Monday, October 22, 2012


It's somewhat of an irony, this thing called grace.  As Christians, we proclaim that we are saved by grace.  Yet in my experience, if I ask folks who go to church to tell me what that means, they can't explain it.  They search for words but struggle to find them.  Some mention love but but can't expound on it.  Some only know grace as a short prayer before mealtime.  Is it then any wonder that we find ourselves struggling when it come to dealing with the "stuff" in our lives?

We find ourselves in a culture that is all about cinching up the belt and getting after it.  Work hard and we will be successful.  Do this, do that, so we can earn ourselves a position in society.  If we just work hard enough we will achieve our dreams.  Before long, it becomes all about what we've done, our merits as a result of working hard.  Yet..........people still find themselves feeling miserable, many having little, if any, self worth.  So much for success and accomplishments.

I've just come off of another Walk to Emmaus weekend, a 72 hour period of spiritual formation that helps persons come face to face with God's grace.  And as always the case, there are those who have confused "working to earn God's love" with the reality that God's love is offered to them as a "gift", independent of anything they could ever do or say to earn it.  Scripture reminds us that we are saved by grace, through faith, lest any of us should boast.  That means that God loves us so much that he offers us his love, he lavishes his love upon us as a gift.  He loves us because he loves us.  Period.  He loves us and there is nothing we can do about it.  Our response to that love is not to be "good enough", or to "work hard enough" to earn it.  We can never earn it.  Our response is one of faith, our belief in Jesus Christ as God's gift to us as the one who has saved us from sin, forgiven us of sin, and restored us to God that we might have a right relationship with him.  But we just have trouble with this gift thing.  We keep wanting to work for it.

I find this over and over again.  Whether it is at Emmaus or whether it is in the life of the church,  people struggle to come to grips with grace.  We just can't believe that God would love us in spite of us without us "doing" something worthy of his love.  Again I emphasize that we can never do anything to earn God's love.  We merely receive it, accept it by faith in Jesus.  Sadly, we struggle to open our hearts to receive God's gift because we can't let go of the junk in our lives that have separated us from a relationship with God.  Again, I see it over and over again.  LET IT GO!  LET IT GO!  God's grace is far greater than any sin that we might have.  His grace is sufficient. Our weakness can be exchanged for his strength found in his grace.

I saw this happen at Emmaus this weekend.  The women on this particular walk were confronted with God's amazing grace.  They came to a realization that God DOES love them, in spite of them and their circumstances.  And as a result, they were able to let go of some things that only God could remove.  it was not about working for his love, for his forgiveness, or for his acceptance.  It was about receiving and experiencing God's unconditional love.

If we are going to be the church that proclaims God's grace, it would behoove us to understand what that means and then to live it out in the midst of a community of men and women, boys and girls, who so desperately need to know that God loves them.  It's not about works or merit.  It's all about God's grace.  Grace!  Still Amazing!!

Friday, September 28, 2012



 I'm excited about this Sunday morning for our traditional and contemporary services will come together as one to worship the Lord. We will gather for a time of fellowship around 9:00 followed by woship at 9:45.  It promises to be a wonderful morning as we blend the great hymns of the faith with some of the more contemporary songs of praise.  The organ and piano will play, as will the guitars and drums.  The choir will sing and the praise band will lead us in worship as well.  And you can be sure the word of God will be preached!

One of the knocks on the modern day church is the fact that it is often so divisive, arguing over things that don't really matter - color of carpet, placement of pictures, length of hair, styles of clothes, styles of music, order of service, etc. etc.  In a day where people are not making an effort to go to church, they sure don't want to attend a gathering that is divided or argumentative.  Heck, they experience that all day long at work or at home.  Why deal with more of it at church, of all places?  Not to mention that the church is a terrible witness to others when we find ourselves divided. 

Jesus knows how we are - messy, conflictual, territorial, prideful, self-centered. That's why he prayed to the Father for us in John 17 that "they may be one as we are one- I in them and you in me - so that they may be brought to complete unity" (vv.22-23).   So often we become so accustomed to doing what we've always done, we don't know why we do it.  Then all of a sudden we get defenseive or upset if the order of worship changes, if there is no bulletin, if the music changes, if someone sits in our seat (God forbid). 

The purpose of us coming together this Sunday is that we might gather as the unified Body of Christ, having fellowship one with the other, sharing in our joys and our concerns, singing praises to God, exalting God as the God who does not divide but unites us under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  Our intent also is to show the surrounding community that we are one body made up of many different people who have different gifts and graces yet have a common goal to "Invite ALL to experience the life-transforming love of Jesus Christ." The church is always a witness, either good or bad.   It is our desire to be a good witness for Jesus Christ as we come together as His body.

So, plan to come to worship on Sunday.  The order will be a little different.  The time will be different.  You will sing an extra song or two.  You will probably sit in a different spot next to people you may not know. But know this, we will be worshiping the same Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who not only suggested, but commanded that we be ONE in His name.   Let it be so!

See you on Sunday!

Monday, August 20, 2012


Today marks 35 years of being married to my bride Mary Lou.  It was on a hot August night at the Eastmoor UMC in Marion Kansas where my grandpa, Wes Just, asked us to repeat our vows before God, our families, and our friends.  We'd memorized our vows and without hesitation we exchanged them between ourselves, promising to be true to one another til "death do us part".  Thus the journey began.

As I reflect back on these past 35 years I cannot imagine being with anyone else.  ML is my best friend, my confidant, my partner, the person who has been the epitome of being a Godly wife and mother to our children.  She has been very gracious, extremely merciful, beyond patient, and very loving to me.  I love being with her and would definitely be lost without her.

As one who officiates many weddings, I find that couples these days spend so much time preparing for the wedding day, especially the reception, that they've given little thought to the marriage.  The wedding day comes and goes, but the marriage is to last forever.  Unfortunately, we are seeing marriages fall apart because of some pie in the sky understanding that the warm fuzzy feeling of "love" will last forever with no thought that marriage is hard work, is grunt and groan, is choosing to love, even on days when one or both seem less than lovable.

ML and I have experienced many many days of wedded bliss.  And yes, we have had "our moments".  But never have we thought of throwing in the towel because we faced an obstacle in the road.  In fact, those obstacles strengthened our marriage, our love for each other.  I feel sorry for those who give up so quickly because they miss out on celebrating the victories over the difficulties and struggles as husband and wife.  Like I said, we've faced some big mountains in our marriage, but we kept climbing. As a result, we can look back and proclaim how we ascended to the top, as difficult as the climb was.

Of course, the glue that holds us together is our love for God which includes our faith in Jesus as our Lord and Savior of our lives and of our marriage.  He has never disappointed.  Now I confess that I've not always understood his plan for us, but he has never left us alone, never forsaken us.  As our love for God has grown, so has our love for each other.  And as the difficult times have come and gone, the fact that our marriage is grounded in our faith, we have endured.  I am so grateful.

It has been an incredible ride this far.  When we got married we were young and just happy to be together.  We did what we could do to make a living.  God blessed us with a couple boys while still living in Kansas.  For some reason, God called us into ministry.  We sold everything and headed to Chicago.  Another boy was born while in school.  Moved back to Kansas.  We've served 4 churches so far. And grandchildren, ah yes, grandchildren.  On and on!

So here we are, 35 years into our marriage.  So very blessed by God.  Mary Lou, you are the love of my life.   Here's to the next 35 years!!   

Saturday, August 04, 2012


I write this blog based upon that which I've seen and experienced the past 20 years or so as a pastor.  Maybe some of you clergy types can relate.  Or maybe it's JUST me.

One thing about my vocation, I did not choose it.  My wife and I were happily married, living in rural Kansas, active in our church, had great jobs, and lived close to wonderful family and friends.  Then God pulls a "Go to a land that I will show you" kind of thing.  So after leaving the previously mentioned behind, to Chicagoland we did go.  Bottom line?  Called into ordained ministry.  And that's where we find ourselves today.  Serving as the pastoral husband and wife in a local church.  Did we choose this? No!  Did God call us into the ministry?  Yes!  Without a doubt.

Now, to borrow a phrase of a pastor friend, ministry is "brutiful" - both beautiful and brutal.  Just like any other vocation, there are the good times and the "not-so-good".  But it is the irony that is found in the "not-so-good" that baffles me from time to time.

I have a deep desire for people to experience God's love, his forgiveness, his grace and mercy by virtue of placing faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  That drives me.  That is my passion, especially seeing lives transformed because of Jesus.  And I acknowledge that my passion can come across as "direct" or "pushy" or even "in your face" at times.  I own that.  Guilty as charged.  But here's where the iron comes into play.

Why is it okay for a CEO to hold accountable those whom he/she oversees?  Why is it it okay for a medical director to call into account those who administer health care to those in need?  Why is it okay for a teacher to give direction and provide discipline to his/her students in the classroom?  Why is it okay for a coach to expect his/her athletes to be responsible to train correctly and be at all practices?  Yet, why is it not okay for a pastor to hold accountable his/her parishioners to the vows they have exchanged with God and the church?

Quit "judging" me, "you're meddling", it's  "none of your business".  I've experienced this for years but let me tell you, I am so glad that a certain pastor "meddled", got in "my business", held me accountable to who I proclaimed to be.  If not, who knows what ditch I'd be in today.  Just as a coach would do, just as a CEO would do, just as a teacher would do, that pastor did, and I am grateful.

As I mentioned, my passion can get in the way of my tact.  I get that and apologize if any of you who are reading this have experienced that.  However, know this, when I stand before God on judgment day, I do not want to be accused of running way from my responsibility to those who have made vows to God and his church by upholding the church by their prayers, presence, gifts, and service.  Should I not do so would be more than irony, it would be a tragedy!

Monday, July 16, 2012


Nothing overly profound to share this morning.  Don't want to have to think too hard on a Monday.

  • Is it hunting season yet??
  • A reminder to my brother Rod.  Keep your thumb up when dallying the rope around the saddle horn.
  • What's up with this Zoooooooooooomba craze? (Zumba)
  • Curious - do wart hogs really have warts?
  • I'm thinkin an Alaskan cruise would be nice about now.  What say you?
  • Backin off the caffeine a little.  Love the coffee but not the heart palpitations.
  • Awesome pot luck meal last Wednesday at Senior Moments.  Wow, those folks can cook.  A great time every month eating and having fellowship with the seasoned folks of the church.
  • Anyone ready for the political campaign to be over??  Like the old country song - "Promises, promises, that's all I ever get".
  • Love preaching the series on the parables with a twist.  Makes you think, doesn't it?
  • Kyle and Molly here over the weekend.  That means biscuits and gravy!  Oh yeah!!
  • ML's birthday this coming Sunday.  Thoughts regarding a gift??
  • Jurisdictional Conference in OKC this week.  Pray for all who will attend and discern the election of new bishops for our area.  It is imperative that great leaders are elected.
  • What would happen if we were as committed to Christ and his church as we are to our extracurricular activities?  Can you imagine??
  • I encourage you to pray for rain and cooler weather.  It's serious.
  • Thanks to the youth who shared their mission experiences while in Alabama. 
  • Prayer walked a portion of Mulvane this morning.  Praying God's blessing on the community and for ways we as a church can minister to the community.
  • Thou shalt have a great week!!  Keep your eyes on Jesus!!

Monday, June 25, 2012


'Oh Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder..."

Following Kyle and Molly's wedding we took a few days and went to Red River N.M. for a short vacation (thanks to Steve and Willa Beth Mills for a place to stay).  We needed a little time to catch our breath, to spend a little time together away from the church, to go and enjoy God's creation with no plans, no agenda, just "being".  (Hard for me to do).

The following are a few pics of our time in the mountains.  It was a most enjoyable time and of course, too short.  However, we were blessed to have this time together and both agree that God's very creation cries out that there is Someone greater than you and me who spoke into being the very beauty that we so often take for granted.  

"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it.."
Psalm 24:1

The view outside our deck.

What was once a caterpillar

Look to the cloud (and I don't mean data storage)

Our dwelling place - nice, huh?

A bridge over not-so troubled water

Hey PR, here's where we are!

Sweet Columbine

Blinded by the white legs!

God knows what He is talking about when it comes to taking a Sabbath.  Sometimes that means more than just a Sunday.  Ahhh yes, until the next time.

Monday, June 18, 2012


Yes, it's been awhile since I have blogged.  Sorry about that but life has been a little hectic.  Part of the craziness was preparing for Kyle and Molly's wedding - ML was in charge of the wedding rehearsal meal and decorations, we needed to make sure all the tuxes came in and fitted correctly, needed to make sure the hotel rooms were reserved, had to pack 2 car loads of stuff into one to take to Garden City, and yes, I had a sermon to write as I was officiating.  These were just a few things amongst the many more that needed to get done prior to the 9th.  But, as you can see by the picture above, the wedding took place and Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Just are officially married, husband and wife, forever and ever amen!

It was a wonderful ceremony that turned out to be a very sacramental moment.  In other words, God's very presence was with us all and His Spirit touched not only Kyle and Molly, but the families and all who were in attendance.  I must confess, it was the most difficult of the three boys ( I officiated each boy's wedding).  I am not afraid to shed a tear and I did so for each of the boys at their wedding.  But you know how it is when it's the baby.  I did fine until I went behind the chancel area to wait for Kyle to meet me after walking ML down the aisle.  It was like someone hit me in the gut.  This was the last boy to get married!  This was the little surprise package that arrived when we were in Chicago!  This was the one who all of a sudden was out of college, was getting married, and was soon to move to Kentucky to start a new chapter in his life!  Deep breath, dad.

And then around the corner he comes.  He gave me a big hug and said he loved me and I told him I loved him in in return and I prayed with him (probably so he couldn't see the tears in my eyes).  And then the song transitioned to Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, and it was time.  We walked out and awaited the wedding party in anticipation of the lovely miss Molly to come through the double doors and down the aisle.

Smiles accompanied the groomsmen and the bridesmaids and then here came the grandkids.  Brayden and Owen were the ring bearers, quite handsome I might add.  And then came Addy and Aubryn, the flower girls.  They were beautiful!  They all did such a great job and they all made it on stage (although by the end they all found their ways back to their mothers).  And then......................

HERE COMES THE BRIDE!  Again, deep breath dad.  Down the aisle came Molly, arm in arm with Russ, her dad, smiles as wide as the grand canyon.  And the rest?  Well, you just had to be there.  To me, I hardly remember a thing that happened around me other than my guiding Kyle and Molly through the vows, the meditation, the blessing and exchange of rings , the family blessing, and the dismissal with blessing.  I do know that had to stop and take a deep breath from time to time, all the while knowing that if I looked the kids in the eyes for any length of time, I would be a basket case.

Towards the end of the ceremony, the Justs and the Komofskes all gathered around Kyle and Molly while they were kneeling and we prayed a prayer of blessing on their marriage.  We prayed that they would keep their vows, that they would hold fast to their faith.  We prayed for them to acknowledge God's role in their lives as a married couple, and we prayed For God's hand to guide and direct them as they began this new chapter in their lives together as husband and wife.  It was beyond meaningful.  It was beyond powerful.  It was indescribable.

And then, it was with great pleasure that on behalf of the Justs and the Komlofskes, I presented to the family and friends who had gathered in the church that day, MR. AND MRS. KYLE JUST!

It was a great day.  God was in the house.  And based upon the responses by those in attendance, he spoke to their hearts the importance of what it means to say "I do".  For what God has joined together, let no one separate!  Amen and amen!!

(Now pardon me while I go blow my nose)

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Yep, these are the grand kids!  Amazing isn't it?  They are growing up so fast.  This picture was taken on Palm Sunday and miraculously, all four of them chose to smile for the camera.  That is rare, rare indeed.

I realize it's been awhile since I've written a blog.  It's been absolutely crazy busy and I had to prioritize what I should be doing and the blog took a back seat to other responsibilities.  But I thought it would be good to take a moment to jot down a few thoughts.  It's not that life has slowed down - Confirmation Sunday tomorrow including 4 baptisms and 12 joining the church and then heading to Tampa for General Conference on Monday and on and on it goes.  But the fact that the grand kids are growing up so fast reminds me of the responsibility that their parents, their grandparents, and other teachers in their lives have in seeing that they not only mature as young men and women in society, but that they grow up to be mature adults in the faith as well.

I mentioned that 12 youth are being confirmed in the faith tomorrow.  What a great accomplishment!  These kids have come to a point of publicly professing their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  But that is not the end, only the beginning.  For the rest of their lives will take them from the point of saying yes to Christ, from being forgiven of their sins, to becoming more and more like Christ in all they say and do.  In other words, the rest of their lives will be the process of growing up in the Christian faith, becoming mature in who and whose they are in Christ.

Sadly, so many who call themselves Christian have not been intentional at all about growing in their faith.  Many are satisfied with being comfortable with just attending church as if it is just something they can check off on a Sunday believing that is all that God desires from them.  As a result, they are unable to articulate the meaning of grace, mercy, salvation, sin, or the reason to even know the importance of what these terms mean.  Many can't say the 10 commandments, don't know the four gospels, don't know the difference between Genesis, Psalms, or Matthew, fail to take time to pray daily or read Scripture daily.  Surely one would not last in a secular job if he/she did not know any more about that job after 20 years of being employed.  Yet too often we have persons in our churches who have attended for years and years who know no more now than when they joined the church.  This the reason for so much decline in our churches, especially the mainline churches.

That's why we have worked so hard with these confirmation kids these past 13 weeks - to help them in their Christian growth.  And to challenge and encourage them to continue to grow up in Christ, to mature in the faith.  My grand kids are growing up so fast. I can see that growth each time I see them.  Let it also be true for us as Christians, that each time we would be seen by others, they would know we are growing up in Christ.  Let it be so Lord, let it be so!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


JUST a few things running through my mind:

  • Wow, what a great worship service yesterday as we remembered and celebrated the life of Patricia Ott.  God was definitely in the house!
  • Is anyone else out there tired of wind?
  • And is anyone else out there tired of award shows?
  • Just returned from a weekend team meeting in preparation for the next Emmaus Walk in 2 weeks.  I'm on the music team this go round and my "geetar" fingers are killing me.  Oh, I'm supposed to practice?
  • "It's all about the story"  - 'nuff said.
  • Ate a huge chicken fried steak today.  PLUS cherry pie.  Life is good!
  • Is it true that KSU is scheduling all away games next year?
  • Just started the series based upon Hamilton's book 24 Hours That Changed The World.  Guaranteed, if Jesus didn't love us, there is no way He would have journeyed to the cross.
  • I'm in need of a grandkid fix - all four of them.  Yep, it's pops and mimi time!
  • I saw a picture of a gray haired guy from church today - Yikes!!!  That was me!!  Seriously??
  • Yep, ML is still the babe of my life!
  • Some big-time moves in our conference this year.  That means there is need for some big-time prayer for the congregations and the pastors as they face big-time transitions.
  • I must admit, I like the Direct TV commercials - "Get rid of cable".  
  • So glad that Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.  No shortcut to Easter!!
Have a great week folks!!

Thursday, February 09, 2012


I've been meaning to give you a little update regarding the 21 days of prayer and fasting that we were a part of here at MUMC.  Several funerals, meetings, and "divine interruptions" have kept me from doing so, but I currently have a moment to jot down some thoughts.  So here goes.

I must say, it was definitely a spiritual discipline to set aside time each day during the lunch and dinner hour to come to the chapel and worship, hear from a speaker, and pray with others.  Establishing that as "time set apart for God" was great.  It didn't matter if there were two or a dozen in the chapel, that time was special.  I don't believe I would have experienced the presence of God in the same way without setting that time aside.  What a blessing.  And kudos to you who participated.

The 21 days fast was something I'd never done before.  I was on a liquid diet except for a little fruit each day.  (Remember, I'm a meat and potato kind of guy).  And as I mentioned in the last blog, there were some difficult days - day 3, day 6, and expecially day 18.  I was so ready to throw all fruit out the door.  I wanted a hamburger. But, not eating was NOT  the point.  It was dependence upon God that he would be faithful to sustain and nourish me during the 21 days.  And he held true to his promise.  If there was one thing I learned, it was that God's word is faithful and true and he will always supply our every need.  It was during those times of hunger that I redirected my desire for physical food to that of being fed spiritually - prayer, Scripture reading, worship, meditation.  After all, wasn't that the reason, to be drawn closer to God?  To see and hear clearer?  To be more sensitive to God and what he was doing?

I truly did feel that I had a heightened sense of God's presence - both in my life and in the lives of others.  Those who prayed and fasted shared many of the same experiences of a greater awareness to the things of God, a greater desire to worship, and greater desire to become closer to him.  That was a real blessing.

Many lost weight - a good thing.  Many shut off the tv, set aside their video games, exercised, or replaced bad food with nutritious food.  Some fasted mulitiple meals, some a meal a day, some certain foods, some certain drinks, some sweets and candies.  It wasn't about being legalistic, but about being intentional about setting aside time and space for God.  And you know what, when we do that, God comes through - "Seek and you shall find" Scripture reminds us.

On my own I knew I would never make it.  So each day I reminded myself of Jesus' words,"My grace is sufficient".  And just as he promised, it was so.

 Grace indeed!  Amazing grace!!

(P.S.  - If you took part in the Awakening, let me know of your experience.)

Monday, January 23, 2012


I thought I'd give a little update as it relates to the 21 days of fasting and prayer.  I realize that Jesus reminds us not bring attention to ourselves when it comes to fasting and prayer so I want to be careful that you don't misunderstand the intent of this blog.  I just want to let you know a few things that I am learning and observing as I enter the second week of this spiritual discipline.

First of all, I am very pleased at the number of those at MUMC who are participating in the Awakening.  Many are coming daily to the chapel at noon and at six for a time of worship, a devotion, and time to pray.  It's been wonderful and God has blessed that time together.  I also am pleased about the number of people who are fasting in a variety of ways that God might more intimately reveal Himself to them and to us as we move through this season together.  There are many kinds of fasts taking place - some are fasting from certain foods, some from meat, some from soft drinks, some from TV, some from video games, some from one meal a day, some from sweets - all sorts of fasts.  It's not about losing weight or avoiding a tv show or a video game.  It's about setting aside some time and space to pray and fast - to seek God's face and for Him to reveal himself to us as well as to reveal some things about ourselves to us.  And we are beginning to see that take place.

I decided to go on a liquid fast other than a little fruit in the morning and afternoon.  The reasoning was that I wanted to be a part of something only God can do, because you can be sure I will not make it 21 days on my own strength.  Mainly because I like food.  And thus far, it has been because of God's strength, his sustaining power that I've made it 9 days. 

The first 3 days were tough - stomach growling, wanting to eat, and also realizing that I'd conditioned my body to eat in the morning, at noon, and in the evening, whether hungry or not.  It's "just what you do".  Once I got past the 3rd day I did pretty well until the 6th day.  I almost wanted to give up.  Every commercial was about food, everywhere I looked was a picture of food, I had meetings that were surrounded by meals and snacks, and my thoughts centered on my desire to eat a hamburger.  But it was in those moments that I had to really ask God to strengthen me, to sustain me, to nourish me and through those times I have found that he is faithful. And the more I focus on him in prayer and worship, the more my weakness is exchanged for his strength. 

I've also noticed that I have become more aware of my surroundings, to the things that are taking place in people's lives, to the hurts and heartaches of others.  There is a sharper sensitivity to God's prompting in my life that I might have an impact on others, not because of my strengths but because of God working through me.  And I've also seen that occurring in a few others based upon their reactions and responses to others, as well as their sensitivity to God's speaking to them in prayer.  That's awesome, if you ask me.

The point is, when we find ourselves depending upon God, we realize that we experience the "things of God" and begin to get a feel for his heart, his desire, his will for us and others.  Personally, I know I'm not where God wants me to be as of yet.  That is a journey, for sure.  But I believe I am traveling the right road and am excited where it will lead me.

Pray for me.  I'll do the same for you!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


For those of you raised in the church, the words to the title of this blog should be familiar to you.  They come from the hymn of the same name - "Just a Closer Walk With Thee".  We've sung this song for years but I wonder if we really mean it.  After all, do we really want to walk closer to God?  Do we really desire to have a relationship with God where we truly surrender all to God that he might use us as He chooses?  The answer?  If we're honest, sometimes yes, sometimes no.  Can you relate?

With that in mind, we at MUMC are embarking on another journey to be intentional about praying and fasting that we might hear, see, and experience God more fully and more clearly.  Tomorrow begins Awakening 2012 - A New Approach to Faith, Fasting, and Spiritual Freedom.  Our desire is to set aside time or establish sacred space in order for us to be more open to God's working in our lives as individuals and as a church.  It will include some worship and prayer during the noon hour and supper hour each day for 21 days in the chapel.  It will include a devotional that people can use to assist them on this spiritual journey.  And it will involve fasting, yes fasting.  Yikes!  (I like to eat). 

The fasting includes a fasting from food, but not food only.  For some, it will be a juice/liquid fast.  For some, it will be a Daniel fast (fruits/vegetables).  For some, one meal per day.  And for those unable to do a food fast, it will be a fast from tv, from the internet, from facebook, from video games, from cigarettes, etc.  The point is, to set aside time and space from food or activities and replacing them with time with God in prayer, reading, and meditation.  The fast is not so much about what we are giving up but what we desire in a relationship with God.

Honestly, I'm a little nervous because the fast I have chosen will only be accomplished with the help of God.  And yet, isn't that what life is all about anyhow?  We don't exist without God and His work in our lives.  Maybe it's time to get a better grip on what that means.  At least that is my desire.

So, I hope you are going to join me on this 21 day journey. We will need each other to hold each other accountable and to encourage each other.  If you are not part of MUMC and are interested, check out the website at  Those of you from MUMC, feel free to contact Brian or myself and we'll attempt to answer your questions.

Yes I'm a little nervous.  But more than that, I'm excited!  Let's rock!  God, do your thing!!