Tuesday, June 08, 2010


Proverbs 27:17 says this, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man (person) sharpens another." Last week there was a request to blog on this verse so here we go. In America we find ourselves in a very individualistic culture where "it's all about me", "leave me alone", "it's none of your business". Well, I beg to differ. As Christians, my business is your business and vice versa which then gives us license to hold each other accountable. Now as you all know, that can get a little dicey from time to time because accountability can be perceived as judgmental which then leads to arguments, fighting, even a break in relationship. Yes, there are times when we do become judgmental and that is not healthy. But, there is nothing wrong with a good face to face "discussion" when there is cause for concern. We owe that to each other if we really love and care for each other.

If you notice the picture above, there is a hammer, there is some serious heat, and there will be some reshaping that will take place. The very fact that the words "iron sharpens iron" are used implies some pain, some grunt and groan, some "ouches". But, the intent is to becomer sharp, to grow in maturity, to acknowledge some areas of fault that need to be ground away to become smooth. And often it takes someone to bring that to our attention, or for us to bring it to someone else's attention. That's the accountability that we have to each other as Christians and once we submit ourselves to that, we find that we really do grow and become sharper that we might be used by God in a more efficient way.

I've been involved in some pretty good battles over the years. There has been the sound of iron clashing against iron at times. At times, it has been very productive. At times, well let's just say that either I or the other person(s) chose not to be sharpened. The problem comes when we don't learn from it. I've always said that some of my greatest fights (accountability moments)were with my brother Randy. But he's part of my family and I still love him and will go to bat for him any day. The same holds true with those who I've sharpened a little steel with in the past. And yes, I still care deeply for each of them.

The bottom line is we need each other. It's Jesus' idea that we are to be the "body" of Christ, not the "body part". It's no fun to give yourself a hug - it takes two. And it takes each one of us to be there for one another and yes, hold each one of us accountable. In doing so we become sharp together. Get the point??


JoAnne said...

I can't imagine you sharpening steel with anyone! You are such a passive person! Not opinionated at ALL!

Ksannie said...

PR, I think you are right on with this blog - it is very important to be held accountable not only for our actions, but our words that we speak. Also, in keeping God as the focus of our lives, shouldn't we be able to tell the difference between someone being judgmental and someone really caring about us and our Christian walk? So, my lesson today is to love one another and hold each other accountable! Thanks! CK

Anonymous said...

And does God tell you how to sharpen and to whom? Is it really God, or your own personal beliefs mixed in with personal agendas? Just saying....