Wednesday, December 31, 2008

HAPPY 2009!!

This is my last blog for '08 (are you cheering)? Anyways, we are taking part in a destination wedding this weekend and won't be back until the 10th. My niece is getting married on a cruise ship and we are heading to Cozumel on Monday. So here's to you and yours for a most blessed 2009. God's blessings and see you next year!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008


“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”- Isaiah 9:6

God bless you all this Christmas! - P.R.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Just a reminder that you are invited to attend a special Christmas eve candlelight service at the church on the 24th. We will have 2 services - one at 6:30 pm and one at 11:00 pm. So if you are having a meal with your family during the early service, why not come out for the the late service? Likewise, if you have a family gathering that night, why not bring the family to the service at 6:30? Either way, we'd love to have you come out to celebrate the birth of our Lord on Christmas eve. Hope to see you Wednesday night.

Friday, December 19, 2008

WHAT IF......................?

What would have happened if it had been three wise women instead of three wise men?
They would have asked directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned the stable, made a casserole, and brought practical gifts.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Did a woman write this?

Monday, December 15, 2008


I'm not really a movie person - It's hard for me to sit still for that long - however M.L. and I went and saw the movie Fireproof last Saturday night and I would highly recommend it. My son Todd already blogged about it a few weeks back so I won't repeat his words. I will say that it addresses the struggles that husbands and wives have in their marriages and provides ways couples can "fireproof" their relationships. I will suggest that you go see it or order the dvd which will come out in the end of January. We will probably show it at church in the little theatre room. Check out the website to see the movie trailer at

Have any of you seen it? What are your thoughts? It's interesting to see what others are saying - both those who liked it and those who weren't interested in being "preached at". I'd like to know your opinion.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


As the month continues to fly by I thought I'd just throw out (or up) a few things for you to comment on. (I know, you are not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition). Some of these thoughts are based upon conversations I've had recently, and some, well they're just random.

  • Why do we spend so much time decorating and making everything look so nice and pretty when Jesus was born in a cold, drab cave or cattle stall and placed in a feed trough?

  • Is the shopping season really worth it when people are willing to trample a man to death just for a "good deal?"

  • Personally, (and it's me) I can hardly stomach going into a store after coming back from Mexico. I don't need anything.

  • I know this is controversial, but what do you think of "Calling in Gay" Day?

  • Do you remember Santa's workshop on ABC in Wichita as a kid? Well, it's back. What I appreciated about it was "Santa" (Henry Harvey) always kept the real meaning of Christmas at the forefront of his show.

  • Check out and click on the turkey leg icon on the right side. Then see if you can find my son Todd standing on his head with a drumstick in his mouth. The first kid to tell me which column and how many rows down will get a prize from P.R.

  • Little Brayden went to see Santa - was not a bit happy about it. If I get permission from his mom and dad to show the pic, I'll show you. It's priceless.

  • Just a thought - If you look at it in the right light, how can there be any darkness?

See ya - PR

Monday, December 01, 2008


Well, the rumor is true, Andrea is with child and is due June 13, 2009. Little Brayden will be welcoming a little brother or sister into the family. What are your bets? A boy or a girl? Odds are it will be a boy. Either way, we just pray for a happy and healthy baby, just like the other two grandkids.

We had a blast with Brayden and Owen this past week. They are really taking on their own personalities. What a blessing they are to us.

Little Owen is really getting around, crawling here and there, pulling himself up on anything that will support him. He'll be walking in no time.

Brayden loves his toys and loves to show them off to us. He is walking and running all over the place, definitely keeping his mom and dad hopping. Wait til his little brother (or sister) is born - whew!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


After coming back from Mexico I can't help but count my many blessings. In fact, they are too many to count. In reality, I have all I need (a big difference from want). I have food, shelter, clothing, a house to live in, a wonderful family who loves the Lord, great friends and a wonderful church in which I am called to serve. For some reason I have been the recipient of God's grace and mercy - neither of which I deserve. Out of gratitude I offer my thanks to the Lord. Praise Him from whom all blessings flow!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Our day was a little different today. We worked until about 1:00 and then left for Saltillo around 2:00. We went to a variety of stores downtown and then to the market followed by a big meal at a (yeah, you guessed it, a Mexican restaraunt). A great day! Leaving for Laredo in the morning. Will stay there over night and then back to Leoti on Saturday. See you then!!

Mary Lou at one of the first stores we visited in Saltillo - a Christian based store. I bought an awesome stole for my robe here.

The cathedral in Saltillo - an unbelievable old, beautiful, and ornate church.

Shad and Elmer putting the finishing touches on some shelves they made for one of the children's home.

Fletch and Matt gathering some hardware to wire (add an outlet to) the grass hut at the compound - electrifying!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Another good day - worked hard, digging trenches, running water lines, electric lines, painting, sealing house walls, visiting the village below the children's home, etc.. Heading to Saltillo tomorrow. Probably no blog. Maybe no more this week? Thanks for your prayers

One of the homes in the village where some of the women were selling some of their crafts.

A couple of the kids down in El Higo - the village. Happy, happy, happy!

Ryan and and Mary Lou working on the sewing machines. They finally figured them out and got them to work. Industrial strength. Power, power, power.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


We had a great day today - everyone worked hard, got a lot done. Great time eating supper with the kids from the dormitories up the hill. Enjoyed some wonderful worship afterwards.

A few of the kids at supper time - the girl on the right didn't want to be in the picture but....

Fletch and one of the boys arm wrestling - guess who one?

Mary Lou and Gina painting the wash house. They got it done in no time.
Talk to you tomorrow????

Monday, November 17, 2008


Hallelujah! - We made it to the mission site south of Monterrey around 3:30 today. The trip went fine with only a few stops by security here and there. We got settled in, did a few small things to get ready for tomorrow, ate a great supper, had some devotions, and are calling it a night. To be sure there will be stories to tell.

This is a small village located just below where we are staying. We hope to interact with the folks throughout the week. Only around 75 live here. Quite poor.

These are the "dorms" we are staying in. The girls on the left, guys on the right. As you can see, the terrain is quite rocky with a lot of mountains (Sierra Madre).

This is inside the compound where we stayed outside of Laredo last light called Stepping Stones ministry. They were very gracious. Slept well (long day of driving). Left for mission site around 8:30 this morning. Tomorrow we get after it. Pray for us and those we come into contact with.
Hope to post tomorrow - PR

Friday, November 14, 2008


10 of us are heading south to the Sierra Madre Mountains near Ramos Arizpe, Mexico (about 12 miles north of Saltillo) for a mission trip this coming Sunday morning. We are leaving Leoti at 4:00 (yes, a.m.) heading for Laredo where we will spend the night. We will then get our work visas at the border and ride another 4 1/2 hours to the work site on Monday. The rest of the week we will be assisting with the construction of housing for underprivileged children in the area. You can check out the website at
Please keep the following persons in your prayers: Greg Fletcher, Matt Crays, Wade Bangerter, Ryan and Gina Mazanec, Kevin Larson, Elmer Clymer, Shad Mehl?, and Mary Lou and me.
I will try and post pics and updates throughout the week (provided there is internet access). Otherwise we'll see you on the 23rd.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


Had a chance to see the grandkids last weekend - what a blast!

Owen and Brayden with Gramps and Grammy

Brayden saying 'Look, I'm a star".

Owen - "Just kidding"!

Monday, November 03, 2008


Okay folks, who's it going to be?????????
What say you????

Monday, October 27, 2008


I find these to be interesting times, especially as it pertains to the Christian faith. Actually, I find these to be times filled with irony. Irony is often defined as an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated. Here's what I mean:

90 percent of people say they pray regularly, yet half cannot name the first book of the Bible.

A strong 90% of parents want their children to receive religious training, yet less than half of them take them to church or to Sunday School (much less teach their children at home about Jesus or pray with them).

Many will tell me how important Bible study is, how important worship is, how important prayer is yet do not read the Bible, go to church, or spend any meaningful time in prayer.

So what gives?? Has Christianity just become a "convenience religion" where one is comfortable with life until a time of crisis appears and then all of sudden God becomes important? Are we fine with going to church as long as there isn't anything else on the calendar that day? Do we really believe that the difference between what we say and what we do goes unnoticed by God? (Or others, for that matter?) - That's scary!

I'm convinced that God is looking for people who are sold out for him. Does that mean there won't be mistakes? Does that mean there won't be bad days? Does that mean free from struggles? No, of course not. But it does mean that we make a commitment to pick up our crosses and follow Jesus, that we deny ourselves (avoid self-centeredness and exchange it for Christ-centeredness) and move from talking about how we want to be followers of Jesus to actually following in obedience.

I know, I know - it sounds like I'm preaching but I've seen what a commitment to Christ makes in the lives of his people. I've also seen the unnecessary heartache and pain that is a result of those who say they want to follow Jesus but have yet to do so. That's not just irony, that's a tragedy.

Monday, October 20, 2008


I had the privilege of being the spiritual director of the latest Walk to Emmaus at Garden City and once again, God outdid Himself (as if that's possible). Four men from the Leoti area participated (all from different churches) and were blessed beyond measure. You'll have to ask them ( Kevin Larson, Chris Antonelli, Matt Ramsey, and Bill Gerstberger) about their experiences.

Emmaus is a 72 hour spiritual formation weekend that helps people come to an understanding of God's love for them through times of various talks, worship services, times of reflection, and food, fun, and fellowship. I've been blessed to observe God's working in the lives of those who participate during the weekend, as well as the weeks, months, and years that follow. Of course, Emmaus is just a tool used by God to bring people closer to him and to each other. It is not some magical weekend experience that will automatically solve all the struggles of life. I've seen the mistake of that misunderstanding. However, it DOES point to the ONE who will never leave nor forsake.

I've taken part in many opportunities for spiritual renewal and growth over the years and Emmaus is just another one of those means that God uses to extend his grace to us. It's not the only one, but it is one that is powerful and highly effective. Others are Lay Witness Missions, Disciple Bible Study, Trinity Studies, small group ministries, Stephen Ministries, prayer retreats, and on and on. Whatever brings people to Jesus is "just" alright with me.

But for this moment, the Walk to Emmaus touched the lives of many men who experienced the fact that God loves them and there's nothing they can do about it. And now, the women who are going this weekend are about to experience that for themselves. Praise God!

Monday, October 13, 2008


Some thoughts, both silly and serious to begin the week:

  • Ever felt like Zacchaeus - "out on a limb"? (see Luke 19)

  • I wonder how accountable God will hold us for having so much and doing so little with it?

  • The latest economic mess will really tell us whom we worship - God or the almighty dollar.

  • After further review, I once again conclude that I have three of the greatest kids in the world (including their wives and grandsons).

  • Upon further further review, I have no hesitation in saying I have the greatest wife in the world.

  • I am officiating another funeral on Thursday. What is the one thing you would like said at your funeral? Is that a morbid question?

  • "Juxtapose" is a word - look it up.

  • The men's Walk to Emmaus begins this Thursday at Garden City. I am excited to see what God has in store this time around. (Interested in going? Call me asap)

  • There is coming a day when there will be no more tears and no more sorrow - and no more cancer!

  • I just got a couple of shots (tetanus and Hep A) in preparation for the mission trip to Mexico next month. "Trust me, this won't hurt a bit".

  • We're starting a new book in Sunday School looking at the parables from the "back side". Come check it out.

  • Last but not least (and I have my views), no matter who wins the election, God will still be in control. Let us not faint nor grow weary. (Read Isaiah 41:28-31).

Sunday, October 05, 2008

PART 2 - (last pics, I promise. Well........)

Sorry this post is so disjointed. The pictures and comments got all out of order and it wouldn't let me fix it. Oh, well.
As you can see, Craig, Randy, and Rod (with me in the back) are riding back down the mountain with all the goods.

It's been a couple of weeks since the big hunt but I remember it as if it were yesterday (or was it last week, or... I had a birthday so I'm getting a little forgetful). Here are a few more pics from the trip. Tayler, here's the pic you were looking for. I've got more snapshots but these are probably enough - don't want too much of a good thing.

Here is the elk I shot - 46 yards from where I was sitting. It was shot with a .50 caliber muzzle loader black powder rifle. She was good size. The meat is in the freezer as I speak.

"Can you hear me now?" Craig was way up on top of the ridge of the mountain. But alas, no cell service. I'd get another cell service wouldn't you?

God blessed us with great weather, great fellowship, and great success. Until next time....

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Well, it's time to fill you in on the hunting trip to the high country ( as if some of you haven't already heard). We left on Friday night the 12th and drove all night (stopping at a Walmart at 3:30 in the morning in Denver to pick up a few supplies - crazy). After sunup, we wiggled our way up to where we unhitched the trailer, saddled up the horses, rearranged the supplies in the pickup and rode up the 6 mile trail to basecamp. In great need of coffee by this time. We set up basecamp, went and did a little scouting that afternoon, spotted a couple of elk across the valley, rode back to camp, ate and called it a day. Slept great. I'm glad God invented sleep - it's a good thing.
Getting ready to leave basecamp to set up our hunting camp about 1 1/2 hours higher in the mountains. A beautiful day to ride.

The great white hunters on top of a ridge that overlooked much of the flat tops wilderness range where we were hunting.

The High Country Hilton where we would spend the next week. A great spot hidden in the trees with a park (meadow) to our west, a stream to our north, and mountains all around. God blessed us with great weather and a great location to camp and hunt. Stay tuned for part 2 - I'm sure you won't want to miss it. (If you just can't wait for more pics, check out my brother's blog at ).

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I originally was planning to give you the elk trip update on this blog but as some of you know my father-in-law passed away the morning I returned home from Colorado. So it's a no-brainer to offer a tribute to a man who was such a steady force, a rock in the community, his church, and especially his family.

I was privileged to be a son-in-law to David Bowers for over 31 years and during those many years I was always amazed how even keeled, humble, and patient he was. He was a big man but a gentle man and as Eric said, he was "quiet, yet firm". I would often watch him at the farm when all the family was present (9 kids) and wonder how in the world he took care of that crew. Yet, he provided, protected, and cared for all of them, even when times were quite lean. It was evident that he taught the family that joy and prosperity were not to be found in "things", but in relationships - God and family.

His faith was his driving force in life and that faith impacted his church and his family. I always enjoyed hearing him pray for he liked to use the old King James language - the thees and thous. But his prayers were sincere and his prayers were heard and answered by God above. And even though we grieve his passing, it is his prayer of salvation that brings us joy knowing that he responded to God's grace by placing his faith in Jesus as his Lord and Savior (in western Kansas, by the way).

So on this day, I thank the Lord above for allowing me to have a great dad-in-law, David Bowers, a man whose character and integrity reflected the faith that he so vividly lived out on a day to day basis. He will be dearly missed, but as a Christian and fellow believer I am not saying "goodbye", just "see ya later".

A picture from the funeral home - David and Shirley, the family, the rocking horse that he made for each grandchild, his tools and gloves, some Army momentos and a little John Deere tractor (see next picture). All great memories.

This was David's 730 John Deere he used in the field for years and years. After it was sold on the farm sale, Greg (oldest son) found out that it was being restored and bought it back after the restoration. How awesome is that??

Monday, September 08, 2008


Okay, here we go again. Some of you may remember that Craig, my brothers, and I went elk hunting 2 years ago. We had a blast in spite of the mule who got away a time or two (with half the camp on his back). This Friday we are following up with the sequel, heading up into the Rockies once again with horses and our gear. Rod and I have black powder muzzle loader tags for cows (elk, not angus) with Craig and Randy going the bow and arrow route.
Yes, I realize that God created the elk on the 6th day and that they are beautiful animals. But a guy has to do what a guy has to do lest the elk overpopulate the earth. So as good stewards we feel obligated to go to the mountains and do our part to see that nature remains in balance.
I'll give you a full report when I get back on the 20th. Until then...................................................

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


I'm still looking for comments on the previous blog but am getting pressure to put a video of the grandkids out for all to see. So, here goes. This was at Brayden's 1st birthday party where he thought Owen's pacifier really belonged to him. Funny since Brayden never took to a "binky".

Monday, September 01, 2008


Okay, today is Labor Day - so what are you up to? Laboring or taking it easy?

It's kind of a mixed bag today because of the hurricane down in the gulf. As I write, it looks like they may have avoided catastrophe. Time will tell. And as far as the RNC goes, they have to play it safe at the convention or they will come across as uncaring and insensitive to those going through the storm. We'll see how the politics play out. But, just a few thoughts for the day:

  • What do you think of the VP pick Sarah Palin? The verdict is still out for me. For what I know thus far, she seems like a good person but does that qualify her to be one heart beat away from being a possible President of the USA?

  • Is it just me, but don't the news organizations seem to make 25 mph winds look like 100? Alway looking for a story, even if there isn't a story (or much of one).

  • If you are barbequing today, what's on the menu? (Don't overcook the burgers).

  • Kyle is figuring out that mom is no longer around to do laundry. Guys, do you know how to run the washer and dryer?

  • Bets on the KSU/KU football game?

  • Less than 2 weeks before I go elk hunting in the high country. The good thing about that is I won't have to shave for a week. (Or take a shower?)

  • Does JoAnne S. have stock in facebook??

  • Other thoughts or comments??????

Monday, August 25, 2008


We are continually reminded how God has blessed us with great boys, daughter-in-laws, and grandsons. This past week saw us leaving Kyle at Southwestern College for his freshman year and then later in the week celebrating Brayden's 1st birthday in Topeka. Kind of a bittersweet week yet a realization of the fact that "time waits for no one".

Gramps and Grammy with birthday boy Brayden and little Owen.

"I didn't do anything" !!

Kyle in his "luxury suite" at Southwestern.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


What a great time we had in Colorado. God blessed us with great weather, glorious scenery, and a wonderful time with some of the family. The following pics are just a little of what we experienced last week while in the Rockies.

This is the cabin we stayed in about 6 miles from Divide. We really roughed it!

This is a view looking at Pikes Peak off the deck from the cabin where we stayed.

"I lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from. My help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth" Psalm 121:1-2

Part of the family - Todd and Melissa and Owen, Mary Lou and Kyle and me (sitting, I'm old).

The moon rising above the pines.

"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him...?" Psalm 8:3-4

Friday, August 08, 2008


When I was in high school, John Denver sang a lot of songs about the beauty of the Rockies and the beauty of his wife (whom he later divorced - go figure). Anyway, we (ML, Kyle, Todd, Melissa, and Owen) are taking off for a week in the mountains of Colorado next week. Eric, Andrea, and Brayden couldn't get away. What a hoot if they could have come too!

I always love to go and see and experience the grandeur and majesty of the Rockies. It's pretty difficult to be an agnostic or atheist when you find yourself in the midst of the tall pine trees, expansive mountain ranges, crisp, cool air, and flowing mountain streams. No wonder the Psalmist said, "O Lord , our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!". He was looking at all of his surroundings and could no longer contain himself because God's glory was manifest in the majesty of all of His creation.

I'm anticipating the same response as I head west in a few days. And the fact that many of my family will be with me is that much more of a bonus. A Rocky Mountain High?? INDEED!

Monday, August 04, 2008


Check out a few pics from the fair. Then take a moment to respond to my comments.
Craig and Kolton - Yeehaw!!

Barnyard Olympics champions. Congrats to Kyle (Amanda's future....), Evan, Erika, and Karlee.

You mean I get free candy??

So, you've all heard the phrase "fair to midland" which merely means "average" or "middle of the road". Just curious, what did you all think of the county fair? My perspective was that it was a good week - exhausting, hot, and busy, but a good weekend for Leoti.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Had a great week at Topeka at the summer assembly camp. It was extremely hot and humid but it's amazing how weather never keeps God from going to work. And he did. Several kids placed their faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior along with many who recomitted themselves to him. It was quite exhausting but was well worth it. Met some great people while at the camp and hope to see them all again some day. The following are a few pictures from the week.

The above is a picture of a few of the folks who attended the morning workshops. I taught a class based upon the book by John Ortberg entitled Everybody's Normal Until You Get To Know Them. It was a wonderful time together.

Josh and Amanda are a brother and sister who really love the Lord. Josh was the youth dean and Amanda was a sponser of girls in her cabin. (Kyle's future wife). Great people!!

Yep, that's me preaching the last worship service (#7) but who's counting? I preached the 7 "I Am" sayings found in the gospel of John. It looks like I'm sleeping. Reminds me of the way some of you look when I preach (ha).

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I told Mary Lou that I don't want to wish my life away but I'll sure be glad when July is over. I officiated a small wedding at Camp Lakeside last weekend and am now preparing to officiate a HUGE wedding here at the church on Saturday evening. Pray that we get some rain and that the heat will subside because it's going to be a packed church. It should be fun, though.

I also have some friends coming from Marion for part of the weekend - their son is playing baseball in the state tournament at Garden so they are going to drive back and forth and stay for night. Hopefully there is a little time in between to catch up with the Fruechtings.

I leave after church on Sunday for a week at Topeka speaking at what is called Summer Assembly Camp. I will lead 10 hours of workshops in the mornings and preach for 7 worship services so it will be very busy. Pray for me, I'd appreciate it. However, one of the benefits is that the camp is only 5-10 minutes from my grandson Brayden's house (Eric and Andrea, too). So guess what I might be doing when there is a little free time?

Then when I get back the next Sunday there is a couple of days to maybe catch my breath before the fair kicks into high gear. I will help with the 4-H with the livestock again this year. I enjoy that a lot. Of course, I some responsibilities with the ministerial alliance and the church food booth as well. And speaking of food booth, if you have not yet signed up to help, I'm pleading for you to do so. It is not fair for just a few to do so much. If we can't get enough help we may have to rethink whether we do the food booth anymore in the future.

More than likely I won't be blogging until I get back from Topeka so have a great week (or two).

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Remember the Pink Floyd song with the lyrics "Money, money, money, money - money"? Well, it seems as if everyone wants more - never enough. Someone once said on the Dave Ramsay show, "We buy things we don't even need with money we don't even have to impress people we don't even know". Well, the reason I bring this all up is because I am preaching on tithing this Sunday - you know, the dreaded "T" word. But why are so many people so afraid of the word or so afraid of the discipline? I think it's because of a lack of belief and trust. Most don't really believe that God will provide for their needs (different than wants). Oh, many say they believe it but saying and acting upon it are 2 different things. This lack of belief ties into a lack of trust in the One who is the "giver of all good things".
Really, think about it. Do you trust God to take care of you? Do you really sing "great is thy faithfulness" with full conviction? Do you see God as your provider? Do you really trust God that in Jesus he will never leave you nor forsake you? We will only give back to God in accordance to who we believe God to be. If we don't believe he will provide, we won't give or will do so reluctantly. If we don't trust God to be true to his promises, our response will reflect that lack of trust.
However, if we do believe, if we do trust, we can with full confidence be "cheerful givers" and give out the abundance that has been given to us. We then become generous because God himself is generous. This, of course, implies that we may have to take a look at our priorities, review and reflect upon where we are spiritually in relationship to God through Christ, and ask him to guide us in the way we respond to him.
God gave us his best in the giving of his son Jesus. He has set the bar, no doubt. I encourage you to respond to his giving by giving back to him. You can be sure you can't outgive God. And know this, you will be as blessed as those who receive.