Monday, May 16, 2011


ML and I are extremely blessed and proud of the family that God has given to us. It's rather amazing to think that we have two sons (Todd and Eric) who are married and four grandchildren as a result. And who knows with Kyle? Wedding bells in the next year or two? We'll see.

It's been an exciting journey raising this family of ours. Todd and Eric were born when we were living in the country in a little spot in the road in Marion county. ML and I were blessed by God to have good jobs and things were going well for us. Then God throws us a curve ball - "the call" into ordained ministry. So, not realizing what we were doing, we sold the house and a lot of our belongings, loaded the kids, and moved to Chicagoland. Talk about culture shock!

I enrolled in college, completed a B.A. in Biblical Studies, then enrolled in seminary and received my Master of Divinity degree. (7 years worth of school in 6 - yuck). God provided in miraculous ways - ML worked full time, baby Kyle came along (surprise, surprise), I did yard care and misc. work, ultimately was hired at a church and after it was all said and done, moved back to Kansas in '94. It almost seems ridiculous. If we had really thought about it, we probably would have hid under a rock until the feeling passed.

We served for 7 years in Salina, 8 years in Leoti, and are completing our 2nd year at Mulvane. It has been quite a ride. 2 boys married to wonderful Christian women, 4 super grandkids, 1 boy a year from graduating college (and dating a fabulous Christian girl) and a wife that is a 100 on a scale of 1-10. How weird to think we left a great place in Marion county - on purpose, because God said "Go!"

Fast forward to this past month or so. Now you know I am extremely proud of my boys. Each one is unique and is being used by God in their particular circumstances. And as many of you know, I mentioned that Todd ( the oldest), was sensing that God was calling him out of his position at a church in Salina to ................................. Well, that's just it. He did not know. God had just impressed upon he and Melissa that a change needed to take place. So, without knowing where God was taking them, Todd "officially announced" his resignation from the church a month or so ago to "go to a land I will show you" (see Gen. 12). Long story short, Todd received 2 phone calls the week after he made his announcement. Two different places of employment contacted him to come and interview for positions that were open. They both felt Todd had the gifts and graces needed to help them out.

Although the first interview went fine, Todd sensed it was not where God was calling him to go. However, the 2nd interview was a different story. Needless to say, this past Wednesday, Todd was hired as the Client Services Director for the Salina Crisis Pregnancy Center where he will use his background as an equipping pastor for his church to "equip" and guide others at the CPC.

I say all of this because God's desire is that we will be obedient to Him. That means that a step of faith is involved. Even though I was concerned for Todd and his family, he reminded me that I had no business trying to talk him out of stepping down from the church. After all, "you loaded us all up and away we went to Chicago, not knowing what lie ahead". Busted!! Yep, Todd's right. Some times we are called to just "go", not knowing where God might lead us. But lead us He will. He has always done so, is doing so, and will always continue to do so!

So Todd and Melissa, (and kiddos), congratulations on being obedient. Serves you right! Let us all be as faithful!


Anonymous said...

But, how do I know it is God's calling or me just wanting something?

P.R.JUST said...

Dear anonymous,

I'd love to talk to you about it in person (if you are from around here). Or e-mail me at Otherwise know that God speaks in and through a variety of ways - prayer, Scripture, circumstances, other people, and the church. However, it's much like a relationship between a husband and wife or family members. Don't expect to know what the other wants or desires if no time has been spent with that person. Same holds true with God - can't know His will or desire by only spending a minute with Him here or a minute with Him there.

Give me a holler - have a good one!

JJ Fullerton said...

Yes, "anonymous" is asking the correct question!

As Pastor Rick wrote, it some cases it is easy to detect but usually requires careful prayer and discernment. It may be something that gets your undivided attention like Exodus 3 or Luke 1. Or, something persistent (such as 1 Samuel 3. For Daniel, a solid education in the faith and then putting it into practice along with the skills God gave him.

All of us have the opportunity to be a "Daniel".

I have experienced both people I know well and complete strangers with whom I have talked make a remark "You can do ..." and for some of those I know (realize) they are right. I have also wondered had I asked for names and addresses and later checked, would I have found them or would I have found no such name and no such address?