Monday, March 15, 2010


Okay, you're wondering what in the world is going on. Me too. But here's the deal. Last week M.L and I stopped by a coffee shop owned by Doug Harder, a friend of ours in Garden City. We ordered a couple of different blends, sat down with Doug, and proceeded to share in some great coffee and great conversation. It had been a long time since we'd taken the time to just sit down and share a cup of coffee together. In actuality, it was a God moment. Time with my wife and time with our friend without feeling like we were under the gun to be somewhere or do something within the next hour - priceless!
It reminded me of our vacation in Hawaii several years ago. We went on a cruise and every morning we would grab a cup of coffee, find a quiet spot on the deck, and then sit down and enjoy the view, the fresh air, the coffee, and each other. ML's sister and hubby would often join us. Ah yes, the simple things in life are sometimes the greatest.
Sadly, it's been so hectic as of late that even though the coffee has been brewed and poured, it has been "grab-and-go" - no time taken to just sit, relax, converse, enjoy each other's company. I don't think that's the way it's supposed to be. In fact, I "know" it's not the way it's supposed to be. So now what?
Well, I'm not asking you to pity me - it's my own fault for letting things get so crazy busy. I am asking you to hold me accountable, however. It's about priorities. It's about enjoying time with my wife and my friends. It's about slowing down and "smelling the coffee". It's about enjoying the simple things. It's about paying attention to the God moments that often come when sitting down and enjoying something as down-to-earth as a cup of coffee. God meets us in a variety of ways. Why not when drinking a cup of coffee?
P.S. - The coffee's on. Stop on by!


Kevin F. said...

I never learned to like coffee, but Lori and I would sooo love to have an hour or two of good conversation with two very good friends. Maybe even dinner? I'll buy! Got your number in my phone; don't be surprised if you get a call from me sometime in the near future...

Ksannie said...

Oh my gosh - this was just what I needed to read today! Copying it to send to on-the-go husband! Hope he sees the importance in a simple cup of coffee and some quiet time with me! Thanks PR -

JJ Fullerton said...

That sounds like a good place to stop for a while on my (too) infrequent trips to the tall pointy rocks with white frosting. Do you mind giving us the name and/or directions?

Garden City is a good place to stop. The alleged coffee at the gas stations, esp. one at Lakin, is awful.

P.R.JUST said...

It's called Patrick Dugans on Main Street - west side of the street on the corner. Great place. Caffeine at its best!

Anonymous said...

Soon it will be warm enough to sit on the porch drinking coffee while watching the sun rise. Let me carry your mat to my porch, serve you coffee, and we can watch the Son rise together.

God is good......And all the time.....

best articles said...

i always like to have conversation with coffee. its very refreshing