Monday, November 30, 2009


Some thoughts for you to ponder - some serious, others....well....................

So, if Tiger Woods has nothing to hide,what's the deal?

Tomorrow is December and today is around 60 degrees?

Saw all the grandkids last week. It doesn't get any better than that!

Have you seen the MUMC church commercial yet? All I want for Christmas is.......

I'm surprised how many people know very little about Advent.

Facebook! What do you think about the social network?

MTV - it's absolutely worthless and has no redeeming value whatsoever and yet so many of our kids watch it. Parents, do you realize what's on that channel?

Notre Dame just fired their football coach. What will KU do?

Tim Tebo - Now there's a class act!

Read a devotion this morning that suggested a simpler Christmas. Good idea, don't you think?

So many songs, so little time.

Jesus is still Lord!!!!


JoAnne said...

OK! i will comment. can't stand facebook. social networking must be for people that have NO life! (haha!)

Anonymous said...

facebook is good place to find old friends and class mates