Monday, February 18, 2013


Have I got a deal for you.  As many of you are aware, the United Methodist Church is working alongside other agencies to save the lives of millions of Africans, mostly children and young mothers, who are dying of malaria.  Because of the success of Nothing But Nets which has provided treated mosquito nets to cover families while they sleep at night, we have reduced the number of deaths from one person every 30 seconds, in half, to that of one death per 60 seconds.  But that still is entirely too many.

We at MUMC are seeking to do our part by raising money to confront this dreaded disease which is beatable, treatable, and preventable.  The youth continue to sell mosquito swatters and "pipe cleaner" mosquitoes for donations of $10 each.  They are asking you to join their "SWAT" team to help meet our minimum goal of $5,000.  The church has got on board and has currently raised close to $3,500 which include extra donations from individuals.  How awesome is that? But wait, there's more!!

This coming Friday, Bri ( our Youth director), Brian (our Coordinator of Congregational Care) and I (yep, the pastor) will be shooting 100 free throws each to raise more money for this great cause.  We are asking you to guess how many total free throws you think we will make. We are asking for a $10 donation per guess.  The person making the closest guess will be treated to lunch by the ministerial staff.  (Exciting, or what?)  So far, we have some guesses that suggest we are lousy shooters.  We also have some guesses by persons who seem to have great faith in our free throw making ability.  Plus, numbers in between.

How about you?  Have you made your guess?  There is still time.  You can call into the office at 316-777-0125 and make your guess.  (Mary Lou or Vicky will be glad to take your call).  And you don't have to be a Mulvanite to make a guess.  In fact, I challenge you out-of-towners to give us a call and be a part of this life-saving activity.  Heck, if the Bishop can shoot 1,000 free throws next Sunday to make money to help Shoot for No Malaria, surely we can shoot 300 to sweeten the pot.  

So, will you be willing to join us in this great cause?  Not to mention, Friday will be a fun day.  Why not come by the church at noon?  That's when we will begin shooting free throws.  

In the time it took to write this blog, 15 lives were lost to Malaria.  That's not acceptable.  Will you join us as we seek to make a difference?  WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!  Let's JUST  do it!!!

Thanks in advance!!!

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