Tuesday, December 28, 2010


It's hard to believe that we are closing out another year. 2010 is soon to be a memory while 2011 is knocking on the door. In light of that, I'd like to take a moment to reflect upon a few of the happenin's of this past year plus look ahead to what I pray is going to be the best year ever. So here goes:
  • Absolutely blessed with a wonderful wife, children, and grandchildren. Rejoiced with the birth of Aubryn Ella in April to Todd and Melissa in Salina. Had the privilege of dedicating Addy (Eric and Andrea's girl) to the Lord at church in May. The little boys, Brayden and Owen are so much fun. Kyle (#3 son) is doing well at Southwestern and has himself a great girlfriend, Molly. Me? I have a great girlfriend as well - my wife and best friend Mary Lou. So blessed, so very blessed!

  • Also blessed to be serving at Mulvane UMC. I'm not going to lie, the transition has not been the smoothest. Change is never easy, for both the church and for the pastor. However, God has been doing His thing, working in and through the body. I've had the privilege to baptize many many person, receive dozens into the membership of the church, officiate multiple weddings and funerals, (both are opportunities for ministry), laugh with many, cry with many.

  • Many have lost loved ones. Marriages have struggled, some have fallen apart. Cancer has impacted multiple families. Sickness, old age, surgeries, and other health issues have caused much heartache in the lives of people. Over and over again I am reminded of the hope that is found as a result of faith in Jesus Christ in those who face times of difficulty.

  • Still trying to sort out all the dynamics that led to the death of our dear friend in western Kansas. Just a reminder that we can't answer the "why" questions.

  • Am reminded of the reality that friends are friends forever, even when we are separated by miles and miles.

  • Overjoyed that God gave us a vision at the church - "Inviting ALL to experience the life-transforming love of Jesus Christ". Now, will we live it out or just have a nice statement to hang on the walls and print in the bulletin?

  • Some nice time away to catch my breath and refocus - ML and I in Dallas with the Rankins, Colorado with my hunting buddies, a day here, a day there with my wife. Good way to avoid burnout.

  • God blessed me with some opportunities to preach and teach and lead worship in other places - (Walk to Emmaus, preaching revivals, Old Settler's Day, Baccalaureatte, etc)

  • Wishing I'd have said something when I should have or not said something when I shouldn't have. Also, pushing the "send" button is not recommended unless you are clear that what is "sent" will be fully understood.

  • Praying for wisdom, not just knowledge. Wisdom is the application of knowledge. Always learning that, aren't we?

  • Lots and lots of meetings. Productivity? That's the evaluative part.

  • Too many sleepless nights. Can't shut off the mind. That must change and it will.

It's been a great year but I'm glad it's behind me. Now for what lies ahead. I love the verse in Isaiah that says, "God is doing a new thing. Do you not perceive it?" I'm excited for what God has in store for me and my family and for the church that I serve. There are some people who are stepping out on faith regarding their future. You will hear about that in the months to come. There are others who are afraid to take the step of faith needed to help them understand what God seeks to do in their lives. If that is you, don't wait to find out "God's will for your life". That often is an excuse to hold back and not act upon what God is doing right now. Seek to discern what he desires for you TODAY. Then act upon it. Fasten your seatbelts. The ride into the new year is about to begin!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


On a night some 2,000 plus years ago the lives of some shepherds on a barren, rocky hillside outside of a little town called Bethlehem were forever changed. For those who always found themselves looking up to see the bottom, something happened - something heavenly (literally). What was just another boring night watching over some sheep that probably didn't even belong to them turned into an encounter with angelic messengers from God and ultimately God Himself. Good news was offered and received. Great joy was seen on the faces of the sheep watchers. A newfound giddy was found in their giddyup! Leaving the sheep behind, the shepherds hightailed it to town and met God in the flesh, the Savior who was Christ the Lord! All of a sudden these lowlifes became evangelists telling everyone what they had seen and heard. And what was a ho-hum night on the ouskirts of town for no-names on a hillside was replaced by transformed lifes who glorified and praised God for a night where he came to them as a baby, just as the angels told them. I pray that you all experience the same transformation, the same joy and the same amazement this Christmas. God has come in the flesh in the person of His Son Jesus. Join with the shepherds in glorifying and praising God.

Monday, December 13, 2010


I would sure like to be where this guy is (see above picture). Beautiful sunset, out by himself, away from all the hustle and bustle, just taking in God's creation. Ah yes, a little time of reflection. But since I'm here and not there, I'll just have to take a moment or two to reflect upon a few thoughts that are bouncing arounnd my head on this day. Feel free to respond with your own thoughts if you so desire.
  • Yes, I realize you are tired of hearing about deer hunting or seeing deer pictures but what I wouldn't give to just take a week and go walk the woods, sit in the evergreens along the pasture, or lean up against a hedge tree and watch the deer, coyotes, bobcats, quail, or whatever else comes along. Good stuff!! Just me and God and His creation. Yep, good stuff!

  • For you Mulvanites, I hope you were able sense God's presence in worship yesterday in the various services. Each was unique and the variety of songs and styles of music gave us a wonderful opportunity to experience the "Good news of Great Joy" that the shepherds felt that holy night so long ago!

  • Reading The Forgotten God by Frances Chan - Reversing our tragic neglect of the Holy Spirit. Why are we so scared of the Holy Spirit? Why do want to talk about God and Jesus yet avoid talking about the Holy Spirit? I tell you what, I NEED the Holy Spirit just to make it through each week. Why would I settle for the $100 when the million is there for the taking (actually receiving)? Come Holy Spirit, come!!

  • Just wondering - would we rather leave Jesus in a manger as a baby then have him grow up, die on a cross, be buried, rise on the 3rd day, ascend to heaven, and then have the audacity to ask us to follow him - to take up our cross and follow him? Isn't Jesus more manageable when he's lying in a manger trough?

  • Someone said there ought to be a degree offered for those who want to Major on the Minors. Hmmm..........

  • Kudos to ML and Amy Nelson who kept it together long enough to play and sing for Jenny Schaar's funeral this morning. Awesome job! More importantly, your gifts brought great comfort to the family.

  • So how are you doing this Advent?? Preparing? (How?) Anticipating? (What are you anticipating?) Expecting? (Again, what are you expecting?) It's hard to stay focused isn't it? Keep at it. Emmanuel is soon to arrive.

  • Grandkids are so much fun. ML went to Topeka this past week to see Brayden (our 3 year old) in his first Christmas program. (I saw the video). He goes to a pre-school at a church in Topeka. He was all excited, all dressed up, and ready to sing the songs with the others. The problem? He didn't sing a word. He clapped, he rang bells, he looked awesome - just didn't sing. After the program Mimi (ML) told him that he did a great job but asked why he didn't sing. His answer - "I was being quiet". (Just like the teacher had told the kids prior to the program.) Don't you just love it??

  • Another thought (or question) - Could it still be Christmas without a tree, candy, the opening of presents, a meal at the relatives, or a candlelight service? Just wondering.

  • Getting ready to go outside and clean a few more windows. Our open house is this Saturday from 2-5 pm and you are all invited! Yes, ALL are invited...... So, with that in mind, I bid you farewell. I'm sure I'll have more time to ponder as I spray on the windex. Hope to see you all Saturday!!

Monday, December 06, 2010


I mentioned in the last blog that I was going hunting and as you can see, it was a good day. An 11 point whitetail less than a half-mile from the house where my wife and I first lived over 33 years ago. My son was about 10 yards from me videoing the whole thing ( I didn't know it at the time). My reaction after the shot was pretty funny. My nephew was about 1/8 of a mile to the west. It was great to be with those guys and they were very helpful with regards to processing the meat which happens to be in my freezer. ML is not too sure about the meat. Stay tuned.
It was good to get away for the day - beautiful weather, great comraderie, and success. Yep, a good day. I've told people that even if I would not have brought home a deer, just being out in God's creation is worth it. There's something about getting out in the cold brisk air, walking through the woods and the pastures, setting back against the trees, seeing deer, coyotes, birds, etc. - ah yes, refreshing!
And now, of course, it's all about the story. It gets better every time I tell it. And believe me, I told it a few times. I really wanted to put the picture up on the big screen at church but it didn't quite fit into the Advent theme. But it was considered a "joy" during our prayer time when we lifted up joys and concerns. The most fun came on Sunday evening when we had an early Christmas gathering with a bunch of the uncles, aunts, and cousins on my mom's side of the family. I just happened to have pictures. And stories. And then my 16 year old niece joined in by telling me to go look in her car. Yep, the antlers of a 9 pointer. Another good story. And then my cousin and uncle came late. Why?? Because they'd been deer hunting.
Lots and lots of stories. Lots and lots of fun. And as I mentioned to a few folks earlier, much jocularity. It was a great weekend, rather deer to my heart. Get it?
Have a wonderful week. God is good!!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010


Sorry folks. I've been buried this week so no words of wisdom or much of anything else. However, going hunting with my son on Friday so maybe I'll get inspired for the next blog. Beware, Bambi's daddy!!