Saturday, December 30, 2006


Well, here we go again - a big snowstorm has us shut down for awhile. Church is cancelled for tomorrow ( I hate that but too many safety issues for people).

Our kids made it just in time as we are celebrating Christmas this weekend so we have been eating alot, playing a bunch of games, watching some football, and even a few movies. Thankfully we've kept our power so we are nice and warm inside.

It's going to take awhile to get this all cleared up but we're not griping about the moisture. Maybe the drought will be broken now.

Even in the midst of the storms we are reminded that God is good, all the time! P.R.

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Well, it looks like we in western Kansas will be having a white Christmas. It's really pretty now that the sun has come out and the ice has begun to melt. We lost some trees and tree branches in the area because of the ice but kept our power - a good thing.
With the snow on the ground I am again reminded of the real meaning of Christmas - the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to restore our relationship with God and each other. He came as a gift from God to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness - or as the pictures remind us, to wash away our sins that we would be whiter than snow.
It is my prayer that you have a most blessed Christmas and that you will not only receive God's greatest gift for your life, but may pass it on to others. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!


Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas is coming...................

Yes, I'm still alive. It's a little busy this time of year as you know. Just finished officiating a wedding at our church chapel, getting ready for a Christmas party this evening, preparing for church in the morning, and putting stuff on the computer for the program tomorrow night. Practice is tomorrow afternoon followed by the program and even a few goodies in the fellowship hall after the program.

Okay, deep breath. Ah yes, Christmas. I know it's busy but let's not get so busy we miss out on what we are celebrating. In light of that, I encourage those of you who read this from the church to invite people to our services next weekend - the regular morning worship at 11.00 a.m and then the special christmas eve candlelight service at 6:00 p.m. I've got a great video clip for the evening service that the visitors and you will love. I promise.

So here we go. A little more than a week from Christmas. Are you ready???????

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Today is the first Sunday of Advent and as I mentioned earlier this morning, Christ comes to us in a variety of ways. Obviously, this time of year we think of his coming to us as a baby as we celebrate his birth at Christmas. But I was reminded as I officiated a committal service at the cemetery this afternoon that Jesus truly comes to us at our time of greatest need. Not that he is not with us other times, but at those times when we grieve, mourn, or suffer, Jesus is right with us giving us strength and hope that only he can give.
One thing I really noticed today was the hope the family had in Christ and the comfort they took in knowing they will see their loved one again. For we know that this is just a temporary journey we are on and eternity awaits us once we leave this world. And it is so noticeable in people when their faith is in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. In the midst of death, they can still proclaim victory. Victory over sin and death. I saw that today in many of the family members and was able to talk about that great hope we have in Christ with many of them.
What a contrast to those who do not claim faith in Christ. They are consumed by grief and sorrow and unfortunately find themselves powerless. The season of Advent reminds us that this does not have to be the way it is. Jesus has come to give us hope, a living hope that is built upon faith in him as Lord and Savior. He has come not only to remove our sin, but to give us a peace that passes all understanding. As we move closer to Christmas and continue our journey through this Advent season, I pray you know that Christ has come for each and everyone of you to give you hope beyond hope. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that WHOEVER believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).