Sunday, March 04, 2007

WICHITA (not the county)

I am currently sitting in a motel room in Wichita preparing for some meetings I have with the Board of Ordained Ministry tomorrow and Tuesday, My buddy Mitch is attempting to read some material as well ( I think he is falling asleep, however).

Boy, I tell you, this Super 8 sure is fancy - it even has running water.

Oh, sorry I got diverted. We are meeting with some of the upcoming candidates for ordained ministry for our conference and anticipate a busy couple of days. Keep us and those being interviewed in your prayers.

It was a great morning in church this morning (at least I thought so). What did you think? And for those of you in Shad's class, what are your thoughts? (Orthodoxy, sacraments, apostolic succession, etc. etc).

For those of you not from our community, what did God have to say to you this past weekend? Did He bless you in worship? Did you bless Him? What spoke to you? Prayer time, the music, the sermon, the fellowship with other believers? Let me know - I'm interested.

1 comment:

T. J. said...

God has been speaking to me though others as of late, specifically that I may have too much stuff going on in my job. I usually have a tendency to not recognize God speaking through others, but I thought it was pretty clear this time.