Monday, December 28, 2009

There's Nothing Like Family!

We were blessed to have the kids and their families here to celebrate Christmas on Saturday. About didn't happen due to snow and ice in the Topeka area but Eric's made it here around 12:30 - just in time for big dinner - good timing! The grandbabies were a blast, but I forgot how busy little ones can be. But enjoyed every minute of it. God has blessed us with such wonderful boys - Todd, Eric, and Kyle and marvelous daughter-in-laws - Melissa and Andrea. And of course, they have doubly blessed us with beautiful grandchildren - Brayden, Owen, and Adelyn. God has graced us with a family that loves each other and loves Jesus as Savior and Lord.
It JUST doesn't get any better than that!!!

Little Addy jumping for joy!

Owen playing us all a song on the guitar.

Brayden hamming it up for the camera!

Monday, December 21, 2009


Had a lot of fun last Saturday at the parsonage open house. So glad so many of you were able to come. It was a good day to get into the spirit of Christmas!!

My sister-in-law Janelle, youngest son Kyle, and his girlfriend Molly. They decided it was their job to make sure the food table was properly guarded and all plates kept full of goodies.

Candy, John, Deb, Barbara, and Janet solving all the world's problems.

Wait a minute! Didn't we just see Barbara and Candy in the previous picture?? We also see Bethany, Joe, and Mike eating, drinking, and making merry!

Ah yes, the table was loaded with all sorts of meats and cheeses, crackers, vegatables, dips, and drinks. Notice the first little sign - "Elk Meatballs". They were a big hit. If Candy wouldn't have eaten so many there would have been enough for everyone.
On a more serious note, I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! I pray that you will experience the love of God who gave His One and only Son that we might have life, abundant life, both now and for eternity. As we celebrate the birth of Christ this Friday it is my prayer that we will join the angels as we lift our voices together singing, "Joy to the World, the Lord is come, let earth receive her King".

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

THOUGHTS (or something like that)!

Yes, indeed! This is me after a crazy Tuesday. Just getting home tonight and thinking about what to write. Not too sure. We'll see what transpires..........................

A funeral yesterday. A funeral tomorrow. Praise the Lord for eternal life by virtue of faith in Christ!

Speaking of the funeral yesterday, you Leoti folks caught my emotions off guard. Nothing like driving 275 miles so I could cry in front of you all.

The elk has finally found its home in our freezer. Now to serve it for our open house on Saturday (wink,wink).

It's funny how many people read this here blog. You must have too much time on your hands.

This Sunday will be the big Christmas Sunday! You don't think I'll be stoked?

I live right next to Wichita and all the stores but would rather just get on the internet and order stuff and be done with it.

My Grandson Owen pulled down the Christmas tree, lined up all the gold ornament balls, and proceeded to smack them around the house with a plastic golf club. How funny is that?

How about a sermon series focusing on country song titles? (Achy breaky heart, Ring of Fire, Lookin for love in all the wrong places, Giddy up go, Paper Roses, Heaven's just a sin away, etc...) That series could last all year.

I still like cherry pie (In case you were wondering).

Someone needs to give Kevin Clark spell check for his computer. It would behoove him to at least spell the words correctly if he is going to pontificate or bloviate.

Hints for a present for Mary Lou??? Shhh... don't tell her.

God is still doing His thing! Aren't you glad??

Monday, December 07, 2009


Seems like the blog may have gone its course. Very few comments as of late. Maybe I'll put it to rest. What say you?

Monday, November 30, 2009


Some thoughts for you to ponder - some serious, others....well....................

So, if Tiger Woods has nothing to hide,what's the deal?

Tomorrow is December and today is around 60 degrees?

Saw all the grandkids last week. It doesn't get any better than that!

Have you seen the MUMC church commercial yet? All I want for Christmas is.......

I'm surprised how many people know very little about Advent.

Facebook! What do you think about the social network?

MTV - it's absolutely worthless and has no redeeming value whatsoever and yet so many of our kids watch it. Parents, do you realize what's on that channel?

Notre Dame just fired their football coach. What will KU do?

Tim Tebo - Now there's a class act!

Read a devotion this morning that suggested a simpler Christmas. Good idea, don't you think?

So many songs, so little time.

Jesus is still Lord!!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009


Once again we gather together this week as friends and family to celebrate the many blessings that have been bestowed upon us from our heavenly Father. So often we take for granted all that we have but it is my prayer this year that we will be intentional about offering our thanks to God for all His many provisions.

Personally I am so grateful for my family - my parents, ML's parents, my brothers and their families, ML's siblings and families, my wife (so very thankful), my boys and their wives (no, Kyle does not have a wife), and of course, the grandkids. What a blessing to have such a great family.

As I mentioned in church yesterday, I am so thankful for good friends, for this great country, and for the church (the body of Christ). I am thankful for the opportunities I've been given to minister in many areas of this state (as well as this country) and am so blessed to have met so many wonderful folks. I'm also so appreciative to be able to experience God's creation - in the flatlands of Kansas to the high mountains of Colorado to the humidity of Mulvane (trees grow where it's humid). The evidence of a Creator is all around us to be sure.

But most of all I'm thankful for Jesus who gave his life on the cross for me and for you that we might live in right relationship with our heavenly Father. I'm thankful that I don't have to earn God's love but by responding to his grace (his unconditional love) by faith, I am assured life, abundant life both now and for eternity.

And yes, for that my heart gives thanks.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Michael W. Smith acknowledging the Lord as the One who is worthy.
(Sorry about the quality- phone picture)

Leading us in worship - a great night!

Had the great privilege to go with a group from church to the Michael W. Smith concert last night at Central Christian Church and I was NOT disappointed. We had VIP tickets and got there early (thanks Jerry). The result - front row seat for our group. Unbelievable!! I've been craving a worship service like this for some time and we were led into the throne room of God with both outward expressive songs as well as "on your knees, reflective praise" to the Lord. I absolutely loved "Agnus Dei" which comes from the book of Revelation - "Alleluia.... worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb, Amen"! Worship - ascribing to God all that we are and all who we are to the One who is worthy. And that's what we did - we worshipped the Lord - all 5,000 or so of us as one body lifting up the name of Jesus. How sweet it was and continues to be. If you get a chance, pick up a copy of "A New Hallelujah" either CD or DVD. It's well worth the money. In the meantime, "I feel it, I feel it, I feel it in my bones and I just don't think I can hold it anymore..."

Monday, November 09, 2009


Well, an unbelievable elk hunting trip in the Rockies. All five of us were successful. That never happens. We arrived on Thursday the 29th after fighting a snow storm from Limon to Denver. Some parts of Denver received between 20 -30 inches of snow. But we made it safely. There was snow where we hunted (and camped) and it was quite cold but it worked out great for the hunt. And the beauty of the mountains - God outdid Himself once again. It was indescribable. No wonder we sing "How Great Thou Art!"

Below are a few pics.

This was the view outside our tent each morning! How cool is that?

The crew - Tyrone, Mike, Dennis, Craig and me.

Craig cheesing it up laying on the hide of his bull elk. He shot his on Tuesday evening.

I had an antlerless license. I shot this cow at 7:45 am on Monday morning.

Monday, October 26, 2009


"I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2

Gearing up for a mountain top experience. Time with God, His creation, and good friends. Full report to follow. Blessings to you all!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Just completed another Walk to Emmaus - Men's Walk #95 in Wichita. As always, God did His thing, opening the eyes of men who all of a sudden found themselves in the presence of the living Christ. And what a joy to be a part of another walk. From the send off on Thursday to the closing on Sunday, I was able to observe God's Spirit work in such a way to bring about healing, wholeness, and transformation in the lives of men of all ages.
Thanks to all who worked behind the scenes. Thanks to the sponsors of those who attended. Thanks to the team, both lay and clergy who showed what it meant to offer and live out God's unconditional love. Thanks to the community who showed the support as well as those who prayed throughout the weekend. And thanks for allowing me to be the community spiritual director. I am very appreciative to you and humbled by your support.
And now it's time for the women's walk #96 this weekend. You go girls!
De Colores!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


These past few nights I have been speaking at a church in Newton - a time of renewal and restoration. What I've really enjoyed is the various methods and styles of worship that has taken place. Sunday night the praise team from Mulvane, Leap of Faith, led the time of musical worship. They did an awesome job leading us into the throne room of God. What a blessing!

Last night, a group (whom I've known for years - Bob and the boys) led worship. Their instruments included a keyboard, a lead guitar, a bass guitar, and 2 trumpets. Awesome music. Far different than Sunday night, but a blessing just the same.

Tonight, some of the members of the church where I am preaching will lead worship. Believe it or not, they are a bluegrass band. How cool is that? I will follow with a little music of my own on the guitar.

Tomorrow I will be speaking at Southwestern College and you can be sure a praise team from the college will lead us in worship. And the rest of the week I will be involved in the Walk to Emmaus in Wichita where yet another style of worship will lead us into the presence of God.

I say all this because it's all about God, not about us. And to experience God through a variety of means is so exciting to me because God is a big God who doesn't get worked up about style near as much as we do. His desire is that we worship him, that we focus on him, that our attention be given to the One who is worthy - God alone.

So, as I meander my way through this week, I find it an awesome time to be serving the Lord. And as much as I enjoy the worship that is taking place, I can only imagine how pleased God is when our focus is upon Him. Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow!!

Monday, October 05, 2009

Monday Meanderings!

  • Only 23 days til elk hunting - but who's counting?
  • Fall - the best time of the year! Without question.
  • Jesus is still Lord! No matter what "stuff" we face.
  • Meetings, meetings, meetings................................
  • In ministry, what was no issue?
  • Vision - a picture of the future that produces passion. So what's your passion?
  • My family. #1 in my books!
  • I've only got to see 1 high school fball game. Mulvane has only lost once. Not sure I have any more open Friday nights - how sad is that?
  • 1 year older last Sunday - boy do I feel it!
  • Victory in Jesus! Sorry devil, that's just the way it is.
  • Christianity is personal but it is not private! Thus the need for the church.
  • Get to see the kids and grandkids this Saturday -oh yeah!
  • One of these days......................................................................

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Currently setting in our room at a B&B in Hugoton. Preached the first of 3 nights at the UMC. A wonderful evening. Good turnout and good response at the invitation. God blessed our time together and I see no reason why He won't do the same the next 2 nights. Pray for me and the church here in Hugoton that God would "re-vive" (or bring life again) to His church. Much appreciated. Thanks!

The theme for the week - "I (Paul) planted, Apollos watered, and God made it grow". (1 Cor. 3:6).

The 3 sermons - A call to maturity, A call to unity, A call to priority.

Monday, September 21, 2009


The devil is working overtime lately but here's the deal, "The grave is empty and the victory is in Jesus!" Time to put on the spiritual armor and get after it!

"Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." Ephesians 6:10-11.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Here we go again! Todd and Melissa gave us the green light to announce to all of you that we are going to be grandparents again. The big O (Owen) is going to be a big brother the end of April of next year. So what will this little one be - a boy or a girl? Remember, little Adelyn broke the string of Just boys. So will it happen again? What do you think?????

Owen having a laugh with gramps and grammy.

Adelyn content setting on grammy's lap.

What can you say???

We are so blessed! God is so good to have given us such great grandkids. And now another one in 2010 - can't wait!!

Monday, September 07, 2009

I WONDER....................

Yeah, it's kind of strange, but have you ever thought about the "rest of the story" when it comes to some of the Biblical characters or stories in Scripture? For example, I talked about Zaccheaus yesterday in Luke 19. I wonder:

  • How much money did he return to those he ripped off? How did the poor respond to him when he gave them money?
  • What was the first thing the blind man saw after Jesus gave him his sight? How did he know what it was?
  • Did Peter ever attempt to walk on water again?
  • How many people really think John the Baptist was a "Baptist". Was he an independent, North American, or Southern Baptist?
  • What happened to Jesus' earthly father, Joseph? He kind of disappeared after Jesus was born?
  • If Noah ever ate fish after his ordeal with the "whale"?
  • If Adam and Eve ever sat down and asked, "What would have happened if we repented"?
  • What Timothy would say was the greatest thing he learned from the apostle Paul?
  • If God gets a kick out of people like me who ask these silly questions?

What are your questions??????????

Sunday, August 30, 2009


As many of you recall, I spoke of the "what, where, why, how, and who" of praise this morning as found in Psalm 150. And how like God to bless us in all 3 of the services as we made it a priority to focus on Him by praising His name. What a wonderful morning as we experienced worship as both a noun and a verb.
Now here's my question for you. What leads you into the holy of holies? What enables you to praise the Lord? What inhibits you from doing so? What can be done in our worship service to better provide an atmosphere for praise and worship? If you are not from Mulvane, I'm curious how you would answer these questions in your setting. Just click the comment button and offer your thoughts. I'm interested in what you have to say.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

R & R

ML and I are taking a couple of days to catch our breath following the move and all the transitional stuff. Taking time to "Be still and know that I am God" and time to spend with each other. Praying that God will direct our path as husband and wife, mom and dad, gramps and grammy, and ministers of the gospel.
Staying at a Bed and Breakfast owned by some friends of ours. Great place!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Believe it or not, Mary Lou and I will be celebrating our 32nd year of marriage this Thursday, August 20. Wow, where does the time go? But let me tell you all this, every day has been a blessing to be married to Mary Lou. For her to put up with me once again proves that God is a God of miracles (Careful with the comments).

Mary Lou, I love you with all my heart. Can't wait to see what the next 32 years have in store for us.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Just wondering...

  • Do sacred cows really make gourmet hamburgers?
  • Did God create humidity or is it a result of "the fall"?
  • Did Kevin F. really run a half-marathon on purpose?
  • What does "relevant" mean when people talk about the church?
  • How do you define "worship"?
  • Is facebook a good thing?
  • If my grandkids will learn and sing the great hymns of the church?
  • If my love for good coffee is a vice or a habit?
  • If anyone can truly understand "agape" (unconditional) love?
  • If we really can be silent so we may hear the whisper of God?
  • Where our country is heading?

Just a few thoughts. Lots more running through my mind. What's on YOUR mind?

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


As you know, everything in life is a sermon illustration. Yesterday, I found myself changing the oil in my car. You know, 3,000 miles or every 3 months, whichever comes first. It got me to thinking - we as Christians should be doing the same. Every so often it would "behoove" us to do a little spiritual maintenance. Just like a car's engine that gets full of sludge and slime, dirt and grime, our lives get messy with all sorts of junk. Busyness, wrong priorities, anger, bitterness, frustration, anxiety - on and on. These things begin to take hold of our lives and it's not long until our productivity, effectiveness, witness, and impact for Christ is reduced. Needless to say, "it's time for an oil change". Confession and repentence are 2 of the great spiritual engine cleaners that can keep us running smoothly for Jesus. As a result, "the old has gone, the new has come" (2 Cor. 5:17). And we all know how much better a new clean engine runs than one that has been neglected, run down, and ruined because of bad maintenance. So, if you feel bogged down, it might not hurt to check your spiritual dipstick. You might be due for a spiritual oil change.

Have a great week!!

Monday, July 27, 2009


Wow! We've been in Mulvane almost a month now. It's hard to believe! We are slowly getting settled but still have a lot to do. We don't have anything on the walls yet but we're getting there. The pics above are of the house with a rock with our name out front. One of our neighbors made that for us. Ironically his wife grew up only about 6 miles from me or so. Small world.
Things are busy at church - meeting new people all the time. I am trying my best to take it slow but for those of you who know me, it's hard to pull in the reigns. Mostly I am trying to observe, listen, evaluate, pray, pray, and pray. I have lots of idea but there is plenty of time to address them at a later date.
It's been great having ML at home. Hopefully it can stay that way. We'll see. One thing for sure, it's weird being so close to things - stores, restaraunts, family, etc.. But I think we'll manage.
Had the privilege of going to Leah Rankin's wedding on Saturday at Winfield. A wonderful Christian service. Steve (her dad) officiated and did an awesome job. He only cried 2,3,4,5 times or so. That a boy, Steve.
God is indeed good. I pray you are experiencing Him to the fullest. Have a blessed week!

Monday, July 20, 2009


Just returned from the Kansas Christian Ashram at Sterling where I was the Bible teacher for the week. I used a theme of "greatness" - The Great Sermon, The Great Commandment, The Great Commission, and The Great Life. It was a "Great" time! "Ashram" is a Hindi word which means away from work and the concept was transferred to a Christian time for spiritual retreat by a former missionary to India, E. Stanley Jones. At the Ashram, an evangelist, a Bible teacher, a youth leader, and a children's leader work with the various ages of those who attend to offer some Christian teaching, Christian fellowship, and just some plain old fun together. It was a real privilege to work with Todd ( my son), Mary Beth, (my sister-in-law), and Kevass (my brother in Christ) for the four days together. It was also a great time with my wife, ML, and little Owen (grandson) and Melissa (daughter-in-law). The pics below show some of what was going on. It was a blessed time. Hope some of you can go next year.

Mary Beth with the kids as they told us about Joseph. She did such a great job!

Grammy (Mary Lou) with little Owen. Can't tell they are having fun, can you?

Todd teaching the youth during one of the their sessions. Uses his hands to talk like someone else I know.

Kevass Harding was our evangelist teaching us about Godly character - Obedience, joy, patience, and self-control. He was awesome!

Notice, my mouth isn't open. Thus a miracle occurred at Ashram! (no comments Jo)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Just a quick update. I have some pics I want to show and some things to talk about but time does not allow this morning.

  • God is good! He remains faithful even in the craziest of times.

  • Thanks to all you Leotians for your help in the transition and for the wonderful sendoff a couple weeks ago. (A formal thank you is coming)

  • Thanks to all of you from Mulvane who have so graciously welcomed us. It is deeply appreciated, more than you know.

  • God is definitely at work. I've had some great conversations with some folks, churched and unchurched. We better fasten our seat belts.

  • We finally have our utilities straightened out. Wow - what a hassle. But we're good to go.

  • And yes, JESUS IS LORD!!

Friday, July 03, 2009


Well, it definitely has been a moving experience. Something I don't want to do in a long long long time. We arrived in Mulvane around 9:45 pm on Tuesday evening. Had to unload the aquarium at the church - yes, the fish all lived. The truck came Wednesday morning a little after 8. Finished by 1:00. Then the process of unpacking. Still looking for things. Couldn't find a black belt so I went to Dollar General and bought one - (had to help with a funeral on Thursday). Couldn't find coffee either- woe was me! But overall, the move went great and the movers did a fantastic job. Nothing damaged.
A special thanks to all you Leotians for helping with the boxing, packing, loading, and house preparation for the Howards. You are and always will be a blessing. You will never be forgotten. Please make the Howards feel as welcome as you did us.
For you folks in Mulvane, thanks for all the hard work for the painting, the new dividing wall, the food, the warm welcome and for seeing that any needs that we might have are being met. It is deeply appreciated. We are slowly getting thing unpacked but it will be awhile.
It is so great to be a part of the church, the body of Christ, that no matter where we are, we are a part of the family of God. Stay tuned. Hope to do a better job of updating. Blessings to you all!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Time is ticking away. Only a few days left to do a months worth of work. Thanks to all of you who are praying for an extra measure of grace during these days. Believe me, it is needed. Have to go.. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Okay, I'm beginning to pull out my hair. The move is 2 weeks away, a garage sale just completed, we're in the thick of VBS, a wedding to officate this weekend, boxes to pack, the last "this", the last "that" etc. etc.. So needless to say, the blogging is minimal. How can you beat last week's anyway? The little princess!!
In the midst of it all the Lord is good, He sustains, He provides, He gives strength. So, knowing that, I keep on keepin on - "pressing on" as I said Sunday morning. So here's to a good couple of weeks in Jesus! (I covet your prayers.)

Friday, June 05, 2009


God has blessed us once again as we are the proud grandparents of our first little grandbaby girl named Adelyn Anne Just - daughter of Eric and Andrea and sister of Brayden.
Adelyn was born June 4 at 2:11 p.m. - 8# 6 oz., 21 inches long and is doing fine.
Thank God for kids!!

Monday, June 01, 2009


Okay, so this is a little wierd, but that's what moving will do to you. Yesterday was such a great day in worship as we celebrated Pentecost. The Spirit was truly present. But today is Monday and I could use a little Pentecost even as I write. All this leads me to the letter B. (Told you this blog is wierd).

First, and most important, is the fact that I am going to be a grandpa again come this Thursday. Grand "B" aby #3 is on the way - a girl! Eric and Andrea are scheduled to be mom and pop Thursday in Topeka barring Andrea going into labor before then. So keep them in you prayers if you would. Gramps and Grammy will be heading to the big city the end of the week.

Which leads me to the 2nd "B". Saturday I was eating breakfast and felt something strange in my mouth and I knew it wasn't bacon. Sure enough, half of one my back molars on top broke. That's what happens when you don't brush (kidding). Anyway, I am scheduled for a crown or a tooth to be pulled on Thursday in Salina on the way to Topeka. Is that crazy or what??

Now, for the 3rd "B". Boxes, boxes, boxes! Will it ever end? My office at church is a shambles and the basement of the house is close behind. We are trying to keep the upstairs somewhat respectable. The move is scheduled for Tuesday the 30th. We plan on taking a load to Mulvane a week or so before. We'll see.

So, "B" praying for us if you would be so kind. Time is getting short. Bless you all!


(p.s. - go to Todd's blog and vote for his ugly backyard. Click on yard D when it directs you to vote - thanks)

Monday, May 25, 2009


First of all, I want to thank all who prayed for me on Friday when I preached at the Memorial service at Annual Conference in Salina. I truly felt your prayers - no doubt about it. Thank you! As far as the rest of Annual Conference, all went well. Debate was civil. Worship was good. The ordination service was wonderful. The KfUMR banquet was a blessing. And the fellowship throughout the week was great. However, I did come home exhausted! Now, a few thoughts:

  • One month until we move. Our house is beginning to be a mess. Boxes all over the place. It looks like the 29th of June is the move date. (Maybe the 30th)

  • Kyle leaves for Dallas on Friday for the summer. Keep him in your prayers - traveling mercies, as well as a great summer of learning and growing in the Lord.

  • Anticipating the birth of a granddaughter within a few weeks. Pray for Andrea (and Eric and Brayden). Can't wait!

  • If you are having trouble with the church's website it may be because of the browser update. Those who have updated to Explorer 8 are not able to open the links for some reason. We're checking on it.

  • Check Todd's blog ( and vote for him to get a new landscaped backyard. He's leading the vote. Help him win it.

  • Does anyone read this blog?

  • NBA playoffs? Again, does anyone care??

  • Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus everyone. Have a great week!!

Monday, May 18, 2009


I leave in the morning for Salina where I will be attending the Kansas West Annual Conference in which I am a member. It will be a busy week as I attend a Board of Ordained Ministry Meeting at 1:30 tomorrow until?? The evening will be the clergy session which will get us started for the conference. Wednesday morning I will have to drive to Wichita to pick up Kim Reisman, our speaker for the Kansans for United Methodist Renewal banquet. I am in charge of the banquet which will be at Grand Ave UMC around 5:30 pm. Should be fun.
Thursday will be busy as we begin debating the various ammendments to the Church's constitution being proposed by General Conference. Pray that all will be civil and that God's will be done. There will also be great plenaries with Bishop Schnase speaking several times. I am looking forward to that. In the evening will be the ordination service which is a great milestone for those who have been working through the process.
Friday morning at 11:00 am I will be preaching for the Memorial Service at the conference. If any of you are in the area, I invite you to come. The rest of the day will consist of the setting of the appointments by the Bishop followed by whatever business we need to do to finish the work of our time together.
Please keep me in your prayers. It is a busy week. Pray that God will be pleased with us as we gather to "conference" together.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Had a great weekend in Salina with Owen turning the big #1. All our kids were there including Brayden, our other grandson. What a wonderfult time. We are blessed, blessed indeed!

Owen and Brayden having fun together.

Gramps and Grammy with the little man.

Firing up the Kawasaki

Ah yes, Gramps and Owen cheezing it up.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Ashram - "away from work".

Just returned from Estes Park Colorado where I spoke at the Colorado Ashram. "Ashram" is a word that in India means "away from work". It is a time to spend in worship, prayer, teaching, fellowship and centering on Jesus as Lord. I spoke 4 times between Friday night and Sunday morning and had a great time - speaking on the Great Sermon (Sermon on the Mount), the Great Commandment, and the Great Commission with a healing service in between. We met at a lodge on the outskirts of Estes Park - wow what scenery! It was beautiful. I even was interrupted by a couple of elk walking behind the lodge while I was preaching. Unbelievable! God blessed us all. Thanks to Dorothy Davis from Oklahoma for contacting me to speak.

You might notice the elk in the background. It was a cow and its coat was shedding so it looks pretty shabby. There were a lot more in the area but I didn't have my camera at the time I saw them.

This is the lodge where we met. It had a wonderful meeting room, a kitchen, and sleeping quarters. Great place to meet.

Yeah, that's me preaching on the great commandment to love God and love others.

Mary Lou and I at the entrance to the Glacier Lodge. It was pretty cold at the time. It even snowed on Saturday night.
Read Psalm 8. That's what went through my mind.