Monday, October 10, 2011


"Now on that same day, two of them were going to a village called Emmaus..." (Lk.24:1)

Many of you know that I am involved in a ministry intended to strengthen, restore, and renew the spiritual life of the local church called Walk to Emmaus.  This "walk" is a 72 hour spiritual formation weekend which begins on a Thursday evening and concludes on the following Sunday afternoon.  It is a weekend filled with worship, talks from laity and clergy, eating, laughing, sharing, music, prayer, and did I say eating?  It is a weekend that is not intended to "fix' anyone, but to experience again, or maybe for the first time, God's amazing grace.

Yesterday concluded the Men's Walk at 1st UMC in Wichita and as always, it was an incredible weekend.  The stories of how God moved in the lives of the men who came from diverse backgrounds were incredible.  The healing, the bonding together, the restoration, the laughter was once again evidence of God's incredible love for His people.  Each closing service I always sit back and observe God's work in the life of the "pilgrims", and God's work in the life of the team who gave of their time to serve.  And each time, it goes beyond explanation how God meets people right where they are at and moves them towards a place He would have them to go.  All in the context of a loving relationship with Him.

This Thursday begins the Women's Walk at 1st UMC.  I happen to be the spiritual director for this particular walk.  Lori Richards is the Lay Director.  And 31 "pilgrims" (plus the servant team) will be making their way to Wichita to make this journey together.  Once again I am excited about the way God is going to move in the lives of these women.  It's not a matter of "if" God will move.  It is a matter of "how" He will move.  Fasten your seatbelts.

I would ask that you pray for the servant team made up of laity and clergy.  I would ask that you pray for Bri, our youth director from MUMC who is going to be on the journey.  I ask that you pray for me and for Lori as we will be leading together.  Most of all, I ask that you pray for God to once again, "do His thing" in the lives of all who "walk together". 

One thing about it, you can be sure that God's grace will be suffificent.  That's why it's called "AMAZING"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a blessing it was to serve on the men's team1 You're right, it's not a matter of IF God is going to affect the men's lives, it's HOW. Blessings to you and your team as you lead and serve on the women's Walk. Kevin F