Friday, March 26, 2010


FEBRUARY 4, 1966 - MARCH 23, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010


  • I'm thinkin that a few folks need to exchange March Madness for March Gladness!

  • Thoughts on the newly passed Healthcare bill? A little behind the scenes bribery? If you do this.............I'll do this. Nothing new under the sun.

  • Officiated a funeral today - so what would be the point if there was no hope after the grave?

  • Try reading John chapters 11-13 this week and see if you can grasp it all. Lots of layers. Work through it slowly. It will do your soul good.

  • Only 6 months til elk hunting with Craig and the 2 bros. Shhhh, can you hear the bugling?

  • My wife is still the babe of my life. It's about time for a date night.

  • ML and I have decide to jot down our "God moments", those times that we know that we know that we know that God is present and actively at work in our midst. Why not join us and we'll compare notes.

  • I work with a great staff at the church - thanks Lorna, Vicky, Amy, Tracy, and Kit for all you do.

  • The Lenten journey continues. I pray I will complete the journey with Christ without veering to the left or to the right.

  • Palm Sunday on the 28th. Let's not exchange our shouts of "Hosanna!" on Sunday with cries of "Crucify Him!" a week from Friday.

  • Blessings to you all. Comments are always welcome.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Okay, you're wondering what in the world is going on. Me too. But here's the deal. Last week M.L and I stopped by a coffee shop owned by Doug Harder, a friend of ours in Garden City. We ordered a couple of different blends, sat down with Doug, and proceeded to share in some great coffee and great conversation. It had been a long time since we'd taken the time to just sit down and share a cup of coffee together. In actuality, it was a God moment. Time with my wife and time with our friend without feeling like we were under the gun to be somewhere or do something within the next hour - priceless!
It reminded me of our vacation in Hawaii several years ago. We went on a cruise and every morning we would grab a cup of coffee, find a quiet spot on the deck, and then sit down and enjoy the view, the fresh air, the coffee, and each other. ML's sister and hubby would often join us. Ah yes, the simple things in life are sometimes the greatest.
Sadly, it's been so hectic as of late that even though the coffee has been brewed and poured, it has been "grab-and-go" - no time taken to just sit, relax, converse, enjoy each other's company. I don't think that's the way it's supposed to be. In fact, I "know" it's not the way it's supposed to be. So now what?
Well, I'm not asking you to pity me - it's my own fault for letting things get so crazy busy. I am asking you to hold me accountable, however. It's about priorities. It's about enjoying time with my wife and my friends. It's about slowing down and "smelling the coffee". It's about enjoying the simple things. It's about paying attention to the God moments that often come when sitting down and enjoying something as down-to-earth as a cup of coffee. God meets us in a variety of ways. Why not when drinking a cup of coffee?
P.S. - The coffee's on. Stop on by!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I just returned from assisting with what is known as the "Walk to Emmaus", a 72 hour spiritual formation weekend. I worked behind the scenes for the men's walk a week ago but was the spiritual director for the women's walk this past weekend. Wow, did God ever do His thing!

Without going into all the details, it was disheartening to listen to all the struggles, hear all of the pain and the heartache, and see all of the tears that were shed because of deep hurt that so consumed many of the women who participated in the walk. But, as God would have it, He drew them to the foot of the cross where the women were able to leave their burdens and be freed from that which had so entangled them.

And it was all because of a new understanding of grace, God's unconditional love offered to us without price. This is such a hard concept for people because we live in a culture that says we've got to "earn" it, whatever "it" is. So we work hard. We work and work and work and still feel miserable. As a result we carry more and more burdens. Then we work some more and it becomes a viscious cycle. Then insecurity sets in, rejection rears its ugly head, the pressure to measure up weighs us down. And soon we find ourselves incapacitated.

Yet in the midst of it all God offers us His grace, his love that is based upon what He has done through His son Jesus Christ, not what we could ever do. John 3:16 says that "God so loved the world that he "gave" His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life." Our response is merely that of belief, of faith in Jesus. Sin is then forgiven and burdens are lifted and relationship with God and others is restored. Why carry all that junk around when Jesus has come to take it away? In fact Jesus himself said, "Come to me, you who are heavy burdened and I will give you rest".

That's what happened in the lives of so many of the women this past wekend. They were able to respond to God's love and let Jesus remove their pain and heartache. It was amazing! Simply amazing! No wonder we sing amazing grace!!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

update - that's all!

Just got back from meetings in Salina and the Men's Walk to Emmaus - very powerful as usual! God met the guys right where they were at and opened their eyes and their hearts to a new relationship with Him. Board of Ordained Ministry meetings the last 2 days in Salina - some great candidates for ordination this year -exciting. Got to play with Owen for a moment as well - nothin like being a gramps! Heading to Garden City Thursday morning for the Women's walk (I'm the spiritual director the walk and ML is on the music team). Keep us in your prayers. Gotta go! Bless you all!!!!