Monday, June 01, 2009


Okay, so this is a little wierd, but that's what moving will do to you. Yesterday was such a great day in worship as we celebrated Pentecost. The Spirit was truly present. But today is Monday and I could use a little Pentecost even as I write. All this leads me to the letter B. (Told you this blog is wierd).

First, and most important, is the fact that I am going to be a grandpa again come this Thursday. Grand "B" aby #3 is on the way - a girl! Eric and Andrea are scheduled to be mom and pop Thursday in Topeka barring Andrea going into labor before then. So keep them in you prayers if you would. Gramps and Grammy will be heading to the big city the end of the week.

Which leads me to the 2nd "B". Saturday I was eating breakfast and felt something strange in my mouth and I knew it wasn't bacon. Sure enough, half of one my back molars on top broke. That's what happens when you don't brush (kidding). Anyway, I am scheduled for a crown or a tooth to be pulled on Thursday in Salina on the way to Topeka. Is that crazy or what??

Now, for the 3rd "B". Boxes, boxes, boxes! Will it ever end? My office at church is a shambles and the basement of the house is close behind. We are trying to keep the upstairs somewhat respectable. The move is scheduled for Tuesday the 30th. We plan on taking a load to Mulvane a week or so before. We'll see.

So, "B" praying for us if you would be so kind. Time is getting short. Bless you all!


(p.s. - go to Todd's blog and vote for his ugly backyard. Click on yard D when it directs you to vote - thanks)

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