relationship. Yes, there are times when we do become judgmental and that is not healthy. But, there is nothing wrong with a good face to face "discussion" when there is cause for concern. We owe that to each other if we really love and care for each other.

If you notice the picture above, there is a hammer, there is some serious heat, and there will be some reshaping that will take place. The very fact that the words "iron sharpens iron" are used implies some pain, some grunt and groan, some "ouches". But, the intent is to becomer sharp, to grow in maturity, to acknowledge some areas of fault that need to be ground away to become smooth. And often it takes someone to bring that to our attention, or for us to bring it to someone else's attention. That's the accountability that we have to each other as Christians and once we submit ourselves to that, we find that we really do grow and become sharper that we might be used by God in a more efficient way.

I've been involved in some pretty good battles over the years. There has been the sound of iron clashing against iron at times. At times, it has been very productive. At times, well let's just say that either I or the other person(s) chose not to be sharpened. The problem comes when we don't learn from it. I've always said that some of my greatest fights (accountability moments)were with my brother Randy. But he's part of my family and I still love him and will go to bat for him any day. The same holds true with those who I've sharpened a little steel with in the past. And yes, I still care deeply for each of them.

The bottom line is we need each other. It's Jesus' idea that we are to be the "body" of Christ, not the "body part". It's no fun to give yourself a hug - it takes two. And it takes each one of us to be there for one another and yes, hold each one of us accountable. In doing so we become sharp together. Get the point??

Wednesday, June 02, 2010


Okay, in the latest newsletter I challenged the congregation to be careful of vacationing from church this summer. Not to avoid a vacation from work, but from taking time away from gathering together as brothers and sisters in worship. So often people see summer as a time to worship when it is convenient for them as opposed to making it a priority to set time aside to "bend the knee" before the Creator of the universe. A priority is understood as anything that takes precendence over something else because it is deemed as more important (my definition). Unfortunately, worship often takes a back seat to the many activities that take place during the summer - sports, going to the lake, camping, yard work, or just plain sleeping in.

Now, before you get upset with what I am about to say, hear me out. I love sports. My boys played in sports in junior high, high school, and college. But in the same breath, I hate sports because of what its done to our kids. It has gone from a once in a blue moon game on Sundays to an every weekend affair - basketball, football, baseball, soccer, you name it. And the age of the kids playing are younger and younger each year. Sadly, the church has quietly watched as the once "sacred Sunday morning" has given way to the "I've got a game this Sunday" mindset. And because the church has failed to say that worshiping the Lord together is a priority, the children come under the belief that going to church is "what we do when there is nothing else going on". And then we wonder why the youth have no concept of God's love, his mercy, his justice, his grace, his forgiveness, his call to obedience. It's because our priorities are skewed.

I am not naive enough to believe that a ball game on a Sunday will cost a person his/her salvation. What I am talking about is placing God first in our lives and taking a stand, even if "all the other kids do it". I just know that my oldest son was on a Legion team and other teams in high school and after high school. But the coaches knew that Sunday mornings he would be in worship and then would join them later. (Yes, there were some times he was gone). The coaches knew up front that church was important and they honored that decision. I realize that not every coach or manager would be as gracious, but priorities are priorities, no matter how others perceive them.

Like I said before, I love sports, I love fishing, camping, things like that. But I love the Lord more than all of these. I know that one day I will stand before the Lord and be held accountable. I also know that the only thing that will matter will be my relationship with him through faith in Jesus. I yearn for him to say "well done, good and faithful servant" which would reflect my priority of making Jesus Lord of my life. It won't be my batting average, how big a fish I caught, how well I water ski, or how well I can kick a ball. It will be about relationship with Christ and whether I responded in obedience to his call to "worship him in spirit and in truth".

Ah yes, priorities. What say you?

Monday, May 31, 2010


Okay, here's the deal. I started a blog 3 different times tonight and ended up deleting each one. So, it's up to you. You choose the topic. I'll blog. it's that simple. So click on the "comments" below. Write your thoughts. Give it time to post and then I'll respond.

As my grandpa would say, 'Praise the Lord, anyhow!"

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Sorry folks - no blog this week. Annual Conference in Salina. I shall return!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


It's that time again - graduation. Another step, moving from one stage of life to another. Yesterday, Mulvane held its commencement exercises in the morning in the auditorium due to the rain. But the seniors graduated, nonetheless. Congrats! My nephew Evan's graduation party was in Hillsboro in the afternoon so we went and helped him celebrate (along with a bunch of family and friends). Had a great time. Next weekend we will be in Leoti on Saturday to see a bunch of the kids graduate whom I had the privilege to pastor (baptize and confirm, too) while out west. Looking forward to it. On Sunday afternoon we will head to El Dorado for my other nephew's (Adam) graduation. Fun times.

It's been a lot of fun to see many of these kids grow up, both as family and as friends. The greatest joy is to see how many of them have grown in their faith in Jesus Christ. And I'm so proud to have been a part of their lives in one way or another. Yesterday, at Evan's party there was a picture of me baptizing him down at the creek near his house. How cool was that? And watching and being with many of the kids in both their victories and their struggles, especially as it pertained to the faith, has been such a blessing.

So to all you graduates, congratulations! And cling to the words found in Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight".

Monday, May 10, 2010


One of my favorite verses in Scripture has to do with worship and our submission to God. It comes from Psalm 115:1 - "Not to us O Lord, not to us but to your name be glory....".

  • I've been thinking a lot about worship lately and am convinced that too often we in the church have it backwards. We go to church with the mindset that it's all about us. The time we go to church is often based upon personal preference. We attend 'traditional" or "contemporary" or "blended" services because it's what "we" like best. Many times the music chosen is geared more for the musicians, the band, the singers (soloists or large choirs) than how it might lead someone into the Holy of Holies where one can experience the living God. The tendency to think that music is what defines worship misses the point. Now don't get me wrong, I love music - all kinds. But it is only one means of leading people to "experiencing God". It is not the end, just a means. The prelude, the call to worship, the prayers, the giving of tithes and offerings, the children's time, the preached Word and response to it, the lighting of the candles, the reading of the Word, the times of joys and concerns - all of these and more are part of worship and all are intended to take our eyes off of self and focus on God's face that we might enjoy and experience His magnificent presence.

  • That's why the verse from Psalm 115 speaks so loudly to me - "The glory, the honor, the focus, the attention, the majesty is not about us, it is not to be directed to us, but to "You" O Lord. It is to 'Your" name that all glory is to be given". That's what our worship is to be about - ascribing all that we are and all who we are to the One who is worthy. Like the song - "Thou art worthy, thou art worthy, thou art worthy O Lord. To receive glory, glory and honor, glory and honor and power." If we could just take our eyes off of ourselves, fix our eyes upon Jesus, submit to Him and offer Him all of ourselves and not be so worried about what others might be thinking of us, then we might be able to "taste and see that the Lord is good".

  • Those of you who know me know how important the flow of worship is to me. It's just like traffic. You don't drive 20 mph in a 7o mph zone or vice-versa. The flow has to be right or it becomes an accident waiting to happen. The same holds true for worship. If we approach worship in a haphazard way, it is an accident waiting to happen because the focus is wrong and we end up quenching the Spirit. Oh that we would not quench the Spirit! Forgive us Lord when we do!

  • For you who might be reading this blog, no matter where you are from, I urge you to check your heart as it pertains to worship - both in your individual setting as well as your corporate (church) setting. Is it about you, your likes, dislikes, preferences, habits, traditions, etc.? If so, can you honestly say you have experienced the living and holy God in your life? I would challenge and encourage you (and me) to 'lay it down", to offer the totality of ourselves to the One who has given the totality of Himself to us through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son Jesus. As we do so, let us all cry out together "Not to us O Lord, not to us but to Your name be glory!"

Monday, May 03, 2010


Sunday I had the privilege to dedicate my granddaughter to the Lord in our 10:45 worship service. Adelyn, daughter of my middle son Eric and wife Andrea, was as cute as can be as she entertained the congregation realizing that she might as well take advantage of an audience that was watching her every move. Addy tried to eat the microphone while Eric was sharing his and Andrea's desire to raise her in the Christian faith and in a Christian home. And after the prayer of dedication, she hammed it up for all who would pay attention. I must say that I am extremely blessed to have Christian children who yearn for "their" children to be followers of Jesus Christ. My boys are Christian. Their wives are Christian (well, Kyle is not yet married but you can be sure she will be a Christian), and now our grandchildren are growing up in the faith. What a joy! ML and I are so proud of our family and thank God daily for each one of their lives. ML - Todd, Melissa, Owen, Aubryn - Eric, Andrea, Brayden, and Adelyn, and Kyle - I love you all!

Addy and Gramps during her dedication service.

Brayden helping Gramps. Isn't he handsome?

Monday, April 26, 2010


Wow, what a great celebration (233 in attendence) we had yesterday during the 9:30 worship service as 17 of our young men and women were confirmed (3 were also baptized) and took the vows of membership to join the Mulvane UMC. I am very proud of these kids as they worked hard in class for these past 13 weeks, doing weekly homework, learning Scripture verses, learning the books of the Bible, memorizing the Apostle's creed, and growing in their understanding of what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. It was a great time together!
I want to thank Kit for assisting me each week and also all the mentors who attended the class and met individually with the kids. Your help was invaluable. Also thanks to those who provided meals each week. Great stuff. And of course, thanks to the parents for your support as well.
It was such a joy to see God work in the lives of these youth these past several months. And then to see God do His thing during our worship time yesterday - wow! It was awesome!! So congratulations to the youth. May God bless you and grow you into the spiritually mature men and women He wants you to be.
Those baptized and confirmed:
Lizzy Hampton
Mitchell Parsons
Keely Rocha
Those also confirmed:
Bryant Belden
Austin Bell
Jordan Boden
Jordan Craft
Taylor Cusick
Shelby Endres
Taylor Heersche
Zach May
KaSandra Melick
Olivia Naccarato
Patrick Osner
Alicia Riley
Amber Warne
Emily Westfall

Monday, April 19, 2010


I know you can't believe this but I have a little trouble sitting still. I'm what might be known as a type-A kind of guy, a little on the extroverted side. But this afternoon I took a little time to "stop and smell the roses". I took a couple of hours to try out the lawn furniture near the front door and enjoyed the beautiful day that God created (a little reading, a little praying, a lot of loafing). In fact, I'm still sitting outside marveling at how gorgeous a day it is - no wind, no mosquitos, sunny, beautiful trees, and birds singing all around me. Absolutley incredible! It's been awhile since I've been able to slow down and enjoy a day like this and I didn't want to miss out.

A verse that comes to mind is from Psalm 46:10 that says this, "Be still and know that I am God". I am once again reminded that I miss out on experiencing God or feeling His presence because I am always on the go. The bottom line - when I am too busy going here and going there, doing this and doing that, I miss out on God. Not good! I don't want to miss out. And I don't think you want to miss out either.

So why not take a moment to stop what you are doing, quiet yourself, and focus on God. I tried to link a song by Stephen Curtis Chapman to this blog but for some reason it failed. So if you'd like, google "Be Still" by Chapman and meditate on the words of the song. It will do your heart good. Shhhh........

Monday, April 12, 2010


If you havn't heard, God blessed us with our 4th grandchild this past week. Aubryn Ella Just was born on Thursday, April 8, at 10:30 a.m. in Salina. Aubryn weighed in at 6# 14 oz. and measured 20 inches long. Mom and dad (Melissa and Todd), along with older brother Owen, welcome Aubryn into their family.

Aubryn taking a nap Sunday afternoon. Our family got together and celebrated a late Easter, Kyle's 20th birthday, and Aubryn's first weekend at home.

Big brother Owen holding Aubryn. He is not quite sure what to make of it all. It will be fun to watch how Owen deals with another little one in the house. Stay tuned.

This is my favorite pic of Aubryn on day 1. Look how peaceful she looks.
(Not to mention how cute)

Gramps and Grammy with little Aubryn. It's going to be fun to spoil another little girl.
We've been so blessed to have such wonderful grandkids. First Brayden. Then Owen. Then Addy. Now Aubryn. Each time ML and I just marvel at what a miracle the birth of a child is. I am reminded of the scripture that says, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:13-14). Aubryn's birth once again reminds me of God's miraculous working in the creation of His children - yes indeed - fearfully and wonderfully made!

Monday, April 05, 2010


After a busy busy Holy Week I find myself a little "weak in the brain". I asked ML, "Do you have any blog thoughts?" She just laughed implying that I was on my own. That's scary, but let me reflect on some of the happenings of this past week:

  • Obviously, the murder of our friend, Ann Schumacher, came as a total shock and we (and our friends) are still processing and attempting to make sense of the tragedy. The "whys" and the "ifs" will never be answered, but one thing I know, death did not defeat Ann. Make no mistake about it, she now experiences the victory of everlasting life because of her faith in Jesus Christ!

  • The Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday) was a true experience of God's grace at work. As people came to the Lord's table to share in Holy Communion, they first "nailed to the cross" those things that were inhibiting their relationship with the Lord. It was a powerful image to see the cross covered with purple pieces of paper signifying the request for Jesus' forgiveness and for Him to remove sin and heartache. It was a sacramental moment.

  • The Good Friday service began with our focus on the cross and ended in darkness and silence. The focus was on the question "Have You Seen My Son?" asked by the mothers of James and John, John Mark, Barabbas, Judas,and of course, Mary, the mother of Jesus. Anna and Simeon narrated the drama and it only took moments for us to identify with the plights of the mothers - heartache, pain, grief, compassion, sadness, tears, mourning! One candle remained lit as we left the room. It offered a glimmer of hope.

  • And then the Son rose. He is risen! He is risen, indeed!! Sunday morning began with a sunrise service at the main street park west of the church. How awesome it was as the youth led the service in word and in drama. (See Amy Nelson's blog for details). We then shared in a time of fellowship at the church - rolls, fruit, coffee, juice, even a chocolate fountain. How sweet (literally). Then came "THE MAIN EVENT!" Two worship services celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Praise band, video, choir, congregational singing, prayer, preaching, rejoicing - it was an incredible morning of worship. Jesus was in the house, not in the grave!! Oh that we would worship in such a manner each and every Sunday! Yes, He is risen, He is risen, indeed!!

  • Oh yeah, a little family time as well. Went to my folks for an afternoon of fun (lots of it) - my 2 brothers and their families, our son Eric and wife Andrea, Brayden and Addy as well as Kyle and Molly were there. Only Todd and his wife Melissa and Owen could not be there. Which leads to my last thought.

  • Melissa is to have her baby any moment. How wonderful to talk about new birth when this week began with the celebration of new birth that is available to us because of the resurrected Christ. Knowing a new grandchild is about to be born, I like the words of the song 'Because He Lives" that say this: "How sweet to hold, a newborn baby, and feel the joy and pride he/she gives, but greater still, the strong assurance, this child can face uncertain days, because He lives".

  • What a week it's been. Praise the Lord!! Prayerfully I'll have pics of a baby next week.