Monday, August 30, 2010

JUST wondering!

Hmmmm......... I find myself reflecting on some conversations and some experiences that occurred just yesterday and ask myself, "God, what are you up to?" As I have mentioned before, it is important to pay attention to what is happening around you, me, us, for as we are sensitive to those "happenins" we just might see God at work. We just might hear God speaking to us. We just might be the recipients of God's desire to do something in our midst. Let me share some things I observed yesterday (just one day, mind you).

  • A young man has moved to town and attended worship yesterday. He has no vehicle. He walked more than a mile to get to church. He seems to have a desire to worship with us, to pursue this thing called "Christianity", to join the church, to join a Bible study. There are a few dynamics involved. My question. How will we respond? How welcoming will we be? Is anyone willing to provide him with a ride to and from church? Hmmm...
  • A family showed up during the greeting time of one of our services. They mentioned to one of our greeters that they had no clue what to do, what was going on, where to go, etc. But yet, here they were, looking to worship with us. Yes, a few dynamics involved in this situation as well. (Where aren't there dynamics?) Again, for some reason God drew them to come and worship with us. And again, our response? What it going to be?
  • A new family in church came to me and mentioned their desire for their children to be baptized and for them as parents to join the church. Asked about how we could go about that. I'm all over that. Exciting? I should say so! SO!!
  • I received a FB message from a person who is hungry for more of God, for more of his word, for a deeper faith. Wanted to know if I could offer some assistance in some material, maybe a deeper Bible study. Some things had happened "coincidently" in the past couple of days and as a result, there is a deep desire to grow in the faith. Again, very exciting!!
  • I received another FB message also requesting for their children to be baptized. AND they asked about sharing a testimony about God's work in the midst of their family's situation. How awesome is that? Let the redeemed of the Lord say so! SO!!
  • And then (yes, all these examples are just from yesterday), a person pulled me aside who does not go to church but began to ask me the questions that most people want to ask but are afraid to do so. You know, the "God" questions. As a result, I will be meeting with this person later this week to continue that conversation. I may not have all the answers but I am willing to listen.
I say all of this because God is up to something, He is doing his thing and as Lorna said yesterday, "do you not perceive it?" Now I find myself "JUST wondering" what it is that He is inviting me, inviting you, to be a part of. I don't know about you, but I believe God is checking us out to see if we are really going to be the church, not just go to church. I've gone to church all my life. I'm more interested in being the church. Anybody with me???


Coach's Wife said...

I am in. What say YOU?

Ksannie said...

I am in PR. Keep on keepin' on!

Renee said...

I am in!
PS I love to read your blog.