Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Nothing new under the sun

Isn't it interesting that the focus of the tragedy of the recent weeks pertaining to the hurricane has turned into a blame game? The local government blames the state government who blames the federal government who blames the alignment of the stars as the problem. Of course you get the religious folks who claim it's God's vengeance against an evil and sinful city. And then there are those who blame the welfare system, the penal system, the political system and on and on we go. So in the midst of the bickering and the pointing of fingers, people, no matter their color, no matter their socio-economic status, no matter their religious background, no matter their political stances - have died. And all folks want to do is say - "It wasn't my fault". Sounds familiar doesn't it.
Remember the account in Genesis when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit? God wasn't fooled. He knew they disobeyed. But Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent. Same ole same ole. Instead of acknowledging the wrong and confessing their disobedience, Adam and Eve blamed someone else and ran and hid. Do you ever wonder what would have happended should they have confessed their sin and repented instead of trying to pass the buck?
Don't you suppose everyone made some mistakes when it came to the response to Hurricane Katrina? And don't you suppose we'd all be better off acknowledging our faults rather than trying to blame someone else for them? And in that confession, don't you think that healing and restoration would take place which would sure go a long way in reaching out and meeting the needs of those who are in dire straits? The bottom line is when no one takes responsibilty, everyone suffers. People have suffered enough, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

Who are these people commenting and trying to sell things? I believe you really hit on something with this one. I've actually talked to several people who think this is really not the time to point fingers. Unfortunately, those who can help the most are the ones who would rather spend their time blaming others. Sad, so sad.

Anonymous said...

Interesting and true.....Hey how would you like to visit another really good website? Go to.....just joking. I honestly think these people commenting on your blog don't know you, they just stumbled across it. Maybe some total stranger is getting benefits from your blog!?! I really enjoy it!