Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Another good day - worked hard, digging trenches, running water lines, electric lines, painting, sealing house walls, visiting the village below the children's home, etc.. Heading to Saltillo tomorrow. Probably no blog. Maybe no more this week? Thanks for your prayers

One of the homes in the village where some of the women were selling some of their crafts.

A couple of the kids down in El Higo - the village. Happy, happy, happy!

Ryan and and Mary Lou working on the sewing machines. They finally figured them out and got them to work. Industrial strength. Power, power, power.


Anonymous said...

Ok...... ummmmm...uuhh... i was really hoping to see a picture of my hubby, but ok. Just don't forget him when you start home plz. The kids are adorable. Have a great day tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

It's great keeping up with your activities down there. Isn't the internet wonderful? God bless you all. I'm sure you are missed by all those Leoti people.