Wednesday, April 30, 2008


The preacher's son and sidekick?

The preacher?

Jacob and Josh? Or is it Josh and Jacob?? You decide.

What a blast last Sunday night - (The wish-we -had-talent show. ) And boy do we wish we had talent. Thanks to all who participated. It's fun to laugh isn't it??

We all need a little levity in the midst of the busyness of life don't we? In the midst of some of the heaviness as of late it was good to come together as the family of God and smile, sing, eat, goof off, smile some more, and just have a good ole time.

We've lost some loved ones as of late so I've been busy with families and with funerals. Our prayers continue for Melissa and Esther (McDonell family), the Myrtle Crowley family, the Peggy Gish family, and for Michelle Sheppard whose mom passed away suddenly last weekend. Praise the Lord for the hope that the resurrection promises.

Tonight I am speaking to the youth in the community in conjunction with the National Day of Prayer. Keep me in your prayers if you would as I focus on the question, "Can you hear me now"?

Tomorrow we will gather at the courthouse at 7:00 am to pray, go to the elementary school to pray for our leaders and protectors in the community, grab a brown bag breakfast at the church, and go forward into the day. Many will be reading Scripture all day near the Alltell store. No matter where you are, take some time to pray (not only tomorrow) but every day.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Okay, I'd like to hear from you folks who read this here blog. According to the count, there are about 300 hits/week on this site so I would like your opinion. No matter where you live or where you go (or don't go) to church, I would like to hear what would be of interest to you if I were to preach a sermon series in your church. I have some thoughts but want to hear from you.

For example - Controversial topics, doctrinal topics, denominational issues, comtemporary issues, themes, a book of the Bible, a book series, etc..

I'll take seriously (series-ly) what you have to say but you need to let me know. If you have never responded to the blog, just click on "comments", type in your response, type the squiggly letters that are asked for, and type "anonymous" if you don't want to use your name. (However, I would like your name if you would be so kind - not required).

Please take the time to respond - it will be very helpful. Thanks.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Kyle turned 18 on Friday so we threw a surprise party for him with a few kids who obviously had nothing else to do on a Friday night. What a motley crew.

Some hungry teens chowing down on some Mexican food, food, and more food. Notice the one with his mouth full? Poor thing - so deprived of things to eat.

I don't think U2 has anything to worry about. All of the above are musically and intrumentally challenged. But who cares? They had fun!!

Congrats Kyle on your 18th. We're proud of you!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


JUST wondering:

What will the KU fans think of Bill if he bolts for OSU?? Will they treat him the same way they treated Roy??

If it's so warm outside, why is it so cold?

If a person is searching to be renewed, do they first have to be newed?

If Scot McKnight ever sleeps? (See

If Todd will ever write a new blog? (

If Joshua Mehl should meditate on the word "sugarless"?

If global warming is the cause of the high gas prices?

If it's time to go elk hunting yet?

What the consequences would be if I did go elk hunting now?

If our "Wish I Had Talent Night" will be as big a hit as American idol?

If you realize that Kyle will be 18 on Friday? - pray for us

Whether I should preach a series on "I believe, help my unbelief"?

I wonder....................................................................................................

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Sorry about the lack of blogs lately. Running on overload right now - lots going on. I appreciate your prayers.

Also, thanks for the prayers for M.L's sister Betsy who is recuperating after a car accident that left her with a fractured neck and back and broken rib. She hopes to be leaving the hospital (Wesley) today. We'll see.

How's it going with all of you??