Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Just wondering...

  • Do sacred cows really make gourmet hamburgers?
  • Did God create humidity or is it a result of "the fall"?
  • Did Kevin F. really run a half-marathon on purpose?
  • What does "relevant" mean when people talk about the church?
  • How do you define "worship"?
  • Is facebook a good thing?
  • If my grandkids will learn and sing the great hymns of the church?
  • If my love for good coffee is a vice or a habit?
  • If anyone can truly understand "agape" (unconditional) love?
  • If we really can be silent so we may hear the whisper of God?
  • Where our country is heading?

Just a few thoughts. Lots more running through my mind. What's on YOUR mind?


Anonymous said...

Facebook is a wonderful thing! (but, um, everything in moderation) I'm thinking your grandkids will probably learn the hymns of the church, you and ML need to have a grandkids hymn camp every other weekend to teach them though. You just wouldn't be you if you weren't doped on caffeine. This world is headed out of control. I think we can have agape love for our children, don't think I could love them any more or any less no matter what. Can't remember anything else you were ranting about, and if I back up I lose all typed info! And I bet you can't guess who the author of this post is!

Kevin F. said...

I ran a half marathon because (1) I'm old, and (2) I'm bored!

I catch myself humming an old hymn all the time. I can't imagine going through life without them popping into my head once in a while. YES, teach them to your grandkids!

Agape love can be most closely found at an Emmaus Walk (which by the way, I am an assistant table leader and giving a talk). Are you going to be there?

When you get wrapped up in thinking about how good God is, and you can't help but smile, that's worship.

Diet Coke is much better than coffee!

Word of God speak, would you pour down like rain, washing my eyes to see, your majesty. To be still and know that you're in this place. Please let me stay and rest in your Holiness. Word of God speak.

Facebook a good thing? Yes and no.

Have a good weekend my friend.

Gina said...

No, sacred cows do NOT make gourmet hamburgers. They are so sacred they never get eaten, besides even if you tried I doubt it would be good - have you ever seen a sacred cow?! :)
I like Kevin's definition of worship, agreed.
I don't think we are meant to understand agape love. If we had the ability to understand it fully then it would be like we fully understood an aspect of God. I don't think we are meant to fully understand any one aspect of God, we are meant to wonder - wonder is worship too. Now...-if you would have wondered if we are meant to EXPERIENCE agape love - For Sure! It's what we were made for...