Monday, July 28, 2008


Had a great week at Topeka at the summer assembly camp. It was extremely hot and humid but it's amazing how weather never keeps God from going to work. And he did. Several kids placed their faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior along with many who recomitted themselves to him. It was quite exhausting but was well worth it. Met some great people while at the camp and hope to see them all again some day. The following are a few pictures from the week.

The above is a picture of a few of the folks who attended the morning workshops. I taught a class based upon the book by John Ortberg entitled Everybody's Normal Until You Get To Know Them. It was a wonderful time together.

Josh and Amanda are a brother and sister who really love the Lord. Josh was the youth dean and Amanda was a sponser of girls in her cabin. (Kyle's future wife). Great people!!

Yep, that's me preaching the last worship service (#7) but who's counting? I preached the 7 "I Am" sayings found in the gospel of John. It looks like I'm sleeping. Reminds me of the way some of you look when I preach (ha).

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I told Mary Lou that I don't want to wish my life away but I'll sure be glad when July is over. I officiated a small wedding at Camp Lakeside last weekend and am now preparing to officiate a HUGE wedding here at the church on Saturday evening. Pray that we get some rain and that the heat will subside because it's going to be a packed church. It should be fun, though.

I also have some friends coming from Marion for part of the weekend - their son is playing baseball in the state tournament at Garden so they are going to drive back and forth and stay for night. Hopefully there is a little time in between to catch up with the Fruechtings.

I leave after church on Sunday for a week at Topeka speaking at what is called Summer Assembly Camp. I will lead 10 hours of workshops in the mornings and preach for 7 worship services so it will be very busy. Pray for me, I'd appreciate it. However, one of the benefits is that the camp is only 5-10 minutes from my grandson Brayden's house (Eric and Andrea, too). So guess what I might be doing when there is a little free time?

Then when I get back the next Sunday there is a couple of days to maybe catch my breath before the fair kicks into high gear. I will help with the 4-H with the livestock again this year. I enjoy that a lot. Of course, I some responsibilities with the ministerial alliance and the church food booth as well. And speaking of food booth, if you have not yet signed up to help, I'm pleading for you to do so. It is not fair for just a few to do so much. If we can't get enough help we may have to rethink whether we do the food booth anymore in the future.

More than likely I won't be blogging until I get back from Topeka so have a great week (or two).

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Remember the Pink Floyd song with the lyrics "Money, money, money, money - money"? Well, it seems as if everyone wants more - never enough. Someone once said on the Dave Ramsay show, "We buy things we don't even need with money we don't even have to impress people we don't even know". Well, the reason I bring this all up is because I am preaching on tithing this Sunday - you know, the dreaded "T" word. But why are so many people so afraid of the word or so afraid of the discipline? I think it's because of a lack of belief and trust. Most don't really believe that God will provide for their needs (different than wants). Oh, many say they believe it but saying and acting upon it are 2 different things. This lack of belief ties into a lack of trust in the One who is the "giver of all good things".
Really, think about it. Do you trust God to take care of you? Do you really sing "great is thy faithfulness" with full conviction? Do you see God as your provider? Do you really trust God that in Jesus he will never leave you nor forsake you? We will only give back to God in accordance to who we believe God to be. If we don't believe he will provide, we won't give or will do so reluctantly. If we don't trust God to be true to his promises, our response will reflect that lack of trust.
However, if we do believe, if we do trust, we can with full confidence be "cheerful givers" and give out the abundance that has been given to us. We then become generous because God himself is generous. This, of course, implies that we may have to take a look at our priorities, review and reflect upon where we are spiritually in relationship to God through Christ, and ask him to guide us in the way we respond to him.
God gave us his best in the giving of his son Jesus. He has set the bar, no doubt. I encourage you to respond to his giving by giving back to him. You can be sure you can't outgive God. And know this, you will be as blessed as those who receive.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


We're heading to Salina tonight to help Todd and Melissa get settled into their new home. Need to take down a little wall paper and paint a couple rooms. But more important, we have some grandkids to spoil. Eric and Andrea are coming on Friday so both the grandbabies will be together. Should be fun. Also it will be the first time the whole family has been together for some time.

Owen smiling for his gramps!

Brayden "cheesing" for the camera.

P.S. - Have a great fourth of July. We're going to have a bang-up time.