Monday, July 16, 2012


Nothing overly profound to share this morning.  Don't want to have to think too hard on a Monday.

  • Is it hunting season yet??
  • A reminder to my brother Rod.  Keep your thumb up when dallying the rope around the saddle horn.
  • What's up with this Zoooooooooooomba craze? (Zumba)
  • Curious - do wart hogs really have warts?
  • I'm thinkin an Alaskan cruise would be nice about now.  What say you?
  • Backin off the caffeine a little.  Love the coffee but not the heart palpitations.
  • Awesome pot luck meal last Wednesday at Senior Moments.  Wow, those folks can cook.  A great time every month eating and having fellowship with the seasoned folks of the church.
  • Anyone ready for the political campaign to be over??  Like the old country song - "Promises, promises, that's all I ever get".
  • Love preaching the series on the parables with a twist.  Makes you think, doesn't it?
  • Kyle and Molly here over the weekend.  That means biscuits and gravy!  Oh yeah!!
  • ML's birthday this coming Sunday.  Thoughts regarding a gift??
  • Jurisdictional Conference in OKC this week.  Pray for all who will attend and discern the election of new bishops for our area.  It is imperative that great leaders are elected.
  • What would happen if we were as committed to Christ and his church as we are to our extracurricular activities?  Can you imagine??
  • I encourage you to pray for rain and cooler weather.  It's serious.
  • Thanks to the youth who shared their mission experiences while in Alabama. 
  • Prayer walked a portion of Mulvane this morning.  Praying God's blessing on the community and for ways we as a church can minister to the community.
  • Thou shalt have a great week!!  Keep your eyes on Jesus!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No comments, nobody knows what to tell you to get ML, but you better do SOMETHING! :)