Sunday, August 30, 2009


As many of you recall, I spoke of the "what, where, why, how, and who" of praise this morning as found in Psalm 150. And how like God to bless us in all 3 of the services as we made it a priority to focus on Him by praising His name. What a wonderful morning as we experienced worship as both a noun and a verb.
Now here's my question for you. What leads you into the holy of holies? What enables you to praise the Lord? What inhibits you from doing so? What can be done in our worship service to better provide an atmosphere for praise and worship? If you are not from Mulvane, I'm curious how you would answer these questions in your setting. Just click the comment button and offer your thoughts. I'm interested in what you have to say.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

R & R

ML and I are taking a couple of days to catch our breath following the move and all the transitional stuff. Taking time to "Be still and know that I am God" and time to spend with each other. Praying that God will direct our path as husband and wife, mom and dad, gramps and grammy, and ministers of the gospel.
Staying at a Bed and Breakfast owned by some friends of ours. Great place!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Believe it or not, Mary Lou and I will be celebrating our 32nd year of marriage this Thursday, August 20. Wow, where does the time go? But let me tell you all this, every day has been a blessing to be married to Mary Lou. For her to put up with me once again proves that God is a God of miracles (Careful with the comments).

Mary Lou, I love you with all my heart. Can't wait to see what the next 32 years have in store for us.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Just wondering...

  • Do sacred cows really make gourmet hamburgers?
  • Did God create humidity or is it a result of "the fall"?
  • Did Kevin F. really run a half-marathon on purpose?
  • What does "relevant" mean when people talk about the church?
  • How do you define "worship"?
  • Is facebook a good thing?
  • If my grandkids will learn and sing the great hymns of the church?
  • If my love for good coffee is a vice or a habit?
  • If anyone can truly understand "agape" (unconditional) love?
  • If we really can be silent so we may hear the whisper of God?
  • Where our country is heading?

Just a few thoughts. Lots more running through my mind. What's on YOUR mind?

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


As you know, everything in life is a sermon illustration. Yesterday, I found myself changing the oil in my car. You know, 3,000 miles or every 3 months, whichever comes first. It got me to thinking - we as Christians should be doing the same. Every so often it would "behoove" us to do a little spiritual maintenance. Just like a car's engine that gets full of sludge and slime, dirt and grime, our lives get messy with all sorts of junk. Busyness, wrong priorities, anger, bitterness, frustration, anxiety - on and on. These things begin to take hold of our lives and it's not long until our productivity, effectiveness, witness, and impact for Christ is reduced. Needless to say, "it's time for an oil change". Confession and repentence are 2 of the great spiritual engine cleaners that can keep us running smoothly for Jesus. As a result, "the old has gone, the new has come" (2 Cor. 5:17). And we all know how much better a new clean engine runs than one that has been neglected, run down, and ruined because of bad maintenance. So, if you feel bogged down, it might not hurt to check your spiritual dipstick. You might be due for a spiritual oil change.

Have a great week!!