Monday, August 25, 2008


We are continually reminded how God has blessed us with great boys, daughter-in-laws, and grandsons. This past week saw us leaving Kyle at Southwestern College for his freshman year and then later in the week celebrating Brayden's 1st birthday in Topeka. Kind of a bittersweet week yet a realization of the fact that "time waits for no one".

Gramps and Grammy with birthday boy Brayden and little Owen.

"I didn't do anything" !!

Kyle in his "luxury suite" at Southwestern.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


What a great time we had in Colorado. God blessed us with great weather, glorious scenery, and a wonderful time with some of the family. The following pics are just a little of what we experienced last week while in the Rockies.

This is the cabin we stayed in about 6 miles from Divide. We really roughed it!

This is a view looking at Pikes Peak off the deck from the cabin where we stayed.

"I lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from. My help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth" Psalm 121:1-2

Part of the family - Todd and Melissa and Owen, Mary Lou and Kyle and me (sitting, I'm old).

The moon rising above the pines.

"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him...?" Psalm 8:3-4

Friday, August 08, 2008


When I was in high school, John Denver sang a lot of songs about the beauty of the Rockies and the beauty of his wife (whom he later divorced - go figure). Anyway, we (ML, Kyle, Todd, Melissa, and Owen) are taking off for a week in the mountains of Colorado next week. Eric, Andrea, and Brayden couldn't get away. What a hoot if they could have come too!

I always love to go and see and experience the grandeur and majesty of the Rockies. It's pretty difficult to be an agnostic or atheist when you find yourself in the midst of the tall pine trees, expansive mountain ranges, crisp, cool air, and flowing mountain streams. No wonder the Psalmist said, "O Lord , our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!". He was looking at all of his surroundings and could no longer contain himself because God's glory was manifest in the majesty of all of His creation.

I'm anticipating the same response as I head west in a few days. And the fact that many of my family will be with me is that much more of a bonus. A Rocky Mountain High?? INDEED!

Monday, August 04, 2008


Check out a few pics from the fair. Then take a moment to respond to my comments.
Craig and Kolton - Yeehaw!!

Barnyard Olympics champions. Congrats to Kyle (Amanda's future....), Evan, Erika, and Karlee.

You mean I get free candy??

So, you've all heard the phrase "fair to midland" which merely means "average" or "middle of the road". Just curious, what did you all think of the county fair? My perspective was that it was a good week - exhausting, hot, and busy, but a good weekend for Leoti.