Monday, January 28, 2008


Next month I will be going to North Carolina to lead a Cornerstone Celebration which is a local church ministry focused on the mighty act of God's intervention in human history. Specifically I'll be preaching on the incarnation (Christmas), the Atonement, (Good Friday) the resurrection (Easter) and the coming of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost). I also will be leading a Faith-Sharing workshop which I hope will better ground the participants in what the Christian faith means and the importance of sharing it with others.

I also will be leading the Faith Sharing workshop at our church on February 10 at 2:00 pm. This is the first time I am using this particular material so the church here in Leoti is helping me prepare for the teaching time in North Carolina. So far we have about 20 signed up here at the church. If you'd like to participate, call the church office at 620-375-4554.

But the real reason I am writing is to ask this question as it pertains to the faith:

How much difference would it make in your life if at midnight tonight you ceased to believe in Jesus Christ?

I highly encourage you to ponder that question and then I'd like to hear your comments. For those of you who will be taking the class, you have a heads up to at least one of the questions I'll be asking and addressing.


Kevin F. said...

One answer that comes quickly to me pertains to our recent loss of my mother-in-law. She was a strong Christian woman. If I ceased to believe in Jesus at midnight tonight, my view of Viola's death would be dramatically different. Instead of celebrating her transformation to eternal life, I would be grieving her loss with the thought of never seeing her again. How terrible the thought of death would be without the hope that Jesus Christ's resurrection brings us! KF

P.R.JUST said...

As Paul reminds us, "If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men" (1 Cor. 15:19).

The reality is that Jesus offers us true life both NOW and for ETERNITY. No Jesus, no life. Know Jesus, know life.

T. J. said...

That's quite the question. Man, i can't imagine my life without faith in Jesus as Christ....

morally: i'd probably give in to my carnal desires a LOT more

intellectually: i'd be in a less disciplined state

spiritually: i wouldn't care

vocationally: i'd have a job that makes more money

relationally: this is probably the one place that wouldn't change a whole lot although i might be closest to individuals who aren't christians

eschatologically: i'd probably still be interested, but in a more universalistic manner

purpose in life: to find purpose in life...i can't fathom how i wouldn't be attracted by/to Christ

Anonymous said...

I can not wrap my mind around not believing that Jesus exists. His voice and touch on my life have been as real as my husband and childrens voice and touch. I would not change the way I have lived my life believing that He exists for anything. There is no person on this earth that I harbor unforgiveness, bitterness, jealousy, or any other negative feeling against and that is because of the work that He has already accomplished in my life right here on earth! Isn't everyone in search of peace, contintment, and love right here on earth? It is available through Jesus today and for all eternity. BB

Anonymous said...

I'm back after wrapping my mind around this concept of believing that Jesus does not exist. If I do not believe that Jesus exist, then He truely does not exist with in me. But this does not change the laws of the universe that God created. Without Jesus and the Holy Spirit, whom He left with us when He assended to be with the Father, we would not have the benefits that that life brings. No true Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, or Selfcontrol. Do I really want to live this kind of life?! It would be like living the Hollywood lifestyle - all of the things that only this life can offer without any contintment. BB

Anonymous said...

This question has been very heavy on my mind the past 24 hours and the Lord has taught me quite alot, and I would like to share it with you. Building on my last thoughts. If I ceased believing that Christ existed, He truely would not exist in my life because it is only through faith that he does. I came face to face with this reality a few years ago. I ran into a friend from high school a few years ago at a sporting event. She and I had cheered together our freshman year and had really hit it off. We both got pregnant when we were 17 and both married alcaholics. By the time we were 21 she had 2 babies and I had 3. That is where the similarities stop. During the time that I held my first baby, I asked God to please forgive me and He did and His grace has been a part of my life ever since. It is not that I have not had my "Job" moments where my faith has been tested, because I most certainly have, but thankfully each time my faith has been strenghtened by these trials instead of distroyed. During the time that I turned my life to Jesus, my friend turned to alcahol and drugs. By the time I saw her a few years ago, her appearence had changed so much that I hardly recognized her. Her skin was covered with tatoos and open sores and she looked 10 to 15 years older than she was. As we talked and she shared her life with me, my heart broke for her. She had been through a couple of failed marriages, and her own children were on drugs and failing in school. As we hugged goodby and all the way home, I couldn't help but think "that could have been me if not for you Lord". I am so thankful that I do believe Jesus exists and that is why I can not immagine not believing in his existance. Today I work as a church secretary, my husband is a recovered alcaholic. My children have made mistakes, but have thankfull been repentant of their mistakes and are growing in their faith. I'm sure each of us will still face our "Job" moments, but with the grace of God our faith will continue to grow deeper and deeper.

Anonymous said...

Life without Christ? For me there would be no life at all worth living. What would be the point?