Wednesday, January 31, 2007


This Sunday I will begin a series pertaining to imperfect people like you and me and how we can enter into community with other imperfect people. The series is based upon a book by John Ortberg entitled Everybody's Normal Till you Get to Know Them. We will start in Genesis ("beginning") because it is there that we see God working through a bunch of people that most would not give the time of day - liars, murderers, cheaters, deceivers, etc. As Ortberg says, "The writer of Scripture is trying to establish a deep theological truth: everybody's wierd.

Lest you think you are exempt from wierdness, take a look in the mirror. Think about your life, your skeletons in the closet, your latest mishap this week. Aha, caught you being wierd. Wierdness seems to be the norm, doesn't it?

However, God has a plan to bring us back to normality and we all are a part of that plan. So stay tuned. If you think you are too wierd, or you think somebody else is too wierd to be a part of God's community of faith, then join us this Sunday as a bunch of wierd people try to make sense of this thing we call Christianity. (Wierd, huh?)


Anonymous said...

Speak for yourself WEIRDO!

Kevin F. said...

Wierd is actually spelled WEIRD. Weird, isn't it?!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Must not have a spill chker on this blog site!

P.R.JUST said...

AHA!!! You caught it. Weeeerd, huh?

Anonymous said...

Not only are you weird,I'm thinking you're wired, too. Toooo much coffee, PR.

Kevin F. said...

Hey PR, I hear congratulations are in order...GRANDPA???