Monday, May 02, 2011


Well, what a day it has turned out to be. I was going to write a follow up blog to yesterday's sermon but things change (See Amy Nelson's blog from Sunday if you want a synopsis). However, last night the president announced to the world that a military operation had taken place in Pakistan and that a group of Navy Seals took out Osama Bin Laden. After nearly 10 years, American intelligence finally tracked down the ellusive terrorist who was the mastermind of the killing of thousands throughout the world over a period of many years.

Now, the Clint Eastwood side of me wants to jump up and down and scream, "Serve you right, you *******". After all, he caused so much heartache and pain. How can we ever forget 9/11? The crashing of planes into the pentagon in D.C., into the towers in New York City, and the downed plane in Pennsylvania killing all aboard. A horrific day! The images will forever be in our minds. No wonder people are euphoric on this day - "USA! USA! USA! People singing the national anthem, saying the pledge of allegiance, cheers and chants by the military and civilians alike. Celebration at Times Square, Ground Zero, the White House, and cities throughout the land. It feels good. Victory, jubilation, we got him!! Yes, revenge feels good. It's as if everyone wanted to pull the trigger because of what Bin Laden had done.

In the president's speech he said "justice is done". On the one hand, I definitely agree, for justice has to do with the principle of moral rightness, that which is fair with regards to actions and attitudes. So, justice has been served in the sense that the actions are justified in response to the horrific acts masterminded and supported by Bin Laden. The world is a better place with him removed.

Yet we must be careful. As much as I am the first one to want to grab the six-shooter in response to senseless acts like those of Bin Laden, I acknowledge that justice is governed by the one who is truly just, that being God Himself. Scripture reminds us that "vengeance is mine" says the Lord. And moral actions and attitudes are are not determined by me, nor by a small group, or even an individual nation. They are determined by God who alone is good, who alone is just, who alone is fair, whose "ways are not our ways nor his thoughts our thoughts". So we must be careful not to become too prideful or think that our strength and our might has the last word when it comes to justice.

With all that being said, I am thrilled by the news. I am so thankful for those who trained and were willing to give of their lives to see that the mission would succeed. I am thankful that we never gave up in the pursuit of bringing Bin Laden to justice. And for those who loved ones were killed because of terror, I pray that in some way they experience comfort. And although I have not been a big President Obama fan, I give him kudos for giving the green light to the Navy Seals to take out Bin Laden. A quite risky decision but the right one.

Keep praying for peace to the One who is the prince of peace. As we do so, may God bless America!

1 comment:

Ranger Randy said...

Good food for thought! This incident brings mixed emotions to many people. As you stated, "Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say, "I will take revenge; I will pay them back," says the LORD." (Rom 12:19) Man, that's tough. Even on the little things, let alone, the deaths of thousands of Americans. But another thing that should be on our minds.....Are we prepared if something should happen to us today? What would happen if someone would break into our house and take us "hostage" to our last breath? Are we sure of where we will spend eternity?? (I'm not talking about how often we go to church and listen to some "runaway preacher" (Ha!), or how many good things we have done in this life, either. Hmmmmmm, something to think about, eh??