Monday, February 21, 2011


Actually, I like Mondays. It's my day off (or at least is supposed to be). You know how that goes. If you want to drive someone crazy just say, "Wow, only ___ days til Monday!" Try it and see for yourself. Anyways, a few thoughts as I find myself "Just Wondering".

  • Did anyone watch the Grammys? Have we lost touch with reality?? As they say, "Seriously?"
  • How about the kid who won the Daytona 500, Trevor Bayne? I like him. Youngest ever to win the big one. Great with the interviews and an obvious Christian. Good for him!
  • Blessed to hang with a few of the folks from the Emmaus community in Garden City on Friday and Saturday. And always a blessing to stay with the Sheppards. Good times!
  • Hey Kolton! What happened to your voice????
  • It was good to strum the 6 string again on Sunday in Jerry's absence. It's been awhile! As much as I love to play, hurry and return to the band Jerry. Heal quickly!!
  • Ate lunch with my oldest son today. He always has some good thoughts to ponder. For example, should we really be asking for God to reveal His will for our lives, or just for Him to reveal His will? Isn't there a difference??
  • Also, if a person says "good worship service today", what exactly does that mean??
  • I really like Albert Pujols as a baseball player and as a person but is he being greedy regarding his next salary contract?
  • And what about the collective bargaining agreement in the NFL??? Am I supposed to feel sorry for the multi-millionaires??
  • How serious are Christians when they say they are willing to do whatever it takes to invite people to church or introduce others to Jesus?
  • If church was against the law, would we go?
  • Are we willing to give up our kids' childhood so they can be involved in every sport and activity imaginable?
  • Can Dick Vitale speak in a normal tone?
  • Frank Martin preaches discipline but isn't controlling one's tongue a discipline?
  • How much wood can a woodchuck chuck........?

1 comment:

JJ Fullerton said...

And when the weather is bad, we insist on getting to work, even if we are late. When the weather is bad on Sunday, worship attendance is usually down. Hmmm...

"Worship service" reminds me of the old story of a parishoner arriving _really_ late one Sunday. He asks the usher if the worship service is over. The usher correctly states that "The _worship_ is over, but the _service_ is just beginning!"