Monday, December 28, 2009

There's Nothing Like Family!

We were blessed to have the kids and their families here to celebrate Christmas on Saturday. About didn't happen due to snow and ice in the Topeka area but Eric's made it here around 12:30 - just in time for big dinner - good timing! The grandbabies were a blast, but I forgot how busy little ones can be. But enjoyed every minute of it. God has blessed us with such wonderful boys - Todd, Eric, and Kyle and marvelous daughter-in-laws - Melissa and Andrea. And of course, they have doubly blessed us with beautiful grandchildren - Brayden, Owen, and Adelyn. God has graced us with a family that loves each other and loves Jesus as Savior and Lord.
It JUST doesn't get any better than that!!!

Little Addy jumping for joy!

Owen playing us all a song on the guitar.

Brayden hamming it up for the camera!

Monday, December 21, 2009


Had a lot of fun last Saturday at the parsonage open house. So glad so many of you were able to come. It was a good day to get into the spirit of Christmas!!

My sister-in-law Janelle, youngest son Kyle, and his girlfriend Molly. They decided it was their job to make sure the food table was properly guarded and all plates kept full of goodies.

Candy, John, Deb, Barbara, and Janet solving all the world's problems.

Wait a minute! Didn't we just see Barbara and Candy in the previous picture?? We also see Bethany, Joe, and Mike eating, drinking, and making merry!

Ah yes, the table was loaded with all sorts of meats and cheeses, crackers, vegatables, dips, and drinks. Notice the first little sign - "Elk Meatballs". They were a big hit. If Candy wouldn't have eaten so many there would have been enough for everyone.
On a more serious note, I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! I pray that you will experience the love of God who gave His One and only Son that we might have life, abundant life, both now and for eternity. As we celebrate the birth of Christ this Friday it is my prayer that we will join the angels as we lift our voices together singing, "Joy to the World, the Lord is come, let earth receive her King".

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

THOUGHTS (or something like that)!

Yes, indeed! This is me after a crazy Tuesday. Just getting home tonight and thinking about what to write. Not too sure. We'll see what transpires..........................

A funeral yesterday. A funeral tomorrow. Praise the Lord for eternal life by virtue of faith in Christ!

Speaking of the funeral yesterday, you Leoti folks caught my emotions off guard. Nothing like driving 275 miles so I could cry in front of you all.

The elk has finally found its home in our freezer. Now to serve it for our open house on Saturday (wink,wink).

It's funny how many people read this here blog. You must have too much time on your hands.

This Sunday will be the big Christmas Sunday! You don't think I'll be stoked?

I live right next to Wichita and all the stores but would rather just get on the internet and order stuff and be done with it.

My Grandson Owen pulled down the Christmas tree, lined up all the gold ornament balls, and proceeded to smack them around the house with a plastic golf club. How funny is that?

How about a sermon series focusing on country song titles? (Achy breaky heart, Ring of Fire, Lookin for love in all the wrong places, Giddy up go, Paper Roses, Heaven's just a sin away, etc...) That series could last all year.

I still like cherry pie (In case you were wondering).

Someone needs to give Kevin Clark spell check for his computer. It would behoove him to at least spell the words correctly if he is going to pontificate or bloviate.

Hints for a present for Mary Lou??? Shhh... don't tell her.

God is still doing His thing! Aren't you glad??

Monday, December 07, 2009


Seems like the blog may have gone its course. Very few comments as of late. Maybe I'll put it to rest. What say you?