Friday, March 27, 2009

AND THE SEASON IS..........???

Just when we thought Spring had arrived, old man Winter decided to show his ugly face. So we found ourselves in the midst of a blizzard today with howling winds and blowing snow. I have no idea how much snow we received because it blew all over the place but it was enough to slow everyone down, in fact many businesses were closed. (ML was happy). But in the big picture, it was much needed moisture (we've been praying, remember?) And as the pictures show, it really is quite beautiful.

When I see snow I am often reminded of the verse in Psalm 51:7 that says, "...wash me, and I will be whiter than snow". You having a bad day? Think you've messed up so much you can never be forgiven? Beyond hope? Then read all of Psalm 51. If King David's sins were forgiven and he was washed whiter than snow, be assured that you too can be restored and renewed and purified. That's good news - even in the midst of a blizzard.

Some birds huddled under the bird feeder - Lunchtime!

This is good imagery. Has your life gone adrift (a drift)? Then why not step into the Lord's house and be drawn back to Him?

The road less traveled.


Anonymous said...

A great preacher would say "that will preach". It was a blustery day out there. Not as bad as other areas in the country though. You know when we pray for something (moisture) we can't question God's way of providing can we. Also great pictures.

Kevin F. said...

Psalm 51:7 "Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow."

Man, you guys must have needed some serious cleansing!! :)