Monday, August 15, 2011


 A pic of a few of ML's family who ran (and walked) the 5K on Saturday.

"AND THEY'RE OFF" (in the head?)
(Yep, that's gramma Bowers walking - enjoying the scenery)
Weird how the start sign was backwards.  If I'd have known, I'd have finished the race quicker.

Well, as many of you know, ML and I have been "training" the last 9 weeks to run a 5K which was held this past Saturday.  The race was held as a fund raiser for the Mothers Of Pre- Schoolers (MOPS) at the Marion County Lake.  It was a nice morning - cooler than it has been the past few weeks.  Very thankful.  We both finished with times we were pleased with and found it to be quite enjoyable.  But if you would have told me I would ever run 3.2 miles on purpose, I would call you crazy.

Several reasons for running - 1) just to get some exercise and to do it together.  Even though it's been very hot as of late, it has been good to sweat it out, get the heart rate up, and feel better as a result of physical activity.  2) I'm gearing up to go elk hunting next month in the mountains and hope this helps me get into shape so I don't "die in the high country". 

Actually, it was rather fun to line up and run with people of all ages.  There were men, women, boys and girls.  There were those who you knew ran competitively and then there were those, well, like me who were glad to run a steady pace and cross the finsh line.  And in reality, wasn't that the point, to cross the finish line, no matter the time?

Life is like that isn't it?  And as Scripture reminds us, we are to "run with perseverance, the race marked out for us" (Hebrews 12:1).  No doubt, the race is marked out for us.  And we know that it is not a hundred yard sprint.  It's a long distance run which means we have to keep at it.  It's easy to want to give up, to put off training, to wait for a "cooler day".  But we have to keep on keepin' on.  There are many things in life that want to keep us from finishing strong - stress in relationships, vocational struggles, financial concerns, health problems, etc.  Yet, we must persevere.  And just like ML and I had to do for the 5K, there is an element of training, getting in shape, that must take place to press on.

Part of that training first begins with a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ.  And to maintain that relationship requires spiritual discipline, just like running requires physical discipline.  Worship, Bible study, prayer, small groups are just a few ways that help us train, help us keep moving towards the finish line. Plus, there is accountability in spiritual disciplines which prod us along, even when we don't feel like it.

So, I want to encourage you to keep after it.  After all, if I can make it across the finish line after running over three miles, you can make it across the finish line of life by keeping your eyes on Jesus and staying disciplined as you follow Him.  So..........Ready...Set...GO!

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