Tuesday, August 04, 2009


As you know, everything in life is a sermon illustration. Yesterday, I found myself changing the oil in my car. You know, 3,000 miles or every 3 months, whichever comes first. It got me to thinking - we as Christians should be doing the same. Every so often it would "behoove" us to do a little spiritual maintenance. Just like a car's engine that gets full of sludge and slime, dirt and grime, our lives get messy with all sorts of junk. Busyness, wrong priorities, anger, bitterness, frustration, anxiety - on and on. These things begin to take hold of our lives and it's not long until our productivity, effectiveness, witness, and impact for Christ is reduced. Needless to say, "it's time for an oil change". Confession and repentence are 2 of the great spiritual engine cleaners that can keep us running smoothly for Jesus. As a result, "the old has gone, the new has come" (2 Cor. 5:17). And we all know how much better a new clean engine runs than one that has been neglected, run down, and ruined because of bad maintenance. So, if you feel bogged down, it might not hurt to check your spiritual dipstick. You might be due for a spiritual oil change.

Have a great week!!


Anonymous said...

Yep, that'll preach!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great Semon.!!!!!

P.R.JUST said...

I think you meant seRmon. Yikes!!

Would this make a bulletin blooper?

JoAnne said...

Oh my! What a great laugh for the day! Maybe ML should check out who anonymous was on that post!!!!! I have heard of Leoti being a preacher burier! (maybe not the Methodist, though!) YIKES!