Monday, January 23, 2012


I thought I'd give a little update as it relates to the 21 days of fasting and prayer.  I realize that Jesus reminds us not bring attention to ourselves when it comes to fasting and prayer so I want to be careful that you don't misunderstand the intent of this blog.  I just want to let you know a few things that I am learning and observing as I enter the second week of this spiritual discipline.

First of all, I am very pleased at the number of those at MUMC who are participating in the Awakening.  Many are coming daily to the chapel at noon and at six for a time of worship, a devotion, and time to pray.  It's been wonderful and God has blessed that time together.  I also am pleased about the number of people who are fasting in a variety of ways that God might more intimately reveal Himself to them and to us as we move through this season together.  There are many kinds of fasts taking place - some are fasting from certain foods, some from meat, some from soft drinks, some from TV, some from video games, some from one meal a day, some from sweets - all sorts of fasts.  It's not about losing weight or avoiding a tv show or a video game.  It's about setting aside some time and space to pray and fast - to seek God's face and for Him to reveal himself to us as well as to reveal some things about ourselves to us.  And we are beginning to see that take place.

I decided to go on a liquid fast other than a little fruit in the morning and afternoon.  The reasoning was that I wanted to be a part of something only God can do, because you can be sure I will not make it 21 days on my own strength.  Mainly because I like food.  And thus far, it has been because of God's strength, his sustaining power that I've made it 9 days. 

The first 3 days were tough - stomach growling, wanting to eat, and also realizing that I'd conditioned my body to eat in the morning, at noon, and in the evening, whether hungry or not.  It's "just what you do".  Once I got past the 3rd day I did pretty well until the 6th day.  I almost wanted to give up.  Every commercial was about food, everywhere I looked was a picture of food, I had meetings that were surrounded by meals and snacks, and my thoughts centered on my desire to eat a hamburger.  But it was in those moments that I had to really ask God to strengthen me, to sustain me, to nourish me and through those times I have found that he is faithful. And the more I focus on him in prayer and worship, the more my weakness is exchanged for his strength. 

I've also noticed that I have become more aware of my surroundings, to the things that are taking place in people's lives, to the hurts and heartaches of others.  There is a sharper sensitivity to God's prompting in my life that I might have an impact on others, not because of my strengths but because of God working through me.  And I've also seen that occurring in a few others based upon their reactions and responses to others, as well as their sensitivity to God's speaking to them in prayer.  That's awesome, if you ask me.

The point is, when we find ourselves depending upon God, we realize that we experience the "things of God" and begin to get a feel for his heart, his desire, his will for us and others.  Personally, I know I'm not where God wants me to be as of yet.  That is a journey, for sure.  But I believe I am traveling the right road and am excited where it will lead me.

Pray for me.  I'll do the same for you!


Mrs. E said...

This is quite an endeavor! We Methodists have sometimes been rather ho hum about Lenten season, while our Catholic friends always fast or give up something for Lent. This explains why-- your focus is the focus we should all be reaching for. Eye opening. Looking at the Lenten season a bit differently this year, Rick-- thanks to you!

JJ Fullerton said...

It was very good! We do need to keep time set apart to talk with God and listen. I need to listen more and am trying to do that.

About the end of the 2nd week, it was a routine. I am working on maintaining some diet changes which are less of certain things, plus less internet time.

Still, I must say that meat, frozen yogurt, meat and the ever-popular chocolate are very, VERY good!