Tuesday, February 28, 2012


JUST a few things running through my mind:

  • Wow, what a great worship service yesterday as we remembered and celebrated the life of Patricia Ott.  God was definitely in the house!
  • Is anyone else out there tired of wind?
  • And is anyone else out there tired of award shows?
  • Just returned from a weekend team meeting in preparation for the next Emmaus Walk in 2 weeks.  I'm on the music team this go round and my "geetar" fingers are killing me.  Oh, I'm supposed to practice?
  • "It's all about the story"  - 'nuff said.
  • Ate a huge chicken fried steak today.  PLUS cherry pie.  Life is good!
  • Is it true that KSU is scheduling all away games next year?
  • Just started the series based upon Hamilton's book 24 Hours That Changed The World.  Guaranteed, if Jesus didn't love us, there is no way He would have journeyed to the cross.
  • I'm in need of a grandkid fix - all four of them.  Yep, it's pops and mimi time!
  • I saw a picture of a gray haired guy from church today - Yikes!!!  That was me!!  Seriously??
  • Yep, ML is still the babe of my life!
  • Some big-time moves in our conference this year.  That means there is need for some big-time prayer for the congregations and the pastors as they face big-time transitions.
  • I must admit, I like the Direct TV commercials - "Get rid of cable".  
  • So glad that Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.  No shortcut to Easter!!
Have a great week folks!!

1 comment:

JJ Fullerton said...

First, I'm praying you stay here! There are so many good things happening and starting to happen that it would be a shame to mess with that now!

I am thinking that the sign picture has a missing arrow: a pointer to THE Way. Too many are going This way or That way, doing "check off the box" or "don't do anything that will cause you to stand out or change" 'Christianity'. Ultimately, This way and That way merge into the No Way.