Monday, April 26, 2010


Wow, what a great celebration (233 in attendence) we had yesterday during the 9:30 worship service as 17 of our young men and women were confirmed (3 were also baptized) and took the vows of membership to join the Mulvane UMC. I am very proud of these kids as they worked hard in class for these past 13 weeks, doing weekly homework, learning Scripture verses, learning the books of the Bible, memorizing the Apostle's creed, and growing in their understanding of what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. It was a great time together!
I want to thank Kit for assisting me each week and also all the mentors who attended the class and met individually with the kids. Your help was invaluable. Also thanks to those who provided meals each week. Great stuff. And of course, thanks to the parents for your support as well.
It was such a joy to see God work in the lives of these youth these past several months. And then to see God do His thing during our worship time yesterday - wow! It was awesome!! So congratulations to the youth. May God bless you and grow you into the spiritually mature men and women He wants you to be.
Those baptized and confirmed:
Lizzy Hampton
Mitchell Parsons
Keely Rocha
Those also confirmed:
Bryant Belden
Austin Bell
Jordan Boden
Jordan Craft
Taylor Cusick
Shelby Endres
Taylor Heersche
Zach May
KaSandra Melick
Olivia Naccarato
Patrick Osner
Alicia Riley
Amber Warne
Emily Westfall

Monday, April 19, 2010


I know you can't believe this but I have a little trouble sitting still. I'm what might be known as a type-A kind of guy, a little on the extroverted side. But this afternoon I took a little time to "stop and smell the roses". I took a couple of hours to try out the lawn furniture near the front door and enjoyed the beautiful day that God created (a little reading, a little praying, a lot of loafing). In fact, I'm still sitting outside marveling at how gorgeous a day it is - no wind, no mosquitos, sunny, beautiful trees, and birds singing all around me. Absolutley incredible! It's been awhile since I've been able to slow down and enjoy a day like this and I didn't want to miss out.

A verse that comes to mind is from Psalm 46:10 that says this, "Be still and know that I am God". I am once again reminded that I miss out on experiencing God or feeling His presence because I am always on the go. The bottom line - when I am too busy going here and going there, doing this and doing that, I miss out on God. Not good! I don't want to miss out. And I don't think you want to miss out either.

So why not take a moment to stop what you are doing, quiet yourself, and focus on God. I tried to link a song by Stephen Curtis Chapman to this blog but for some reason it failed. So if you'd like, google "Be Still" by Chapman and meditate on the words of the song. It will do your heart good. Shhhh........

Monday, April 12, 2010


If you havn't heard, God blessed us with our 4th grandchild this past week. Aubryn Ella Just was born on Thursday, April 8, at 10:30 a.m. in Salina. Aubryn weighed in at 6# 14 oz. and measured 20 inches long. Mom and dad (Melissa and Todd), along with older brother Owen, welcome Aubryn into their family.

Aubryn taking a nap Sunday afternoon. Our family got together and celebrated a late Easter, Kyle's 20th birthday, and Aubryn's first weekend at home.

Big brother Owen holding Aubryn. He is not quite sure what to make of it all. It will be fun to watch how Owen deals with another little one in the house. Stay tuned.

This is my favorite pic of Aubryn on day 1. Look how peaceful she looks.
(Not to mention how cute)

Gramps and Grammy with little Aubryn. It's going to be fun to spoil another little girl.
We've been so blessed to have such wonderful grandkids. First Brayden. Then Owen. Then Addy. Now Aubryn. Each time ML and I just marvel at what a miracle the birth of a child is. I am reminded of the scripture that says, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:13-14). Aubryn's birth once again reminds me of God's miraculous working in the creation of His children - yes indeed - fearfully and wonderfully made!

Monday, April 05, 2010


After a busy busy Holy Week I find myself a little "weak in the brain". I asked ML, "Do you have any blog thoughts?" She just laughed implying that I was on my own. That's scary, but let me reflect on some of the happenings of this past week:

  • Obviously, the murder of our friend, Ann Schumacher, came as a total shock and we (and our friends) are still processing and attempting to make sense of the tragedy. The "whys" and the "ifs" will never be answered, but one thing I know, death did not defeat Ann. Make no mistake about it, she now experiences the victory of everlasting life because of her faith in Jesus Christ!

  • The Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday) was a true experience of God's grace at work. As people came to the Lord's table to share in Holy Communion, they first "nailed to the cross" those things that were inhibiting their relationship with the Lord. It was a powerful image to see the cross covered with purple pieces of paper signifying the request for Jesus' forgiveness and for Him to remove sin and heartache. It was a sacramental moment.

  • The Good Friday service began with our focus on the cross and ended in darkness and silence. The focus was on the question "Have You Seen My Son?" asked by the mothers of James and John, John Mark, Barabbas, Judas,and of course, Mary, the mother of Jesus. Anna and Simeon narrated the drama and it only took moments for us to identify with the plights of the mothers - heartache, pain, grief, compassion, sadness, tears, mourning! One candle remained lit as we left the room. It offered a glimmer of hope.

  • And then the Son rose. He is risen! He is risen, indeed!! Sunday morning began with a sunrise service at the main street park west of the church. How awesome it was as the youth led the service in word and in drama. (See Amy Nelson's blog for details). We then shared in a time of fellowship at the church - rolls, fruit, coffee, juice, even a chocolate fountain. How sweet (literally). Then came "THE MAIN EVENT!" Two worship services celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Praise band, video, choir, congregational singing, prayer, preaching, rejoicing - it was an incredible morning of worship. Jesus was in the house, not in the grave!! Oh that we would worship in such a manner each and every Sunday! Yes, He is risen, He is risen, indeed!!

  • Oh yeah, a little family time as well. Went to my folks for an afternoon of fun (lots of it) - my 2 brothers and their families, our son Eric and wife Andrea, Brayden and Addy as well as Kyle and Molly were there. Only Todd and his wife Melissa and Owen could not be there. Which leads to my last thought.

  • Melissa is to have her baby any moment. How wonderful to talk about new birth when this week began with the celebration of new birth that is available to us because of the resurrected Christ. Knowing a new grandchild is about to be born, I like the words of the song 'Because He Lives" that say this: "How sweet to hold, a newborn baby, and feel the joy and pride he/she gives, but greater still, the strong assurance, this child can face uncertain days, because He lives".

  • What a week it's been. Praise the Lord!! Prayerfully I'll have pics of a baby next week.