Monday, April 30, 2007


I realize you can't believe it or maybe you are relieved, but at present I have what Billy Abraham at Perkins School of Theology calls "brain drain". So I would entertain any topics you would like to be considered on this here blog or any random thoughts that might be going through your head. It's your turn, so sign in and share some of what's on your mind.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Well, well, well what have we here? Isn't it amazing how our kids clean up? Kyle (the beast) sure picked a pretty girl for the prom. Ashley (the beauty) sure complimented the young man.

Seriously, they both looked great and their parents are sure proud of them, not only for how nice they looked but for what they stand for and the way they carry themselves. There's a lot of pressure out there to do and say things that are not a part of their
character and we are sure blessed that Kyle and Ashley stand firm. They are just who they are and that's the way it is.

And that's the way we like it!!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Rick's Ramblings!

Here it is Friday again. The weather has finally warmed up. Wind and thunderstorms on the horizon. We'll see. Here are a few thoughts you can reply to or at least think about:

This weekend is prom. Kyle will be escorting the beautiful Miss Ashley. He has his tux and looks real spiffy. I'll try and get some pictures for you all to see. (Pray for all the kids so they will make wise decisions this weekend).

I'm heading to Camp Lakeside in a few hours to lead praise and worship for a women's retreat this weekend. I'm not sure hunting and fishing stories will work well for this group. What do you think??

Been thinking about the kingdom of God lately. Mentioned it briefly at men's group this morning. Ask one of the guys what they think. (What do you think?)

Thanks to Dale Davis who stayed up all night making donuts for the guys - good job.

My wife and a few others are helping with the after-prom party which will last at least until 3:30 a.m. Sunday. We'll see if they stay awake during church - (preacher better be good).

Question - did the 2 disciples walk, jog, or run to Emmaus? Just wondering.....

Can you believe Leah Rankin is graduating from college? She's just a kid.

I think the grading scale should be: No show - F. If you show up before 9:00 a.m - D. If you show up before 9:00 a.m. with donuts - C. If you show up before 9:00 a.m. with donuts and your homework completed - B. If all the above and $100 for the teacher - A. - no questions asked. That's the ticket.

I've got to go. My fish need watering.

Monday, April 16, 2007


These pictures from CNN and Foxnews tell it all - another killing in the American school system. God have mercy on us all and God grant grace to the victims' families. In the midst of our not understanding why, may we pray that God will carry us through yet another senseless tragedy in this country.

Friday, April 13, 2007


Well, believe it or not, our littlest turned 17 this past Wednesday. Happy Birthday Kyle - we love you!
As I write this, the snow is coming down like crazy. Here we go again. This is April isn't it????
Did you know today is Friday the 13th? Anyone nervous??
Once again, I am reminded of how blessed we are in our family. We have 3 great boys and 2 wonderful daughter-in-laws. Life is good!
By the way, I may have mentioned that I am going to be a grandpa - but get this - IT'S A BOY!!
Imagine that. Eric just (Eric Just, get it?) called and said they found out that a boy is on the way. Another generation of Justs - look out!
Received word that I am going to be the assistant spiritual director for the Walk to Emmaus this fall. I hope some of you will prayerfully consider going. I'll be in touch or give me a call if interested.
Gotta run - tax day is biting on our heels. Ouch, ouch,ouch...............................

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Wow! What a great Holy week and Easter weekend! Yes, it was busy but the Lord blessed the week and the activities that enabled us to focus on the true meaning of Easter, the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. You'll notice the handwashing that occurred during the Seder service, the kids reaching for the little ducks in the pool during the Saturday celebration, the youth who read scripture continuously (35 hours) in the sanctuary from Friday at 8 pm to 7 am on Sunday morning, and Craig leading the sunrise service early on Easter Sunday. Thanks to all who participated. It was absolutely wonderful. And the worship service on Sunday was filled with excitement as we celebrated the resurrected King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Yes - JESUS - That's my King!!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


With regards to the Christian calendar, Easter is as good as it gets - the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As the apostle Paul says, "Where O death is your victory? Where O death is your sting? But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ". Good stuff.

But here's the struggle. There is so much going on during Holy Week that by the time it gets to Easter, people can be so worn out that they hardly feel like celebrating. At least I'll speak for myself. After all, I spoke at the Lenten lunch at noon today, helped with God Squad tonight followed by a meeting. Tomorrow night is the Seder service and Friday night is the Good Friday service. Saturday morning is the children's Easter celebration at the church coinciding with the youth conducting a scripture reading vigil Friday night through early Sunday morning. And then of course is the big day - Easter Sunday which begins with a sunrise service followed by a breakfast in the fellowship hall at church. Sunday School will be at 9:45 with the big celebration taking place during worship at 11:00. There are some neat surprises planned during that time so I hope you can come if you are in the area.

I love all of the previously mentioned activities but boy, is it a busy time. The tendency can be to get so wrapped up in all the stuff that the stuff that matters most gets overlooked. I don't want to fall into that trap.

So, pray for me and I'll pray for you that we are ready for what God has in store for us during this most holy of weeks. HE IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED!