Monday, February 22, 2010


  • I kind of feel like Willie Nelson this week - "On the road again". Leaving Thursday for Garden City for the Men's Walk to Emmaus weekend. Finish up on Sunday afternoon and then head to Salina for a couple days of meetings. Come back to Mulvane for Wednesday to "catch up" a little. And then return to Garden City to direct the Women's Walk to Emmaus through Sunday. I spoke about focus last Sunday - dare I say I need to stay focused??

  • I'm loving the Winter Olympics. Some day I'm gonna go ( no, not to compete - unless it's curling - ha!).

  • Unbelievable blog by Amy Nelson ( last Sunday morning. She had no idea what I was preaching that day but our thoughts were identical. Pretty cool how God works. (Take a look at her blog from Sunday). By the way, Amy is no relation to Willie.

  • Jerry - all I can say is this - "flexibility brother, flexibility".

  • So many songs, so little time!

  • If you could see one thing take place in the church, what would it be?

  • I find out a year ago on the 20th that we were moving to Mulvane. Wow! What a difference a year makes!

  • I have 2 wonderful daughter-in-laws whose birthdays are this month - Melissa's is today, Andrea's was on the 4th. They are a blessing! My boys done good!!

  • My wife finished up with the taxes today. She deserves a gold medal for her work! I'm thinkin a date night would be good (or how about a cruise to Hawaii?)

  • Still excited about the 1980 hockey win over the Soviet Union. Do you believe in miracles? Yes!!


Monday, February 15, 2010


Well, here we go again. Another Winter Olympic games is upon us. Personally, I love the winter games much more than those in the summer. The downhill skiing, the giant slalom, the ski jumps, the speed skating, the bobsledding, the luge, and yes, even a little figure skating does the soul good. These events, as well as the others I failed to mention, are incredible to watch. I can't imagine what it would be like to actually be one of the athletes. What a rush!
It is amazing to me that these athletes spend thousands upon thousand of hours preparing for a few minutes of competetion with the hope of taking home the gold medal. And with the Olympics occurring only once every four years, one slip, one false move, one fall can mean the difference between the possibility of bringing home a medal or just chalking it up to "the experience". And yet, the reality is that only a few ever get the chance to stand on the podium. So what's the deal? Why bust it when the odds are so slim to medal? And why jump right back into training when it will be 4 years before the next winter games?
It has to do with passion - the passion to win within their respective sport. The passion to prioritize life to do whatever it takes to be in shape. The passion to grunt and groan, to push the limit, to train day in and day out. The passion to do the best and be the best. The passion to keep on keeping on even in the midst of danger (so unfortunate for the luge athlete from Georgia).
Could you imagine the impact the church would have on communities and the world if we had the same kind of passion for the gospel and for others to know and experience Christ as athletes do for the Olympics? Maybe it's time we follow the example of our athletic friends, discern and develop our passion, and not only do whatever it takes to get in shape, but stay in shape. The prize awaits!

Tuesday, February 09, 2010


  • If Spring is coming?
  • If Peyton is having nightmares?
  • If the Saints are acting like saints?
  • If anyone under 40 ever heard of the Who?
  • If anyone cares about pro basketball?
  • What the thorn in Paul's side was?
  • If it's possible?
  • If not, why not?
  • How we can help the family who lost their children in the fire?
  • What we should study in the men's Bible study?
  • Why people only take the dollar bill when the million is available?
  • What if........................?

Monday, February 01, 2010




I've been reading from the book of Romans the past few days and was reminded of God's revelation of Himself in nature. Hear these words, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse" (Rom. 1:20).
Maybe we can't "see" God like we see each other, but we can see and experience all He has created. As a result, we find ourselves having no excuse in believing that God Himself exists. His creation speaks loudly! The beauty and awe of all that surrounds us shouts out that there is a Creator. As you can see in the pictures above, the snow, the trees and the shrubs all reveal Someone beyond ourselves. Indeed, His invisible qualities become visible. What we don't always understand becomes more comprehensible. And ultimately it all points to God.
What is it in God's creation that reveals Himself to you? I'll bet you can't limit it to one example.