Monday, July 11, 2011


As you can see, a great time Sunday morning.  We held our worship service in the park - "Praise in the Park".  We combined all 3 of our services into one and had a great day of praise and worship as one church body.  It was wonderful (although it did get a little toasty towards the end).  Good thing we started at 9:00.

It just so happened that there was a tank filled with water so why not have a baptism?  So baptize we did!  I had the privilege of baptizing Samuel Keith Westfall into the faith.  So awesome!  When asked why he wanted to be baptized, he said because that's what Jesus did.  And then he said he wanted people to know he loved Jesus.  So in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Sam was baptized.  He came up out of the water just a grinnin'.  Gotta love it.  Everybody clapped and cheered, just the way the family of God should respond.

Hope some of you were able to be there.  It was a marvelous day.  If not, I just wanted to share a few of the "God moments" that took place this past weekend.  Congrats Sam!!


Tracy Ray said...

Praise in the park was AWESOME! I was still singing 12hours later! ( even while working in 111 heat) And Welcome to the Family Sam! Praise god

JoAnne said...

YOU CHEATED??????????? A tank so small the dunker could fit in with the dunkee? I remember well the day you baptized my kids. Still makes me tear . A happy tear.