Monday, November 12, 2007


I was told this morning that if Kyle didn't know what to do when he got out of school he could always be a traveling salesman (aka Harold Hill).

Kyle and Remy
(Professor Hill and Marcellus)
Kyle and Jessica
(Professor Hill and Mrs. Paroo)

Dustin, Kyle, and Remy

(Charlie the angry salesman, Hill, and Marcellus)

What a great job by the cast of The Music Man. It was wonderful entertainment and the hard work sure paid off. Tori (the director) deserves a lot of credit, especially in light of some of the "extra stress" that was handed to her. I hope a lot of you were able to attend. It was well worth the time and the money.

Great job Kyle! We're proud of you!!!


Anonymous said...

They all did such a great job! Way to go Kyle!

Anonymous said...

wish i could of seen u kyle, cant wait 'till thanksgiving to see you all!!!-Erika Just