Monday, June 15, 2009


Okay, I'm beginning to pull out my hair. The move is 2 weeks away, a garage sale just completed, we're in the thick of VBS, a wedding to officate this weekend, boxes to pack, the last "this", the last "that" etc. etc.. So needless to say, the blogging is minimal. How can you beat last week's anyway? The little princess!!
In the midst of it all the Lord is good, He sustains, He provides, He gives strength. So, knowing that, I keep on keepin on - "pressing on" as I said Sunday morning. So here's to a good couple of weeks in Jesus! (I covet your prayers.)


Anonymous said...

Take a deep breath my friend, be still and know God is God. All is well as long as we look to him for our comfort, guidence and strength. I will pray an extra prayer for you, the family and the move. Remember to let go and let God. M

Anonymous said...

and to think, you were already pulling your hair out on Monday? Wow, if only you would have known than what the week had in store for you, you probably would have just shaved it off! Praying for you as you go through all this stuff!

Anonymous said...

What a legacy you and Mary Lou leave behind in Leoti. Have you heard that still small voice saying.."Well done, my good and faithful servant?"