Monday, January 24, 2011


Jerry Boden strumming for Jesus!

Worship! Both expressive and reverent!!

What a great day we had as a church body at Camp Horizon this past weekend. God blessed us with His presence as we sang, prayed, studied, discussed, ate, and had fellowship together. What a blessing! It is always a joy to get together with other believers and just take some time to be in God's presence. Our time together wasn't about church business, committee meetings, structure, politics, or polity. No, it was a time to grow in our intimacy with God. In fact, that was the theme for the day.

Thank you to the 36 folks who took time out your busy schedule to come and spend some time with the Lord and with His body of believers. God truly honored that time and based upon the response, you were "renewed", "blessed", and "challenged" to grow in your faith. Many of you mentioned how you had slipped in your spending "quiet time" with the Lord and how this retreat encouraged and energized you to be disciplined in that area of your walk with the Lord. I echo that.

For those of you who were able to attend, I pray that you will continue to be intentional in your desire to draw closer to God. For those of you who were unable to attend, I pray the same for you, that you will "draw near to God, for He will draw near to you." (James 4:8)

Have a great week!!



JoAnne said...

I sure miss that crazy man with his hands in the air!!!!!!

P.R.JUST said...

CrAzY! WhO yOu CaLliN CrAzY?