Saturday, December 21, 2013

Ah yes, snow.  White, white snow!  All week long we've been hearing that people are "Dreaming of a White Christmas!"  Well, it looks quite possible.  As part of the communication to you who are questioning whether or not there will be worship services in the morning, the answer is yes.  The doors will be open to any who are able to attend.  However, we in no way want you to come if you feel it is not safe for you or your family.  Please, we want all to have a safe Christmas.  But for you sure footed folks, for you who want to venture out, JUST know that the doors will be open.  We will worship the Lord, for sure.

You know how the weather is in Kansas.  By morning it may have cleared out.  You never know.

Make sure you plan on coming to the Christmas eve services on Tuesday at 7 and 10 in the sanctuary.

Merry Christmas to ALL!!

Monday, July 08, 2013

JUST sayin'!

PR, ML, Kyle and Molly (Dallas skyline in background)

Wow, has it been that long since I've blogged?  Time gets away doesn't it?  It waits on no one, that's for sure.  ML and I just returned from Dallas after spending a few days with our good friends, Steve and Joni Rankin, as well as the privilege of some time with Kyle and Molly who are working with Project Transformation once again this summer.  What a great time we had!  No set schedule, no real plans, just taking a few days with good friends and family.  That's how I like it.

This the fourth summer for Kyle to work in Dallas, the third for Molly.  What a blessing for them to work with some underprivileged kids as well as mentor and pastor the interns and others on staff.  And isn't it so "coincidental" that they happen to be working "down the road" from Steve and Joni.  Strange how these coincidences have been occurring regularly these past 30 years.

Steve was the local pastor of our little church in Aulne in 1984.  He and Joni became good friends of ours during that time.  "Coincidentally", we both moved to Chicago in August of 1988 to pursue God's calling in our lives.  Strangely enough, Joni and ML both gave birth to boys during our time in Chicago (must have been the water).  During that time, Steve served on staff of a church in Northbrook, Illinois. He and his family then moved back to Kansas to serve a church in Marquette. "Coincidentally", I was offered the vacant position that Steve left behind at the church in Northbrook.

After I completed seminary, I was appointed to a church in Salina, 30 minutes from Steve and Joni.  Strange?  Weird? Hmmm.  So, we found ourselves serving together in close proximity once again.  But, as God would have it, God called Steve and Joni to Southwestern College, where he served for over a decade.  During that time, all of their kids graduated from high school and moved on to college.  The same happened to us, as Todd and Eric graduated from Salina Central and Kyle from Leoti where we spent 8 years in ministry.

Once again, as God would have it, we "coincidentally" were appointed to Mulvane, just 30 minutes away from Steve and Joni.  (See a pattern here?)  We were excited to be close to the Rankins once again, only to realize God was calling them to SMU that year.  "Hey Steve, what the heck?"  The irony is that I received a call from a person on the campus minister search committee from SMU asking me to share "my thoughts" regarding Steve and his ministry.  Ok, I could lie and say he was a jerk, thus crippling his chances to go to Dallas.  However, I spoke the truth about Steve's ability to minister to people of all ages, his love and passion for the college age kids to come to faith in Christ, not to mention his mentoring me to the point of my saying "yes" to God's call to ordained ministry.

Next thing I know, Steve has been hired as the Campus Minister for SMU and off to Dallas he and Joni go.  'Hey, we just got to Mulvane!  What the heck?"  But, that's the way it's gone and that's the way it always seems to go.  God's ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts our thoughts.

So, here we are.  Yes, we are still in Mulvane (no plans to move to Dallas).  However, the Just connection to the Rankins is there through Kyle and Molly who are serving the Lord in remarkable ways and who "coincidentally" are based out of the SMU campus.  Mercy!

It's been a great ride this far as we've traveled the road of ministry together, although at times miles from one another.  But distance doesn't matter to God.  Obedience to Him is what matters.

So folks, open your lives to work of God.  Watch for the opportunities that come your way.  And pay attention to the "coincidences" for in reality, they are just divine appointments!

JUST sayin!

Steve and Joni, PR and ML

Monday, March 04, 2013


One of the things I remind the folks at church is to pay attention to what it is that God is doing, in and around us.  For if we don't open our eyes, we for sure will not see the work of God in our midst.  About six weeks ago I preached a sermon on God-incidences that came about because of what God was doing in the lives of some people I know - a member of the church, a peer of mine in the UMC, and a relative of mine going through some difficulty.  The first situation led to meeting a need in the lives of young adults in the church. So, as a result I sent out an invite to many of our "young adults" (mid twenties to thirty somethings) to come to our house to talk about some "God stuff".  I was overwhelmed by the response.

Last night 16 persons showed up at the house to lift up some issues that they were facing as young parents, teachers, husbands, wives, workers, etc.  The joy of it was just being in a non-threatening environment, talking openly about some struggles, looking to Scripture for some guidance, and praying for God to guide and lead through His Spirit.  (And yes, we had a snack or two accompanied by some laughter).  It was a great evening.  What also is exciting is that there are another 8-10 persons who wanted to participate but could not attend because of some other commitments.  How cool is that?

God is doing some awesome stuff.  But we must pay attention, must open our eyes and look around and then join Him in what He is doing.  For those of you in our contemporary service, we were bursting at the seams on Sunday.  What does this mean for us as a church?  What is God doing and how are we to respond?  I trust we are ready to do whatever is being asked of us as we continue to grow and move forward in the faith.

As far as the new young adult group, I am very excited about where God is leading you and am even more excited that ML and I can be a part of your journey.  We will join you as we strive to be intentional about "seeking first the kingdom of God" (See Amy's Nelson's blog).

Yes, it's great to "look around".  But once we have "looked", let us "act" upon that which we have seen.  Rock on!

Monday, February 18, 2013


Have I got a deal for you.  As many of you are aware, the United Methodist Church is working alongside other agencies to save the lives of millions of Africans, mostly children and young mothers, who are dying of malaria.  Because of the success of Nothing But Nets which has provided treated mosquito nets to cover families while they sleep at night, we have reduced the number of deaths from one person every 30 seconds, in half, to that of one death per 60 seconds.  But that still is entirely too many.

We at MUMC are seeking to do our part by raising money to confront this dreaded disease which is beatable, treatable, and preventable.  The youth continue to sell mosquito swatters and "pipe cleaner" mosquitoes for donations of $10 each.  They are asking you to join their "SWAT" team to help meet our minimum goal of $5,000.  The church has got on board and has currently raised close to $3,500 which include extra donations from individuals.  How awesome is that? But wait, there's more!!

This coming Friday, Bri ( our Youth director), Brian (our Coordinator of Congregational Care) and I (yep, the pastor) will be shooting 100 free throws each to raise more money for this great cause.  We are asking you to guess how many total free throws you think we will make. We are asking for a $10 donation per guess.  The person making the closest guess will be treated to lunch by the ministerial staff.  (Exciting, or what?)  So far, we have some guesses that suggest we are lousy shooters.  We also have some guesses by persons who seem to have great faith in our free throw making ability.  Plus, numbers in between.

How about you?  Have you made your guess?  There is still time.  You can call into the office at 316-777-0125 and make your guess.  (Mary Lou or Vicky will be glad to take your call).  And you don't have to be a Mulvanite to make a guess.  In fact, I challenge you out-of-towners to give us a call and be a part of this life-saving activity.  Heck, if the Bishop can shoot 1,000 free throws next Sunday to make money to help Shoot for No Malaria, surely we can shoot 300 to sweeten the pot.  

So, will you be willing to join us in this great cause?  Not to mention, Friday will be a fun day.  Why not come by the church at noon?  That's when we will begin shooting free throws.  

In the time it took to write this blog, 15 lives were lost to Malaria.  That's not acceptable.  Will you join us as we seek to make a difference?  WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!  Let's JUST  do it!!!

Thanks in advance!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013


Yes, I know I have not blogged for some time.  Not that I havn't had any thoughts to share with you, but that I had to prioritize my time.  Besides, Facebook allows me to toss some of my thoughts out there and I have done so the last few months.  But, since I have a moment I thought I'd blog some of what is spinning around in my gray matter as of late.  And it has to do with the word "If" and questions that follow.  So, if you will indulge me for a moment or two:

IF we believe in the Great Commission by Jesus to "GO" and make disciples, why do we spend so much time trying to get people to "come to church?"  Would it not behoove us to go to where the people are?  It is evident the people are not flocking to "come" to church.

IF we say we are willing to do whatever it takes to reach people for Christ, why do we argue over styles of worship, kinds of music, colors of carpet, building usage, times of worship, etc. etc.?

IF we say the church has the answer to the questions of the youth out there, why do so many young people see church as irrelevant, as merely a gathering of old people trying to save their institution?

IF we believe God still is in the business of doing miracles, why do we not believe, act, and pray as if God is in the business of doing miracles?

IF we believe that God is continually at work in our midst, should there not always be a story to tell of His work when we gather together?

IF we say that we know Jesus, why do we not know what His Word has to say about Him?

IF we say we are a people saved by grace, why is it we have trouble explaining grace to others?

IF God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whomever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life, should that not be great news?  Should that not transform lives?  Then why do so many Christians have such long faces?

IF I have these questions, surely you have questions as well.  Share them, will you?

JUST wondering!