Monday, October 13, 2008


Some thoughts, both silly and serious to begin the week:

  • Ever felt like Zacchaeus - "out on a limb"? (see Luke 19)

  • I wonder how accountable God will hold us for having so much and doing so little with it?

  • The latest economic mess will really tell us whom we worship - God or the almighty dollar.

  • After further review, I once again conclude that I have three of the greatest kids in the world (including their wives and grandsons).

  • Upon further further review, I have no hesitation in saying I have the greatest wife in the world.

  • I am officiating another funeral on Thursday. What is the one thing you would like said at your funeral? Is that a morbid question?

  • "Juxtapose" is a word - look it up.

  • The men's Walk to Emmaus begins this Thursday at Garden City. I am excited to see what God has in store this time around. (Interested in going? Call me asap)

  • There is coming a day when there will be no more tears and no more sorrow - and no more cancer!

  • I just got a couple of shots (tetanus and Hep A) in preparation for the mission trip to Mexico next month. "Trust me, this won't hurt a bit".

  • We're starting a new book in Sunday School looking at the parables from the "back side". Come check it out.

  • Last but not least (and I have my views), no matter who wins the election, God will still be in control. Let us not faint nor grow weary. (Read Isaiah 41:28-31).


Kevin F. said...

Hey PR, looking forward to spending a few days with you at Emmaus!! Don't forget your guitar!

I've been to too many funerals lately where people are whispering about the deceased "I wonder if he/she was a Christian?" I want to live my life so when people gather at my funeral they can say with confidence "I KNOW he was a Christian!!" KF

T. J. said...

i've always remembered a sticker i saw once that said, "if you were accused of being a Christian would there be enough evidence to prove it?"