Tuesday, October 13, 2009


These past few nights I have been speaking at a church in Newton - a time of renewal and restoration. What I've really enjoyed is the various methods and styles of worship that has taken place. Sunday night the praise team from Mulvane, Leap of Faith, led the time of musical worship. They did an awesome job leading us into the throne room of God. What a blessing!

Last night, a group (whom I've known for years - Bob and the boys) led worship. Their instruments included a keyboard, a lead guitar, a bass guitar, and 2 trumpets. Awesome music. Far different than Sunday night, but a blessing just the same.

Tonight, some of the members of the church where I am preaching will lead worship. Believe it or not, they are a bluegrass band. How cool is that? I will follow with a little music of my own on the guitar.

Tomorrow I will be speaking at Southwestern College and you can be sure a praise team from the college will lead us in worship. And the rest of the week I will be involved in the Walk to Emmaus in Wichita where yet another style of worship will lead us into the presence of God.

I say all this because it's all about God, not about us. And to experience God through a variety of means is so exciting to me because God is a big God who doesn't get worked up about style near as much as we do. His desire is that we worship him, that we focus on him, that our attention be given to the One who is worthy - God alone.

So, as I meander my way through this week, I find it an awesome time to be serving the Lord. And as much as I enjoy the worship that is taking place, I can only imagine how pleased God is when our focus is upon Him. Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow!!


Teresa Sue said...

All I have to say is AMEN! Enjoy Emmaus! Teresa Sue

Brecken Berning said...

VERY well said!!
Glad to see God is keeping you busy doing His work!! :)