Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Clint Eastwood Theology

I've mentioned many times that I can relate to the way Clint Eastwood responds to various situations, especially those times when he feels there is a need for vengeance. In those times its "shoot now and ask questions later". Ever feel that way? When you just want to fire off at the mouth or do something to cause someone pain or heartache because they've caused pain and heartache in your life? Yeah, me too. And I know that the Lord says, "Vengeance is mine" but it sure would feel good just to help Him out just a little bit.
I feel a little bit that way right now. Some of you know why I feel that way. However, it may feel good to take things in my own hands but in the bigger picture it would just cause more problems. But, boy I would sure like to have a little say, a little control over the situation.
But maybe that's the problem. It's out of my hands, it's out of my control. And that's the feeling of powerlessness that I hate. I want so much to do something and I can't.
But God can. I know that in my head but it can sure be a struggle in my heart from time to time. Ultimately it comes down to faith in God that he will be true to who he is and will be faithful to what he says. He will never leave nor forsake. He is in control. And as Paul said, "All things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose." So now it comes down to either believing or not believing, letting God be in control or grabbing my 6 shooter. What will it be, Rick? (What is it for you?)

Monday, August 08, 2005

County Fair

I just wrote an article focusing on the fair for the paper but thought I would also jot a few more thoughts here for you to think about. We have a food booth which is a great money maker. Do we not also have spiritual food to offer for those who are hungry for God - whether they know it or not? We have an informational booth in the community building. Do you suppose we can offer transformation as well as information? Many of you have entries in the fair - either in 4-H or in the open class? Will the end result be a reflection of the time and effort put into your presentation? The fair is a busy time. Patience is needed, character will be observed by those watching. Will we as Christians conduct ourselves in a way that will reflect Christ living in and through us or will we embarass Him by what we say and do this week? Just a few thoughts to chew on while eating a corndog and riding the ferris wheel.