Monday, July 26, 2010


This has been a great week to experience God at work - those "God moments" where you know that you know that you have experienced God in a special way. Let me give you a few examples if you don't mind:

I mentioned the Kansas Christian Ashram last week. The "Big Two" led us - Dennis Wallace as the evangelist and Steve Rankin as the Bible teacher. God really used them - incredible! Dennis spoke to us from the book of Nehemiah with regards to Passion - the drive that burns within us to do what we do as Christians. He spoke of our need to be passionate, the source of passion, the power of passion, and the slayers of passion. Bottom line - no passion, no ministry.
Steve challenged us to grow in our faith as Christians due to the fact that we find ourselves stuck in the Peter Pan syndrome - never wanting to grow up. Spiritual maturity is not just about following the rules, knowledge of the Bible, knowing theology, or merely practicing spiritual disciplines. It's about becoming fully what and who God designed us to be. It's about embodying the attitude and actions of Jesus. It's about moving beyond religiosity and living in a way that allows others to see that loving God and loving others is our priority. To settle for remaining in a childlike faith is not an option. (I've got the notes and the Scriptural passages to go with them if you'd like).
Of course the Cross Focus praise team did a marvelous job in leading us in worship. What a blessing. It was not just about performance, but about entering the throne room of God. Thanks!
Sunday was another blessed day as I was able to baptize a beautiful little girl named Rachel. her dad had just returned from serving in the military and he and his wife wanted Rachel baptized before returning to Virginia Beach. What a joy to be a part of what God is already doing in the life of that little one. And then 3 person made their vows to become members of the church. Just another joy to covenant together to pray for each other and hold each other accountable as we continue on the journey of faith.
So, as you can see, God is definitely doing his thing. His Holy Spirit is alive and well and if will just get out of the way and submit ourselves to his will, we will experience the things of God that will increase our passion, mature us in the faith, draw us into the throne room, and draw us closer to each other as the family of God. Praise the Lord! Can I get an Amen?? Let the redeemed of the Lord SAY SO!
Comments anyone???????
(Next week I will be in New Mexico on a mission trip. If able, I will send some reports. Keep me in your prayers).

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Today Lorna, (our lay ministry coordinator, ML, and I head to Sterling for a few days to participate in the 2010 Kansas Christian Ashram. The Ashram is a family camp and disciplined time for Christian fellowship and learning. It began under the influence of E. Stanley Jones, a missionary to India. Ashram is a Hindi word meaning "away from hard work" thus it encourages us to get away from the grunt and groan of everyday life to get away with God and His people for a time of spiritual learning and refreshment. And in the midst of our time together, the central theme of the Ashram will be "Jesus is Lord!"

This year our Bible teacher will be Steve Rankin, the current campus minister and chaplain at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. The evangelist will be Dennis Wallace, senior pastor at Asbury UMC in Wichita. Yes, a couple of heavy hitters!! Top notch, I can't wait.

The picture above was of me preaching at the 2004 Ashram. What a privilege it was. This year I am excited to be one of those who will glean from the teaching and preaching by Steve and Dennis. Maybe you all can join us next year. You can be sure you will be blessed!

Jesus is Lord!!!

PS - Jo - see you there???

Monday, July 12, 2010


Our vision team has been reading and studying a book by Craig Groeschel entitled It- How Churches and Leaders Can Get It and Keep It! It's a great read and has helped guide us in some of our decisions regarding the focus and direction for our church. I was given another book by Groeschel from Todd and Melissa for Father's day entitled The Christian Atheist - Believing in God but Living as if He Doesn't Exist.

Now I havn't read the book as of yet but am very intrigued by the title because it's something I've been thinking about for some time. Do we really believe all that we proclaim when it comes to our faith? Do we really believe in miracles? Do we really believe that God can heal? When we set a budget at church, is it based upon what we believe God desires and wants to do or is it based upon our human limitations? Do we believe in the transformation of lives? Do we believe in the power of the Holy Spirit? Do we believe that God will supply our every need (not wants)? Do we believe that God will empower us to do his work? Do we believe that God answers prayer?

Our lives tell the story. What do our lives say about what we proclaim? Honestly, I've been a Christian atheist before. Probably still am in certain areas in my life. And if you are honest, you can relate. I do know one thing. I want to live a life that reflects what I proclaim to believe. How about you?

I'll read the book and give you my thoughts later. Until then, I choose to believe!

Tuesday, July 06, 2010


I'm not sure about this tweeting thing that has swept across the country (or world). I barely can deal with the Facebook thing. But since it's Tuesday and I couldn't think of a "t" word to go with Tuesday, I just came up with tweeting. So there, sue me if you must. But here's a few "tweety" thoughts for you to ponder:
  • I read this past week that instead of being frustrated with closed doors, it might behoove you to approach them as divine detours. Think about that!

  • I think I am really going to like this grandpa thing. Oh yeah!

  • I'm so glad I can talk to my kids about the things of God, the church, spiritual growth, etc. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be?

  • Surprised by some friends from out west who came to visit us at church last Sunday and then went to lunch. Bound by the cords of God's love - great to see you Jack and Lois!

  • Did I mention elk hunting is only 2 months and 3 days away? But who's counting?

  • Guy's advice - don't ever answer your cell phone if you happen to be shopping with your wife and you see it's your buddy calling. Just let it go to the the voice mail!

  • Picked up another book entitled theChristianatheist by Craig Groeschel that lifts up the concern of believing in God but living as if He doesn't exist. Hmmmm..........................

  • This Sunday - a baptism, 5 persons joining the church, and some testimonies by the youth. Can I get a witness? I should say so!

  • God's doing some wonderful things. As I was reminded this past weekend, "Step up, step in, or step back." I say let's step up and step in and get after it! Ya with me?

  • So, what's happening in your world? What's God up to in your arena? Let me know. See ya!