Saturday, May 14, 2016

GC - Day 5 Saturday

I was able to be on the conference floor this morning for worship and for the hearing of some reports - roughly 2 hours worth.  The sermon was preached by Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar who preached from Matthew 2, the account of the wise men coming to worship Jesus.  They came to Jerusalem only to find out they missed the location of the newborn king by 9 miles.  So they got on a different road, a road they had not anticipated.  And they found Jesus on this different road, a new way, if you will.  You can see where this is going.  I'm saddened that each sermon has to have an agenda behind it as it relates to "full inclusion".  We can do better.

Heard reports from youth, and overall was pleased with what they shared.  One young man who spoke was a former Muslim and placed his faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  It was wonderful to hear how Jesus changed his life and how he has shared Christ with others.  Yet, the sexuality issue continues to be lifted up (as it should) but unfortunately is done in a way that purely speaks of God as love and we too should love.  What does that mean?  Does love mean anything goes? That never seems to get fleshed out.  Yet, a good report from the youth.

Legislative meetings the rest of the day.  In fact, I write this in my discipleship legislative meeting (I'm an observer).  We are about to conclude with the approval or disapproval of the petitions in our committee.  It's about 5:00 pacific time.  Many will go late into the evening/night.

Tomorrow we have a sabbath.  Pray we get some rest.  This is very tiring.  The real work/action begins on Monday.  Keep praying.  Have a great day in worship tomorrow.

By the way, check out the website.  Very informative regarding the "goings on" here in Portland.  Blessings!

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